Look at your package carefully....

This is such an unethical and devious way to deal with exiting employees. In fact this is stealing from people who are leaving the company... So much for the NN Way and treating people with respect!!!
What an awful company, I am actually sad to be still here... But I need a job...
You can be sure that this approach was dreamed-up and approved by HQ as they are all about saving money. So where is Monique Carter (head of P&O) in all of this? I saw her present in 2019 and she strikes me as another awful person...
And did you know that almost $50 million was spend on TV ads in December 2020 alone by Novo Nordisk??? This information is in the public domain! While they steal from you...

First off...The OP is mad and has a right to be but....She needs to realize...as unethical and crappy this company has become and she feels he was treated....Even by Pharmaceutical standards we ( the discarded ) have been treated unbelievably well. Ask around...Do you know anybody in the hotel, service, travel or entertainment business? Most people were working on March 11th and out of work with zero benefits and pay by March 12th. They have been scrapping by on unemployment and government crumbs since. Most have pulled kids out of schools, lost homes and cars or are about to. We may be in the same boat as this new regime takes over and destroys prosperity in this country for at least a decade but at least we were compensated for months and had a chance to find something. Try to be grateful for what we got and I wish everyone well as we face the future with Pharma as our main career highlight on our resumes...

I am the spouse of a recently severed Novo Nordisk employee. I won't even get started on the process and lack of logic behind the decision or how the paperwork only arrived today, many days after the final day of employment. If the axing of employees would have been based on performance, KPIs, and deep relationships in the field, or access to no-access, high-volume targets, my spouse would still be employed. It was not.

I could go on forever about the above, but if you are in the same boat as my spouse, you know exactly how we feel. And it comes as no surprise the awkward smiling Cheshire Cat HR Executive was forced to walk the plank for Novo, a token Executive sacrifice for a botched and inhumane restructuring. Maybe Novo will have Sting sing her a song or two as she rides her golden parachute to even greater fields of gold. Think about the absurdity. She gets to add a mammoth restructuring to her resume, and someone will hire her for it. Sickening.

Sorry, I got side-tracked. The package. Yes, it arrived today, and I was stopped on page 1 with questions. Just so many questions, questioning all over the place. Remember that vacation time you weren't allowed to take, so you ended up with three weeks unused, maybe more, maybe less. You must have some. Remember how they told you to take it in November and December, when they had already forced you out of the field? Well? Yeah, it's gone. All of it. You won't see a penny due to the slinky maneuvering of the plank walker mentioned in paragraph two of this post. I was fascinated by paragraph 3, line five, of page 1 of the package. It clearly states you are signing to attest you received and have been paid "unused accrued paid time off." What they have done is so monumentally rotten here. Take a breath, a few maybe, then call HR to ask them to explain to why they are asking you to effectively lie by signing this statement. You didn't use your vacation because first, you were told not to take it during the shutdown, then you were told to take it in November and December when you were kept out of the field. It doesn't make sense, that is, until you give them a call.

Okay, you might not want to call, but you should. Every single one of you should call. Clog the phone lines, fill their email. It's spectacularly vicious how they have screwed you out of your careers, and now, to pour salt in the wound (as the plank walker licks her paws), they weaseled you out of unused vacation time. You see, you were employed through January 4, 2021 and you can only role over so many days (but those five days aren't even added to my spouses severance dollar amount). And, what other changes have been made? Well, now, there is no minimum or maximum cap on PTO. January 4th is in 2021, you effectively have no 'actual' accrued vacation time, so you receive nothing. You do not even reveive what you did not use last year. Don't believe it? Check your paystub from January 8, 2021. Look at PTO carefully. It is "uncapped."

Brilliant, no?

Best of luck to all of you in 2021. If Novo offers to hire you back, personally, I'd run the other way. If it wasn't for diabetics, they wouldn't be in business. If you know Type 1 diabetics, talk to them about Lilly. For type 2, especially early stage, a whole foods diet is much less expensive than a GLP-1.

P.S.: In full disclosure, my spouse did not ask me to write this, but I felt I had not choice.

So wait, are you telling us your spouse was told 2+ months ago that she or he was being displaced, but still continued working every day through November and December without taking any time off? Possible, but hard to believe.

can you read? Wait a minute you are still with Novo, probably not. Hey numbnut the OP isn’t ASKING for any advice. Some of us displaced folks appreciate the attention to detail. Hope you have the IQ to get through it when it happens to you.

You’re having some trouble following, so I’ll spell it our for you. She’s OFFERING advice, and only morons come on here to SEEK advice. So, if you read her post and use that as a step to take action, then YOU are the moron for following legal advice you read on CP. Are you following yet, chump? I didn’t think I had to spell out that YOU were the idiot, but being you’re an idiot, I guess I do.

First off...The OP is mad and has a right to be but....She needs to realize...as unethical and crappy this company has become and she feels he was treated....Even by Pharmaceutical standards we ( the discarded ) have been treated unbelievably well. Ask around...Do you know anybody in the hotel, service, travel or entertainment business? Most people were working on March 11th and out of work with zero benefits and pay by March 12th. They have been scrapping by on unemployment and government crumbs since. Most have pulled kids out of schools, lost homes and cars or are about to. We may be in the same boat as this new regime takes over and destroys prosperity in this country for at least a decade but at least we were compensated for months and had a chance to find something. Try to be grateful for what we got and I wish everyone well as we face the future with Pharma as our main career highlight on our resumes...

Umm, Who’s the Regime in charge now? These “Patriots” have Fucked prosperity up for decades. Never forget who is in charge now directing these Terrorists to the Capitol while 6 Figure people are in Food lines. But hey, Personal Responsibility.

So wait, are you telling us your spouse was told 2+ months ago that she or he was being displaced, but still continued working every day through November and December without taking any time off? Possible, but hard to believe.
It’s amazing to see the community on here. You farma phuck, when all reps are virtual and you are one of the displaced. Hopefully you can believe your unemployment status then

It’s amazing to see the community on here. You farma phuck, when all reps are virtual and you are one of the displaced. Hopefully you can believe your unemployment status then

You act like no one, except you, has ever been displaced. Believe it or not, Einstein, but this retraction has been going on for years and has affected tens of thousands of us. I do expect to be out of a job someday in Pharma, which is why I’ve spent years preparing for it...none of which included seeking Legal advice on CP.

Umm, Who’s the Regime in charge now? These “Patriots” have Fucked prosperity up for decades. Never forget who is in charge now directing these Terrorists to the Capitol while 6 Figure people are in Food lines. But hey, Personal Responsibility.

Wait a second...I thought Obama was responsible for the previously booming economy and low unemployment. Did he decide to stop taking credit for the current situation? I’m so confused on what he takes credit for and what he doesn’t take credit for....

Wait a second...I thought Obama was responsible for the previously booming economy and low unemployment. Did he decide to stop taking credit for the current situation? I’m so confused on what he takes credit for and what he doesn’t take credit for....

Limbaugh...is this you? Shouldn’t you be preparing for Hell?

You can carry over a total of 5 days. It was not included in the severance amount. It was paid out separately on our last pay day. 2 separate deposits. One for an 80 hour week and one for a 40 hour week. Displaced employee here speaking from first-had experience. Have your spouse check their account. It was not included in severance amount. As much as I despise novo...DESPISE...I did get my vacation pay.

You can carry over a total of 5 days. It was not included in the severance amount. It was paid out separately on our last pay day. 2 separate deposits. One for an 80 hour week and one for a 40 hour week. Displaced employee here speaking from first-had experience. Have your spouse check their account. It was not included in severance amount. As much as I despise novo...DESPISE...I did get my vacation pay.