Losing your best years to Corporate America.

Car sales is awesome, great way to make a serious buck, get a loaner car, and not be schlepping in food for the cows every day. I love the freedom to do what is necessary to close the sale, and not worry about compliance and all the Mickey Mouse rules in pharma. The next few months are hay makers, dealer needs to move iron and we get paid. Best move ever!

Car sales is awesome, great way to make a serious buck, get a loaner car, and not be schlepping in food for the cows every day. I love the freedom to do what is necessary to close the sale, and not worry about compliance and all the Mickey Mouse rules in pharma. The next few months are hay makers, dealer needs to move iron and we get paid. Best move ever!

Car sales work in modern air conditioning dealerships. Government wants everyone to get a new low emission new car. Customers call you when current lease expires. Customers are loyal to their favorite car brand. Pharmaceuticals is bringing breakfast, lunch and snack to office staff door to door. Pharmaceutical representatives do cold calling and get doors slammed in their face by very unhappy doctors. Pharmaceutical representatives try to find a few kind souls to put on a show during field visits to managers and important home office dignitaries. Representatives get their 3% raises then they are fired with no stock options. I think it is very unethical for pharmaceutical companies to try to find naive recent undergrades to waist their time in this industry. Very selfish. Then they charge 5X the price for branded drugs in the United States over Canada, Japan, Germany, and UK.

I'm 62, and on my way out of 20 years in this....world. My only regret is that I didn't start saving sooner, so my advice to anyone in their 20's/30's/40's: max out the 401K, open up your own brokerage account and invest in mutual funds, and stop with all the stupid designer stuff/big houses/fancy dinners/expensive spa trips.
Once I got serious about saving/investing, it was on, and I've finally tracked a decent retirement. Would I have liked this to have happened sooner? Yes, but I "had" to have that LV bag, go on expensive wine trips, keep up with everyone.

Over time, these corporations truly suck your soul. Yeah, you have some great years, make some friends, have some fun sales meetings, but in the end, what did you really do for anyone?
Oh, and the stupid President's Club trips: These days, I purposely stay just below the 10% so I never have to go on one again. You name it, I've been there, walking up to get some stupid plastic heavy award in Maui, Costa Rica, Paris. Whatever. In the end, the trips I really enjoyed were with friends, family. Not the stupid rah-rah "look how great we all are" President's Club trips. Work your ass off for 11 months to sit in a swimsuit with your fat co-workers on some bland beach.

I sound jaded, and I guess because I know my end date is near, so it's kind of cathartic to write it all out. In front of my customers, I'm the happy rep they've always known, but because I see through so much corporate B.S., and I know how truly unscrupulous and unethical so much of this stuff is, I'm happy that I'll be on the other side.

I have a group of coworker friends in my same age range, and we talk about this a lot:

We were lucky to get in when we did, and we'll be lucky to get out soon.