
Thanks to Lutonix and the Gore settlement Ring and Weiland just made a $1 M a piece on the move in stock price from 105 to 110. That does not include all the stock that just vested at the higher price. No matter what happens with the Lutonix, it's been a good move for the stock holders in the short term.

Thanks to Lutonix and the Gore settlement Ring and Weiland just made a $1 M a piece on the move in stock price from 105 to 110. That does not include all the stock that just vested at the higher price. No matter what happens with the Lutonix, it's been a good move for the stock holders in the short term.

And it will continue to be. This stock is a gem and will continue to climb.

Too expensive, need longer lengths, Medtronic is making their own. Stop drinking the kool aide aka JB's urine. We are hosed when we ask $2000 for a balloon with magic dust sprinkled on it. Maybe it will make reindeer fly.

please quit before the launch. Please. It would pain me to see such a negative idiot making money on a quality product. Type less and read more.... seriously, you should read about the performance of lutonix over MDT in Europe.

Medtronic has published their 12 month data and it's better than Bard's. Bard will tell you that it was not as "rigorous" a study. Who get's first to market? Bard has been telling us that they would be and that Medtronic is not in the running. 12 month Medtronic data versus 6 month from Bard, who will be first? Looks like Medtronic is in the lead.

The stock market agreed post earnings call.

Should have put more Drug on the coating. The data is not as good as Medtronic. No difference between PTA and DCB at 12 Months in the PP population and slight difference in the ITT population. It should be an interesting FDA meeting as Bard has not met the numbers on safety and efficacy.

Should have put more Drug on the coating. The data is not as good as Medtronic. No difference between PTA and DCB at 12 Months in the PP population and slight difference in the ITT population. It should be an interesting FDA meeting as Bard has not met the numbers on safety and efficacy.

You should really get your facts straight before posting

Thoughts on recent downgrade by analysts because Bard is estimated to achieve 20% in the DCB market in light of Medtronic and Covidians decision to merge?

I understand that the company is holding to it's "rigorous" study. It is a confusing study as much as rigorous. Any responses from your physicians so far or competition that you can share?

Medtronic will be right behind Bard and better positioned with more money and more people in the field. Bard does not stand a chance. Thanks for paving the way Bard. Your sales reps keep saying you are going to Launch in 30 days, too funny! This will be a huge miss in 2015!

BTW, how are stent sales? Lifestent has to be like the titantic now, overpriced and sinking. Now customers have plenty of choices and are not getting ripped off. If you need more inventory, I have some in my garage that I can send you.