Lunesta going generic - - OUCH!

I'm not sure what all the anger is all about and why people are accusing people of pot stirring, but I have taken Lunesta and Ambien (Zolpidem) and I gotta tella you; the Lunesta just worked better for me. No comparison. So, maybe they just work differently on people. All I know is I cannot afford the Lunesta. My insurance won't even okay it. The Ambien (Zolpidem) stinks. My son is a Policeman and has Shift Disorder and the Ambien (Zolpidem) doesn't work for him either. We would both LOVE to see it go Generic. That would be AMAZING! Waiting for that day. So, pot stirring aside, hope it happens soon. In the mean time someone on here needs to take a Xanax. lol

I'm in the same boat as the poster above. Plan won't pay for it. I can't afford it. It's the only one that works for me. Tried Ambien. Made me hostile and nasty. The other suggestion on my plan keeps me sleeping during the day. Lunesta does neither of those awful things. My doc, who is totally understanding of my frustration, has his staff on the lookout for Lunesta for me. I've been living on samples since January, but that's not a very reliable way to get a medication I feel I should have and my plan, which used to pay for it, should pay for.

word on street is that lunesta going generic much earlier than expected. that will really put this place in the hole, particularly since Latuda just isn't and won't be going anywhere. It's a me too drug with no better efficiacy and at best slightly slightly less side effects. DF, we need you to deliver!

Answer to why a patient would spend so much more on brand name Lunesta than generic CR, from the patient's point of view. I first tried Ambien, and although I slept okay, I started noticing problems with my memory, which got worse as time went on. I was preparing my family for Mamma's kinda slippin' here, thinking seriously it might be early Altzheimers. I was on a trip with a friend when she asked what I was doing about my sleep problem. I told her I was taking Ambien, and she said, "Oh I cian't take that scrambles my brain... BINGO! I quit the Ambien and switched to Lunesta, and viola! I was back quickly. No more memory problem than I ever had. So Ambien is cheap and scrambles my brains and Lunesta costs more and I stand a chance of remembering appts, conversations, agreements... Ambein was really scaring me. I'll bitemthe bullet and pay more until th generic arrives...

Lunesta is due to go generic mid 2014.
There are coupons out there for $15 co-pay, and its good for 12 refills. The coupons work for almost any commercial insurance, but not for medicare/medicaid.

I take Lunesta, not because it is more effective than Ambien because Ambien is actually slightly more effective than Lunesta. My problem is that Ambien causes me to get out of bed, cook, eat, clean and do other weird things all while remaining asleep... at least I have no memory of it when I wake up. As similar as Lunesta is chemically to Ambien, I do not have the amnesia or sleepwalking or eating when I take Lunesta.
It is a very costly issue for me because my insurance will not pay for Lunesta and I have to pay the entire cost. The cash price for 30 Lunesta tablets is currently $240 at most pharmacies. It has gone up over $100/per 30 in the past 18 months. I can't wait for a generic, but I suffer from chronic insomnia and have built up no tolerance for Lunesta for several years so at least there is something "safe" for me to take that is effective, although very expensive.

I take Lunesta, not because it is more effective than Ambien because Ambien is actually slightly more effective than Lunesta. My problem is that Ambien causes me to get out of bed, cook, eat, clean and do other weird things all while remaining asleep... at least I have no memory of it when I wake up. As similar as Lunesta is chemically to Ambien, I do not have the amnesia or sleepwalking or eating when I take Lunesta.
It is a very costly issue for me because my insurance will not pay for Lunesta and I have to pay the entire cost. The cash price for 30 Lunesta tablets is currently $240 at most pharmacies. It has gone up over $100/per 30 in the past 18 months. I can't wait for a generic, but I suffer from chronic insomnia and have built up no tolerance for Lunesta for several years so at least there is something "safe" for me to take that is effective, although very expensive.

More effective than Lunesta? Well stop complaining and enjoy the food fatboy!

Has anyone really seen some of the more common side effects of Ambien? I am not talking about the published ones, the Ambien stories? I know a lot of people, me being one, who can't take Ambien because it causes sleep walking and other unconscious behaviors. Scary stuff has happened to many of people on Ambien. My doctor will not prescribe it unless there is good reason that you can't take anything else. He gives it with a stern warning about what can happen.
Cheap doctors who are just trying to get you out of the office and get a check may just give Ambien because it is cheap and widely used. A good doctor would discuss all of the implications of the drug and Together you can make a better informed decision on your therapy.
I will be happy when Lunesta becomes generic because I know many who need it and can't afford it. Instead they are stuck with a nasty drug called Ambien.

If you can take it and tolerate it, great. To me it is the same as using a hammer for a sleep aide, yea it will get you asleep but you could of just caused a lot of damage getting there.

I also have tried all of the available sleep aids and lunesta has the least amount of residual side effects (ambien and its generics cause severe morning headaches). I have been taking it for five years and the comment about it being extremely expensive is true. I look foward to the generic .

This link is questionable. I would not buy a med from India that mislabels Lunesta as a hypnotic benzodiazepine-it is not! I can only imagine what this knock off contains. Unsafe recommendation!!!