Are you so stupid that you don't know the difference bewteen "are" and "our"? Look at the the way the post was worded. You all deserve the leadership Lou will deliver since this illiterate post was accepted.

You have to wonder.....how much milk is left in the cow.
Cow should have gone to slaughter a long time ago.
Product with limited appeal, wrong price, wrong clinical/safety profile, and other treatment options that sometimes can be made to work at a lower cost.......burn baby burn ...burn the money!

All need to call SEC as whistle blowers since Lou/Steve S desire to sell off label

No one cares about whistle blowing unless the company sells enough drug to matter. Savient is totally safe in that department since K will never amount to squat.

Loser drug, loser leadership...it's a marriage made in bankruptcy court.

Too true, too true. Money is tight and we are cutting corners, not paying the bills, doing layoffs to save pennies so management can have their bonuses. Merry Christmas and happy thanksgiving.