LOW process??


No stopping it now... Just got LOW even through numbers are top 50. Is there a probation period after that or will I only get 90more days?? Seems like half the people in my district are in one, guess that's why they needed that contract salesforce.

You have been tagged, so start looking. If you're over 40 start making noise about age discrimination and it will buy you some time to look. HR is wary of age related cases since they've been losing many of them. (and rightfully so) Document everything and make audio recordings of your DM whenever possible. It will not stop anything but it will buy you more time to interview. HR is not on your side, so only report the most outrageous behavior by your DM. Your RD is teflon, but if you can document something good on the DM it could take him down in your wake. A while ago some reps were able to take down an RD and a couple of DMs for promoting Savella before approval in AA's area. Violations of the CIA are the best way to go. It pulls in compliance who can trump HR when they try to protect the management trolls.

I would have an honest talk with your manager. If your manager had any class she would tell you to look. The fuct up thing to do is to tell you that you're ok and make you work until the end.

LOW is one step before probation. If you got it for something like too much alcohol at a program you have no worries. Now if they are on you about your overall performance you are toast.

My best advice is if you have tenure and MD friends have the MDs call compliance on your DM and your problem will be solved.

If you deserve the treatment though, as most on this site who complain do, you don't have the resources to pull that off, and thus need to leave the job.

Got it for low numbers, but have subsequently brought everything up to top 25%. Go figure. Of course I know it's too late to stop the train. The field eval's have gone down the drain and harassment has started. I just want to know how much time u think I have??
Already had loc, just got 90 for low and then is it 90for probation? If that's the case I'll just ride this out. I can hopefully find something in that time.
In the meantime I document everything and try to at least take my dip dm down with me.

Got it for low numbers, but have subsequently brought everything up to top 25%. Go figure. Of course I know it's too late to stop the train. The field eval's have gone down the drain and harassment has started. I just want to know how much time u think I have??
Already had loc, just got 90 for low and then is it 90for probation? If that's the case I'll just ride this out. I can hopefully find something in that time.
In the meantime I document everything and try to at least take my dip dm down with me.

take the jerk DM down with you!

No stopping it now... Just got LOW even through numbers are top 50. Is there a probation period after that or will I only get 90more days?? Seems like half the people in my district are in one, guess that's why they needed that contract salesforce.

It is the same in my area. Almost everyone has been placed on LOW, or at least given LOC. Lame!! I have heard of people being taken off LOW after the 90 days, so it is possible. However, I feel that those people will forever be "marked" so even if you are able to get off LOC your career at Forest is still pretty much over. Best bet now is to get your resume out, network, and try to get out before they finish sucking every ounce of happiness out of your life. Good luck.

You have been tagged, so start looking. If you're over 40 start making noise about age discrimination and it will buy you some time to look. HR is wary of age related cases since they've been losing many of them. (and rightfully so) Document everything and make audio recordings of your DM whenever possible. It will not stop anything but it will buy you more time to interview. HR is not on your side, so only report the most outrageous behavior by your DM. Your RD is teflon, but if you can document something good on the DM it could take him down in your wake. A while ago some reps were able to take down an RD and a couple of DMs for promoting Savella before approval in AA's area. Violations of the CIA are the best way to go. It pulls in compliance who can trump HR when they try to protect the management trolls.

Yes, we took down Tommy Joyner because he is an incompetent asshole. It meant nothing because now he is in my face more often as a fucking DM! And Amy Adams is just as bad at deceiving and lying to the field force. I have had it....wtf is wrong with these people? How can you live with yourselves? Despite the Forest culture BS, did you never learn anything about ethics, morals, or empathy...nothing? Bad shit is gonna happen one day; karma is cruel.

Got it for low numbers, but have subsequently brought everything up to top 25%. Go figure. Of course I know it's too late to stop the train. The field eval's have gone down the drain and harassment has started. I just want to know how much time u think I have??
Already had loc, just got 90 for low and then is it 90for probation? If that's the case I'll just ride this out. I can hopefully find something in that time.
In the meantime I document everything and try to at least take my dip dm down with me.
You will have 90 days for the LOW and then the LOP is another 90 days. You ARE targeted. I really hate to tell you that, but it happened to me and several others. FIND ANOTHER JOB FAST. (that is what they want you to do) just make sure to wait, at most, two weeks before the end of the quarter so you can get your bonus check, and if you are close to renewal on your vacation wait for it a well (you will get paid for all of it) It doesn't matter what you do numbers or effort wise, they will grade you low and make things up. It takes a long time for them to go through the process and they will not stop it once it starts. I guess it is better than them just saying... your fired. Good Luck...you will be much happier in the end. God has a plan for us all and sometimes we don't understand it!

FIGHT it, get your side on file with HR, you have nothing to lose. Look up laws in your state for wrongful termination and holding all employees to the same standard. Go with your gut. If you don't deserve this, prepare for battle and fight the BS.

Unless the LOC is for an expense or procedure issue, the formal warning is soon to follow. If you have been targeted by your DM and/or RD it's going to happen. There are other threads on here about the process. If your numbers go up, they will say it is your partners and not you. Our reviews are subjective and if yours is under a 3.0 you are being targeted. It's your call, but I am going to dispute and fight til the end if necessary. Been over a year since formal warning, still here.

Research everything you can about the employment laws in your state and at will employment. Search every possibility that can protect you from termination and put yourself in a position that their is evidence to support that if you were to be terminated you could likely have grounds to sue for wrongful termination. Once you are gone, nothing you say matters. What do you want there to be in your HR file besides everything your manager is putting in there? There is no magic solution, you have to do what you think is right for you.

Ya'll do know its "at will" employment with Forest, right? Meaning they can fire you for any reason, at any time, or for NO REASON AT ALL. Other than discrimination or retaliation, you have virtually no shot at a wrongful termination case...and even if you do win it'd be years later. That class action overtime lawsuit was started by a woman in my old region (i no longer work for the company), only after she realized she couldn't prove discrimination. She wanted to sue for SOMETHING. Good luck with your "get everything on record" bullshit, but seeing as its at will employment, you really don't have a leg to stand on. They're just being nice when they move you through the termination process slowly!