Look at who they kept....


And you can quickly see that Valeant has no idea what they are doing with B&L - People like Appio leading Northern Asia - come on what a joke he's a glorified plant manager nothing more! It's clear Valeant has no presence in Asia or they woud not be so desperate!

All of this is really bad for Bausch and the brand - its just their latest acquisition forget about brand or product development. On the surface it looks like a typical Valeant acquisition - but its clear that they really have no idea what they have gotten in to this time - and it will sink them big time -- mark my words.....

Just like with WP - Valeant will make their slash and burn cuts and be left with a business they don't know how to run, or fund, or squeeze - except that they have no out like WP....

How is it that a company as "smart" as Valeant can't see this stuff from a mile away - Oh wait - I know - that's what Mckinsey is for.... Mckinsey - tons of pedigree, little actual experience in anything....

Dan W is keeping his buddies from Pharma. Looks like a lot of others are out. Will be interesting to see how Lenses and Lens Care performs after the mgt change. That's where the cash flow is, even if pharma has a bigger margin.

Dan W is keeping his buddies from Pharma. Looks like a lot of others are out. Will be interesting to see how Lenses and Lens Care performs after the mgt change. That's where the cash flow is, even if pharma has a bigger margin.

Dan kept and promoted Appio even with China's poor Pharma results. Jobs for friends and a sign of the quality decision making to come.

If Valeant had even the smallest of operations in Asia I think things may be different - instead they are stuck with someone like Tom who may know how to run a plant but should not be anywhere near runing a business! Especially Japan - which is arguably the most important future business for the future in most segments. The current Japan leasdership team has been rudderless for years just trying to avoid Rod and his pronouncements - now that Rod is gone Tom will be no different - actually worse...

It will be sad to watch things slowly sink in Asia...

If Valeant had even the smallest of operations in Asia I think things may be different - instead they are stuck with someone like Tom who may know how to run a plant but should not be anywhere near runing a business! Especially Japan - which is arguably the most important future business for the future in most segments. The current Japan leasdership team has been rudderless for years just trying to avoid Rod and his pronouncements - now that Rod is gone Tom will be no different - actually worse...

It will be sad to watch things slowly sink in Asia...

Too funny. Most in the US hardly know where Asia is. Asia will not sink. It is our fastest growing business. Not even Tom the tool can destroy it. Still Asia deserves better leadership but it survived Rod and will survive Tom.

It was the fastest growing business....

And that's like callng a turtle a cheetah!

More like they sucked the least because at least they were growing - but not as fast as the competition! And who is going to get all these great products approved in Asia - Valeant LOL? B&L barely could figure it out - and Valeant is honest that they don't want to go through the process - they just want to acquire. So unless they make some acquisitions in Asia I would look at a long, slow, death march for the business...

And that is sad.

Will he report into Richard?

Grobe has been the only one fight for R&D!!! Clearly you don't have ANY information so let me inform you. We were going to be cut 76% until Grobe came in and saved a BUNCH of jobs. It is still going to be 50% lay-offs in R&D and you (hopefully) probably won't be around to see it!!!

As another form of reference: you can thank WP for the dumb D&R BS... not Grobe!

Grobe has been the only one fight for R&D!!! Clearly you don't have ANY information so let me inform you. We were going to be cut 76% until Grobe came in and saved a BUNCH of jobs. It is still going to be 50% lay-offs in R&D and you (hopefully) probably won't be around to see it!!!

As another form of reference: you can thank WP for the dumb D&R BS... not Grobe!

Up yours sycophant. Are you safe ?
I thought it was D&R ? I am impressed with your inside track. 90% of D&R Mgt are clueless leaders and 75% of D&R is a maze of cubicle occupying dusty desk jockeys. Only interested in creating pointless work to look busy.
Grobe's alleged success is a signal that yet again current D&R mgt have scared a new owner into believing they are indispensable. If Grobe is staying, it is easy to assume his buddies will also stay. This is the chronic B+L problem. Poor mid mgt who survive all ownership changes and slowly B+L dies. Lets see how these leaders carve out new ways to inflict themselves into all areas after the buy out.
By the way I have not cleared my desk. See ya Thursday next week.

Mid-management survivors after each owner change live on to infect the culture of the new owners company. Valeant should look for outside talent to change the culture of this company.

How long do you think these selections will last? The only thing Richard and crew know is big Pharma. They talk and hire teams of people and just find excuses to keep VPs around and all of us worker bees get screwed.