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Looks like the OCEAN has dried up

Should we expect a lot of chatter on this subject from the people hoping and praying for another layoff as soon as possible?

I'm betting this subject drops off the first page fairly quickly.

I would say good because the CSO's are gone and the diabetes team is losing Crestor and training on bydureon. So everyone won't be running into each other any longer. Crestor only will be picking up new products in 2013.

I would say good because the CSO's are gone and the diabetes team is losing Crestor and training on bydureon. So everyone won't be running into each other any longer. Crestor only will be picking up new products in 2013.

So your happy about people losing their jobs? You are a complete idiot. It's people like you who give this industry a horrible name. I am on the Ocean team. You must be one of those clueless worthless AZ sample dropper reps thats in my territory. Way to go tool!

Here is something we were told by our Publicis Regional. AZ was so pissed at you full time Astra reps. The contract force moved the market with the shitty targets they had, while you could not move anything with high decile MD's. AZ will continue with the contract force force for primary care products while selectively give a specialty product to their own reps.

One of the above posts said they will sell all the new products coming down the pipeline. Yeah, like Crestor CR, XR, SR. I forgot--Nexium SR!!! Dr's would tell me that Onglyza is a shit drug.

Wait until you find out what you just bought. --Bydureon---stays in system for a week. Side effect profile is terrible and it causes pancreatitis. Wait until DR's have a few of those patients and their lawyers calling their office. Remember--your CEO said more reductions in 2013 and 2014.

So your happy about people losing their jobs? You are a complete idiot. It's people like you who give this industry a horrible name. I am on the Ocean team. You must be one of those clueless worthless AZ sample dropper reps thats in my territory. Way to go tool!

Sorry you don't have work .....but 5-6 people calling on the same doctor with same product is stupid.

I am glad you have integrity but my OCEAN person was the worst call faker, I have ever seen.

Seeing every doctor every month even when the doctor was out of the country. Seeing physcians that are 100% anti pharma. Not even caring that she was a liar... was ok with pure fabrication.... The offices loved her though.

We are all faking calls just to keep this house of cards from toppling. It is a joke. Ocean reps did move the Crestor market while the AZ reps could not. The reason stated was complaints from doctors and from the CVAS team that they could not even get access because of all the Crestor reps in cardiology offices. Now AZ in its infinite wisdom is going to route the PCP sales force into the cardiology offices. What a joke! This company makes the worst decisions possible and has terrible deployment strategies. Not that AZ is any different from any other big pharma. They all have their heads in the sand to protect their top heavy management into believing we (in the field) have great access, great products and everyone cannot wait to see us come through the door. Just yesterday a doctor told me she is considering closing her doors entirely to anything except samples only because their are still too many reps with the same old products and nothing new to her better manage her patients. Her chief complaint was way, way too many Crestor reps and an industry that has totally gone to shit. She thinks most big pharma will simply die off in the next five years because of shitty management and nothing of use to actually sell.

Calm down everyone. It is nothing personal toward the ocean reps, just way too many crestor reps. It was a horrible idea, esp. For the cost containment areas. Mgmt will justify it of course, because all of HQ management is part of The Mutual Admiration Society. No one will play devils advocate or raise their hand to say an idea sucks. May have made some sense in traditional markets, no one where else. Docs laughed routinely at the stupidity of of the AZ decision making machine.

We are all faking calls just to keep this house of cards from toppling. It is a joke. Ocean reps did move the Crestor market while the AZ reps could not. The reason stated was complaints from doctors and from the CVAS team that they could not even get access because of all the Crestor reps in cardiology offices. Now AZ in its infinite wisdom is going to route the PCP sales force into the cardiology offices. What a joke! This company makes the worst decisions possible and has terrible deployment strategies. Not that AZ is any different from any other big pharma. They all have their heads in the sand to protect their top heavy management into believing we (in the field) have great access, great products and everyone cannot wait to see us come through the door. Just yesterday a doctor told me she is considering closing her doors entirely to anything except samples only because their are still too many reps with the same old products and nothing new to her better manage her patients. Her chief complaint was way, way too many Crestor reps and an industry that has totally gone to shit. She thinks most big pharma will simply die off in the next five years because of shitty management and nothing of use to actually sell.

Don't panic, I'm sure you will be able to find another temp position. and now there won't be way, way too many Crestor reps.

Also, I heard last day in field was Aug 31st?

When will they get rid of the sample droppers who take up the docs time for a smile and a signature, only to find out they can only get 2 sleeves of product? All it does is piss off the docs when they can't even get a decent supply after going through all this. They need to go next.

This was done in order to focus all attention to a dedicated sales force for Vimovo. Yes that is right, A specialty sales force for Vimovo only. This will be the golden sales team that will take AZ to future glory. So, be prepared for other teams to get smaller as we on the Vimova squad take over.