Looks like they are trying to Anita Hill Herman Cain

This is why you don't belong on the poli board. You are too ignorant to participate. Apparently you are unaware that Bubba has many more sexual skeletons in his closet than just Monica and the infamous BJ.

Let me spell it out for all of you libs yet again:

Based upon your and your liberal buds' standards of evidence: Barry is a fairy. Clinton is a rapist and JFK is a whoremonger.

Herman's OK and that's even if he is indeed guilty of anything legitimate. Again, another Republican "sex scandal" where no sex took place.

You could do stand up :cool:

Again with the MSNBC horseshit? Why not the National Inquirer?

This . . . From the punchline poster who runs out Michelle Malkin as a source and expects other to take her BS seriously.

It has gotten alomst to easy to crack you down time and time again.

You have had perhaps the worst week of any RP in the history on CP.

Now, run along and keep pretending that your boy Cain isn't circling the drain.