Low Pay?

this is completely inaccurate. The appropriate reps are getting credit for Rx growth. Educate yourselves before you spout off nonsense.

I guess if you live in San Antonio ( or have them in your district/region) you can say that; otherwise I would love to hear how you justify that claim. Or maybe you just need a new SP to move into your area and funnel your Rx’s away for someone else to get credit for them. Lets see what you think then. SA - NO ONE is good enough to win that many P Clubs in a row without a major reporting advantage… Its ok - we all know it, we also know its not your fault they credit the SP the way they do. (We all see the NR reports ya know…)

I guess if you live in San Antonio ( or have them in your district/region) you can say that; otherwise I would love to hear how you justify that claim. Or maybe you just need a new SP to move into your area and funnel your Rx’s away for someone else to get credit for them. Lets see what you think then. SA - NO ONE is good enough to win that many P Clubs in a row without a major reporting advantage… Its ok - we all know it, we also know its not your fault they credit the SP the way they do. (We all see the NR reports ya know…)

Even TB admitted years ago that his team was getting credit for Xifaxan prescriptions from other areas because of TDDC.

I guess if you live in San Antonio ( or have them in your district/region) you can say that; otherwise I would love to hear how you justify that claim. Or maybe you just need a new SP to move into your area and funnel your Rx’s away for someone else to get credit for them. Lets see what you think then. SA - NO ONE is good enough to win that many P Clubs in a row without a major reporting advantage… Its ok - we all know it, we also know its not your fault they credit the SP the way they do. (We all see the NR reports ya know…)

cry me a river you fat f__king baby. You couldn’t even win pclub with your low ass goal. Now you come on here to bitch and moan hoping someone will agree with you so you’ll feel better about your miserable life.

No- what they are saying is TRUE! The facts are in the data. Inflated numbers to reps and managers who are not rightfully obtaining ‘just their data’. Foolish for reps and manager to be cocky. One day the last laugh will be on them.

No- what they are saying is TRUE! The facts are in the data. Inflated numbers to reps and managers who are not rightfully obtaining ‘just their data’. Foolish for reps and manager to be cocky. One day the last laugh will be on them.

Sorry I can’t hear you. I’m having service issues out here in Cabo. Could you repeat that?

cry me a river you fat f__king baby. You couldn’t even win pclub with your low ass goal. Now you come on here to bitch and moan hoping someone will agree with you so you’ll feel better about your miserable life.

My volume would be similar to yours if I was receiving credit for Rx’s coming in from all across the country like you are. Even you cant do enough to screw that up.

And RUN if you are applying to the Upstate New York position. Not only is the pay low but the manager is at the absolute worst in the industry

This company is a joke run by rank amateurs who should be selling used cars. Look around at the next meeting. Who are our leaders? Do they impress you as polished, intelligent or professional? Or are they busted down hacks who couldn’t get hired anywhere else. Look for greener pastures my friends.

This company is a joke run by rank amateurs who should be selling used cars. Look around at the next meeting. Who are our leaders? Do they impress you as polished, intelligent or professional? Or are they busted down hacks who couldn’t get hired anywhere else. Look for greener pastures my friends.

What? You mean you don’t think JC stomping around on stage, whipping out his rehearsed quips and sweating profusely in a suit he can’t button, isn’t polished and professional? He is the face of our company and the epitome of executive class and sophistication.