Thank you for the negative comments about me. If you could read my last statement on the post that you quoted you would realize that I do work here. I'm an HSS just like you. However, I see things for what they are and that's how I see it here at Mallinckrodt. You can think to yourself about how great everyone here is and how everyone is going to get that great opportunity but it will never happen. Yes, there really are some great reps here that will do great things but for the Majority of the reps, they are self centered, entitled, douche bags that have never done anything in their careers except survive. You can hate me for saying it but it's not going to change the fact. Facts are facts.
And those are not facts. They are opinions from a disgruntled fool with a big chip on their shoulder. Do us all a favor a quit. At the very least, stop posting these messages as you sound like a broken record and no one wants to hear the same dribble you keep posting.