
Oh, I forgot take everything that Pops and team threw in a press release as gospel. Never mind.

Anyway you slice this it was a screw up! If the company had their act together they would have covered their bases on everything including something as basic as the coating on a pill/tablet. Classic ALKS. Can't get out of it's own way. Good luck!

Anyway you slice this it was a screw up! If the company had their act together they would have covered their bases on everything including something as basic as the coating on a pill/tablet. Classic ALKS. Can't get out of it's own way. Good luck!

Finally planned and executed a clinical program correctly but still found a way to screw it all up. Almost impressive.

A culture of lies...

5461 I was told will sail through the FDA. D.H. assured me of it. AND, it didn't!
3831 I was told the manufacturing "problem" would be resolved in 2 months and we were on track for a mid first quarter launch. D.H. assured me of it. AND, it wasn't! Now we are told the earliest the FDA will rule on it is early June. Now D.H. is telling me that they will be working on the de-scheduling concurrently AND, I'm not sure I can believe that. D.H. is also telling me that our efficacy and safety should not be a problem AND, I'm pretty sure that is incorrect too!! D. H. says a lot of stuff that is wrong. I'm thinking if we don't have any more screw ups (and that's a BIG if) we won't be launching this thing until 4th quarter 2021 at the earliest and that's if it is even approved at all.

Is there anything D.H. has told us that has been correct in the last 3 years?? I can't think of anything. Feel free to let me know if I am missing anything.


I'm starting to think the manufacturing problem excuse of virtual vs. on site inspection due to COVID is a little suspect. My sister works in pharma too and her company has had onsite inspections. What's up with that? Is it me or does the excuse we are being told seem a little fishy? Hmmmmmm...

Launch meting confirmed for mid July hence a August-Q4 launch at best. Petal to the metal on A and V to drive this company for 2021. Increased & unreasonable goals just like 2020. Alkermes being the outlier for increasing goals during a world wide pandemic and pressuring the field to work in unsafe conditions. All the while talking out of both sides of their ass especially TN. No wonder moral in is the toilet.

When questioned about the Lybalvi trade name earlier this year, the explanation is the name was derived from “living a balanced live” li-bal-vee….today we are told to pronounce it “lee-bal-vee”. The previous pronunciation, they fear, will make customers think “lie”.
Obviously the name isn’t a good one. What a great marketing team !

All fired up to start selling Lybalvi after the launch meeting. Lot of time spent learning on how to have patients access the product and much emphasis on the $0 copay for the first three months.


My enthusiasm is waning already. I fear the ineptness of the home office has revealed itself. SMH on how this could happen, but of course I am just a lowly rep anD not as smart as those guys in HO.

All fired up to start selling Lybalvi after the launch meeting. Lot of time spent learning on how to have patients access the product and much emphasis on the $0 copay for the first three months.


My enthusiasm is waning already. I fear the ineptness of the home office has revealed itself. SMH on how this could happen, but of course I am just a lowly rep anD not as smart as those guys in HO.

Where are the copay cards?!?

When questioned about the Lybalvi trade name earlier this year, the explanation is the name was derived from “living a balanced live” li-bal-vee….today we are told to pronounce it “lee-bal-vee”. The previous pronunciation, they fear, will make customers think “lie”.
Obviously the name isn’t a good one. What a great marketing team !

Lee-bal-vee minora or majora? Guessing it will be a minor player