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Lots of hate on here for Novartis HR...


Not really HR at the OU level are out of control, they are doing and supporting all types of harassment, retaliation, discrimination etc. to serve the profitability center that the mother ship created. If corporate doesn't start minding the store another lawsuit will surely happen. DL in the NW OU is an incompetant fool, not to be trusted.

There's nothing wrong with HR per se. There is something wrong with field people thinking HR is a resource for them. Other than for benefits questions, they are there to protect the company, not you as an individual. If you remember this, you won't have an issue with them.

The record stands for itself.

The velez case and the overtime case. The department of labor gave you a year to classify reps differently when the law changed.

Your mistakes have cost this company 800 million dollars. You are what you are, in the end your dept sucks at it's job. If a rep had this level of performance you would have pip,d them out.

Rotten, the whole bunch!

They think they are hero's if they get people fired &/or to quit because they run back & say hey (like for instance) Kaplan look I saved your porn mustache a salary for your OU.

They are as deluded as DM's thinking they are real managment & accomplish something with ride alongs .

The function is a joke. They are run by an incompetent boob who should go back to Europe since he knows nothing about the HR in the US. He surrounds himself with idiots who don't know a damn thing about being business partners and are solely looking out to protect themselves and their turf. Not one of the them could get a job outside of Novartis because they're so incompetent. All of the goods one have gone. . .another lawsuit is certainly in the cards. They screw up everything!

Ok, I know I am going to get eaten alive on here for saying this, but I will ask everyone to be respectful of my opinion. I have had such good experiences with HR thus far, even though I was displaced and then placed again. The South OU HR team was responsive, and incredibly supportive the entire time. And I am a 37 year old WHITE male! John Ross seems to run a very tight shop, and he still makes time for spending time 1 on 1 with people talking about their development. And, Barb Brown, who supports my region is so easy to talk to and helpful. I know their role is to keep management out of trouble, but I think they do care about some of us at least. Don't get me wrong. Some of our HR people are just awful, but some are decent too.

HR in Novartis has one objective....to bareback everyone's hole without any lube, oil, nor vaseline....not even soap !!!

I will rather lawyer-up, before I talk to HR - it seems that's the only way they back-off

HR in Novartis SUCKS big time!!! Never seen such a bunch of incompetents.

I have never seen such a large company with some may rules, processes and procedures around people, ratings, progressions and still we have more law suits and HR violations than anybody! HR is at the heart of a lot of them as well...they don't practice what they preach!

Of course you all realize that HR does read these posts. Not that it means anything provided you are smart enough not to use a company computer… you’d be surprised what some idiots do. And your computer is company property; you have no right or expectation of privacy when you use it, and yes they do review the content of your email, and your hard drive.

And now to my main point, the problem with HR is that they are in a no-win situation, (and yes there are sycophants among them whose primary talent is telling management that what they are doing is frigging brilliant. ) Your HR rep is ultimately dependent upon line management for their success… feedback from the line management determines who gets raises, promotions etc. Furthermore, if the line wants to screw over the reps, there is almost nothing HR can do without support from the very top.

The second part is that there are reps that are idiots, and dumb enough to get caught. Stealing, lying, falsifying reports, sexual harassment, claiming to have visited docs when they never did, it goes on and on. If you spend most of your day sorting out this crap out, you do begin to get a little cynical about the next rep who calls and whines about their boss picking on them.

I was in HR and I got out, and got out of Novartis. I have no regrets in leaving the field or the company. Just wish I’d seen the light of day sooner.

And now back to foreclosing another mortgage.

HR has to be beefed up due to the valdez lawsuit. Novartis was ruled to increase HR staff and to do better at sexual harassment training & reporting, etc. So wished this would have happened sooner. I was harassed and the feeling is horrible!!!! Just waiting on my valdez payout....however, would trade the money any day for the harassment to not have ever happened!


There's nothing wrong with HR per se. There is something wrong with field people thinking HR is a resource for them. Other than for benefits questions, they are there to protect the company, not you as an individual. If you remember this, you won't have an issue with them.

Yes! This is so true. I have asked where one policy is found... that I am being held to, but never heard about... and my local HR person and the 3 corporate HR people I have talked with can't find it. But that doesn't matter. I still have to follow the policy because "that's the policy" - even if it is only a verbal one. If I wasn't so worn out with dealing with the company already, I would be talking to a lawyer.

How is the company this ignorant?

There's nothing wrong with HR per se. There is something wrong with field people thinking HR is a resource for them. Other than for benefits questions, they are there to protect the company, not you as an individual. If you remember this, you won't have an issue with them.

Sounds like someone has been drinking their kool-aid. If you have been paying attention to the recent lawsuits filed and won by the good people, they have done a real shi*y job taking care of the company. And I'm glad these incompetent people are there:)

HR is there for only 1 reason - to protect Novartis and its management. You'd be better off contacting an attorney or E&C before talking to HR,The whole department should be fired and start over. They don't even know federal laws for labor disputes; get all of them out of there.

Have you asked yourself why are there so many new HR Directors? To clean the house!, they don't know you, don't have any sentimental attachments with anyone. Their only purpose is to give the number of individuals to be displaced. Beware on them!

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