Asked? He's Phil G's ball cleaner from a previous company. More than likely protected.
Up yours sycophant. Are you safe ?
I thought it was D&R ? I am impressed with your inside track. 90% of D&R Mgt are clueless leaders and 75% of D&R is a maze of cubicle occupying dusty desk jockeys. Only interested in creating pointless work to look busy.
Grobe's alleged success is a signal that yet again current D&R mgt have scared a new owner into believing they are indispensable. If Grobe is staying, it is easy to assume his buddies will also stay. This is the chronic B+L problem. Poor mid mgt who survive all ownership changes and slowly B+L dies. Lets see how these leaders carve out new ways to inflict themselves into all areas after the buy out.
By the way I have not cleared my desk. See ya Thursday next week.
And the asshole of the week award goes to YOU! First off, I am the farthest from a sycophant that you can find. I do, however, respect and appreciate people who operate with humanity in mind. There is nothing wrong with respecting a man, who spent countless hours away from his family, fighting for my family and my job.
While on the topic of Grobe... a bit disgruntled are we? Maybe there is a reason for that... Given that he keeps people who are of high moral code, honor, and are hardworking; I can only assume that you are none of these three. Sounds to me as thought you two had a falling out, and it would seem given your previous response it was probably your fault.
As for whether or not R&D works, you seem a bit misguided in that as well. The reality is, we have given countless potential products, and are all hard working on any given day. Our track record of patents, rewards, acknowledgements, products ect. should speak for itself for anyone with half a brain. Do you ever think that maybe the people in their office or desk might actually be WORKING? We all do have things that REQUIRE us to work at our desk i.e. reports, data processing, emails, meetings ect. Again, this may be far beyond your mental capacity to understand.
Before you get all bent out of shape about the fact that Grobe stayed and you clearly may not, why don't you consider that maybe, just maybe, you AREN'T as good as you think you are?!?
That is the problem with B+L to much internal fighting. Not enough external focus. Shame because clearly you both have passion for the company. And you are both right. We have not been competitive enough and George is a good person. They are not mutually exclusive.
You may not be a sycophant. But you do have your head up your ass.
A) You make it sound like Grobe went to Baghdad. He went to New Jersey. I believe he is sincere in what he communicates but it has not worked for B&L.
B) Plenty of people have spent time away from their families working hard for B&L. I am one of them. Clearly you are not since you think a week in New Jersey trying to save yourself and your department makes someone a candidate for a Medal of Honor.
C) You really expose your true mentality with your list of what you think is important. Patents, rewards, acknowledgments !! Give me a break. You obviously are, or aspire to be one of the self-promoting ass wipes that have a cold dead hand on D&R. B&L has plenty of people with patents collected like trophies at B&Ls expense and A LOT LESS successful products.
D) Yes B&L has launched products but under current D&R mgt how many are first to market world beating, price-competitive market gainers for B&L ? Not so many. Too many me-too's after the competition have stolen the market. Remember - B+L used to be the Number One. We are a sorry 4th place now...we need a radical shake up.
E) Emails, meetings, reports - Valeant have your number. They understand your game. They don't need it.
F) I have never had a falling out with Grobe. I do not agree with his strategy. I'm not the only one.
G) I have been around long enough to be humble. Do you think I'm an idiot because I argue against maintaining the same mgt and strategy that have failed and slowly killed B+L for 20 years ? I cannot control who buys or sells B+L, or if I will have a job next month, but if I do, it would at least be good to know that the pain people are feeling might secure the long term future of this company. We don't need another compromise just so Valeant can make a quick buck and sell us on. The best news we could get right now is that Valeant are in for the long term.
H) I don't think I have a problem with my mental capacity but I do think you need an attitude adjustment. What you consider important or worth saving is just wrong. Try looking at the world after you take your head out of your ass. The view is clearer.
...Question, what is the productivity like these days in the B&L offices?
...I wonder if the spot check FDA visits will be more prevalent in the coming days
You may not be a sycophant. But you do have your head up your ass.
A) You make it sound like Grobe went to Baghdad. He went to New Jersey. I believe he is sincere in what he communicates but it has not worked for B&L.
B) Plenty of people have spent time away from their families working hard for B&L. I am one of them. Clearly you are not since you think a week in New Jersey trying to save yourself and your department makes someone a candidate for a Medal of Honor.
C) You really expose your true mentality with your list of what you think is important. Patents, rewards, acknowledgments !! Give me a break. You obviously are, or aspire to be one of the self-promoting ass wipes that have a cold dead hand on D&R. B&L has plenty of people with patents collected like trophies at B&Ls expense and A LOT LESS successful products.
D) Yes B&L has launched products but under current D&R mgt how many are first to market world beating, price-competitive market gainers for B&L ? Not so many. Too many me-too's after the competition have stolen the market. Remember - B+L used to be the Number One. We are a sorry 4th place now...we need a radical shake up.
E) Emails, meetings, reports - Valeant have your number. They understand your game. They don't need it.
F) I have never had a falling out with Grobe. I do not agree with his strategy. I'm not the only one.
G) I have been around long enough to be humble. Do you think I'm an idiot because I argue against maintaining the same mgt and strategy that have failed and slowly killed B+L for 20 years ? I cannot control who buys or sells B+L, or if I will have a job next month, but if I do, it would at least be good to know that the pain people are feeling might secure the long term future of this company. We don't need another compromise just so Valeant can make a quick buck and sell us on. The best news we could get right now is that Valeant are in for the long term.
H) I don't think I have a problem with my mental capacity but I do think you need an attitude adjustment. What you consider important or worth saving is just wrong. Try looking at the world after you take your head out of your ass. The view is clearer.
A) Clearly you saw my point. This arguement proves that.
B) I have spent time away from my family, for a week as well, working for B&L. Whether NJ or Baghdad, it is still away from his family. A medal of honor would be a stretch, but definately a hand shake and even a hug would be appropriate.
C) Clearly you have no patents or acknowledgements. Working hard and earning respect for doing so would make even Ghandi feel good. This doesn't make one egocentric or a "self promoting ass wipe". Clearly you don't know how patents or acknowledgements are given... they aren't awarded by based on your own preferences but on hard work. Someone else has to grant you patents and acknowledgements. This arguement seems like a bit of envy... there is really no need for me to argue this point anymore.
D) Biotrue and Biotrue-1 day are both first to market bio inspired competitive products. Patients are constantly switching over day by day to these two products, both of which came out under Grobe for the record. These are leading competitive products.
E) I don't even understand this arguement. That is all part of everyones day to day routine whether under Valeant or not.
F) If you don't agree with his strategy that is one thing. Not all management choices are favorable ones. Personally, I have no problem with this statement. I don't agree with every choice anyone makes on any given day, but a personal attack is another ball of wax.
G) Grobe came back AFTER I did. He hasn't been here, nor has any of the other management, long enough to blame them for the past 20 years. Without trying to sound like a sychophant, Grobe has been one of the best things that has happened to R&D in a long time. (I can also find people who agree with this statement) We have had more product launches in the last ~6 years because of him than over the last 20. Tell me is Ron still here? NO! How long has Brent and Sheila been here to blame for the past 20? The truth is.... WP and Valeant are to blame for B&L's upcoming demise. Not management.
H) As for taking my head out of my ass, I do have a clear understanding of what got us in this mess. I also have a clear understanding of who is to blame for our current predicament. Although lay-offs are going to be awful, it is reassuring to know that people are fighting for us to stay here. In my opinion, that is all Grobe ever wanted as well. That has been my only point from the beginning. Blaming Grobe for this mess seems short sighted and narrow minded. Sounds like you will be good buddies with MP!
Interesting thread. And this is what Valeant thinks of D&R.
In a response to the letter, Valeant spokesperson Laurie Little said in a statement: “While Bausch + Lomb is a great company, the contact lens operations, which makes up the vast majority of the non-corporate based jobs in Rochester, has been underperforming
If D&R is so great why is it that the new owner has this opinion. Seems like a new direction for D&R is coming. Underperforming means that the new products are not competitive in the market place.
Putting D&R to the test. Sales of new products in the market place. Valeant gives D&R an F.
What an unnecessary dig on D&R. Yes, going well over 10 years without a new material nearly put B&L out of the lens business, but Valeant knows damned well that the new SiHy slated for launch in early 2014 will be the best lens on the market. They stand to make hundreds of millions annually from it, and the reward for D&R delivering this product (not to mention Biotrue 1Day barely a year ago) will be a massive slew of terminations.
If a company spokesperson will not stand up for their own products. Who will?