It's funny because you still aren't grasping the point. Let's see if we "elevate" the conversation to a "highly sophisticated arena" that maybe the communication will be comprehended by your "challenenged" self.
1. We don't control how many reps are in our territory. In fact if you are smart rep who understand the business, you know how ridiculous it is to have so many reps in one area (1st argument crushed)
2. Lunches, ya we do them. We do them because if you are smart you figure out how to get time when a physician isn't busy, unlike your hospital setting. "Dr, I know your paitent just had a stroke, are under pressure by the board due to re-admin rates, and are running an hour behind with your patients, but please let me take some time to tell you why teflaro and daliresp will change your life. Here look at my Mva and please order this today so I can get a script to show my boss".
3. Higher level of learning? Are you kidding? Again, there are stupid reps out here that are better at giving blowies then selling but for those rare few who have a balanced approach of professionalism, business aptitude, and PK (that is product knowledge, it's ok stay with me). We have to bounce between 4 products, 4 diseases states, and close for prescriptions there in about 15-20 seconds. I know that you probably complete other tasks in the privacy of your home in that amount of time but we do it with a purpose out here.
4. This actually is difficult because you need to learn how to vibe with a staff that might be anti-Semitic, a doc that hates you cause you are Indian, and a Mc lady who is a closet cross-dresser. All in which we have to learn how to generate results and scripts. You guys celebrate 1 script while we celebrate 30! We are under more pressure from DMs (yes they do suck more out here then they do in there) and are looking to fire you rather then help you.
So in other words.
"Knock knock"
-"who's there?"
"Go F-yourself".
Impressive use of verbiage; thought provoking and deep. You hosp reps may hate us, but if we weren't here doing the heavy lifting you are out of a job and refilling caffeine free cokes at IHOP for Blanche and her 3 friends from Shady Acres.