LOS Hospital Training Module

The discounted dollar price of the DOD contracts means the impact upon your sales volume in your territory doesn't equal the time spent.

Unless you are some type of military only rep,there is no financial motivation.

If you know otherwise, I would love to hear an accurate reason why this isn't correct.

Too bad we are not paid on dollar volume, or your theory would have been correct. We get paid for pradaxa on script volume, so as long as it hits retail, you get paid on it.

I just flunked. Did you know or care that the largest group of hospitals in the U.S. is nonprofit community hosptials? Me either. Well I guess that will move some business.

Any drug rep should know that there are far more non-prof community hospitals than any other type of institutions (Academic, DoD, etc...) in the mighty U.S.

You're as sharp as a ball of "Play-Doh"

Please state the name of the dimwitted DM who put you in the position to be an Inspec rep.

Any drug rep should know that there are far more non-prof community hospitals than any other type of institutions (Academic, DoD, etc...) in the mighty U.S.

You're as sharp as a ball of "Play-Doh"

Please state the name of the dimwitted DM who put you in the position to be an Inspec rep.

Now that is astute. If that guy was "Play-Doh" then you are easily dummer than a rock. Could you not figure out his sarcasm? With your communication skills and insight, you either deserve a promotion to the training department, or to the compliance department.