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Long Term Care Insurance


We were told by the John Hancock people that if we bought this insurance 5 years ago the premiums would not go up and would keep pace with inflation.

Just got a notice from John Hancock that my premiums will increase 43% if I want the same coverage. I cannot get back anything that I paid into this policy if I cancel. I should have known better because it was sponsored by BMS. What a ripoff.


We were told by the John Hancock people that if we bought this insurance 5 years ago the premiums would not go up and would keep pace with inflation.

Just got a notice from John Hancock that my premiums will increase 43% if I want the same coverage. I cannot get back anything that I paid into this policy if I cancel. I should have known better because it was sponsored by BMS. What a ripoff.

I think they adjust upwards every 5 years??

We were told by the John Hancock people that if we bought this insurance 5 years ago the premiums would not go up and would keep pace with inflation.

Just got a notice from John Hancock that my premiums will increase 43% if I want the same coverage. I cannot get back anything that I paid into this policy if I cancel. I should have known better because it was sponsored by BMS. What a ripoff.

Why should BMS pay for your personal car insurance ?

personal car insurance? Do you not know what long term care insurance is? Must be a youngin'. Yep - it's true and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. 43% increase and their letter states " we did not anticipate that there would be that many people that would be using it" Idoits - isn't that their job to anticipate participation? I am outraged and hope that our state's insurance regulators check this out.

personal car insurance? Do you not know what long term care insurance is? Must be a youngin'. Yep - it's true and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. 43% increase and their letter states " we did not anticipate that there would be that many people that would be using it" Idoits - isn't that their job to anticipate participation? I am outraged and hope that our state's insurance regulators check this out.

They petitioned the Insurance commissioners for the exception. Three other major insurance companies have quit this part of their business. I'm with you, how is this our problem if they didn't anticipate more people using it, duh! I say, why not charge the increases to the "new" customers coming in, instead of screwing people who have been paying multiple years. It pisses me off when you are trying to do things for your family and loved ones and a company reneges on their original contract.

When I called the John Hancock I asked if they would be doing this every year or for that matter, next week. She said "we don't anticipate another premium increase for a long time".
Oh, what a comfort!

I'll file this with BMS"s great health insurance premiums after retirement.

personal car insurance? Do you not know what long term care insurance is? Must be a youngin'. Yep - it's true and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. 43% increase and their letter states " we did not anticipate that there would be that many people that would be using it" Idoits - isn't that their job to anticipate participation? I am outraged and hope that our state's insurance regulators check this out.

Shut up. Obamacare is going to take care of you. When your sitting as an old demented idiot in your own piss and shit eating cat food, remember how President Obama gave you cradle to grave healthcare.

personal car insurance? Do you not know what long term care insurance is? Must be a youngin'. Yep - it's true and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. 43% increase and their letter states " we did not anticipate that there would be that many people that would be using it" Idoits - isn't that their job to anticipate participation? I am outraged and hope that our state's insurance regulators check this out.

gotcha !!
But good points made by you !!!

Shut up. Obamacare is going to take care of you. When your sitting as an old demented idiot in your own piss and shit eating cat food, remember how President Obama gave you cradle to grave healthcare.

Think the folks with the pearly white grins are going to come by and ask "how you doin' bud" ????
I don't think so.
They'll be busy "caring" for their now inflated investment portfolios.
Who do you think put this country in the crapper with their historical shenanigans...??

Think the folks with the pearly white grins are going to come by and ask "how you doin' bud" ????
I don't think so.
They'll be busy "caring" for their now inflated investment portfolios.
Who do you think put this country in the crapper with their historical shenanigans...??

I guess you think the European model looks good, or maybe Cuba. The US is the best of the lot, no thanks to BO.

Think the folks with the pearly white grins are going to come by and ask "how you doin' bud" ????
I don't think so.
They'll be busy "caring" for their now inflated investment portfolios.
Who do you think put this country in the crapper with their historical shenanigans...??

Give me a break. All the elite ruling class Democrats that preach their concern for the poor are filthy fucking rich too. They don't give shit what their policies do to the average citizen, because they have no fucking effect on their lifestyle. Obama is a millionaire now and like Clinton, Gore, etc will be even richer once out of office. At least Republicans want others to do well and not just mediocre. BO, truly the food stamp president - 47 million Americans and rising by the day.

The guy is a rookie fucking joke.

Give me a break. All the elite ruling class Democrats that preach their concern for the poor are filthy fucking rich too. They don't give shit what their policies do to the average citizen, because they have no fucking effect on their lifestyle. Obama is a millionaire now and like Clinton, Gore, etc will be even richer once out of office. At least Republicans want others to do well and not just mediocre. BO, truly the food stamp president - 47 million Americans and rising by the day.

The guy is a rookie fucking joke.

You are a sad and bitter (who knows why?) little nut !!!
Wait till you get "right sized" (it WILL happen) and see if the Repugnicans reach out to little ole you.
Earning money (we all want that, right?) is still far better than stealing it.

You are a sad and bitter (who knows why?) little nut !!!
Wait till you get "right sized" (it WILL happen) and see if the Repugnicans reach out to little ole you.
Earning money (we all want that, right?) is still far better than stealing it.

I’m not the original poster but wanted to chime in

It’s easy being a Demoncrat (I can be cute too) and have all these altruistic viewpoints when you don’t have to pay for it (tax the rich).

100 million Americans are on some kind of Federal assistance (not including Medicare or Social Security)

The top 10% of wage earners pay 71% of the Federal Income Tax, 49% don’t pay ANY Federal Income Tax.

Who’s stealing from whom?

I don’t want anyone to “reach out “ to me, I made my own way in life and have planned for unexpected turn of events that are inevitable. In my observations in life I find that it’s usually the irresponsible who blame others for their poor planning.

When you put your hand out, don’t put it in my pocket.

You are a sad and bitter (who knows why?) little nut !!!
Wait till you get "right sized" (it WILL happen) and see if the Repugnicans reach out to little ole you.
Earning money (we all want that, right?) is still far better than stealing it.

Eat me, I no longer work for BMS, retired and took over $3 million between pension, 401K and options. Work your ass off to cover my SS and healthcare, you deserve it. As you pray to Obama, remember me and my SS check and Medicare coverage when you look at your pay stub every two weeks. You dumb shit, he's putting all the debt on you and your children. If your stupid enough yo vote for him, you deserve him.

Eat me, I no longer work for BMS, retired and took over $3 million between pension, 401K and options. Work your ass off to cover my SS and healthcare, you deserve it. As you pray to Obama, remember me and my SS check and Medicare coverage when you look at your pay stub every two weeks. You dumb shit, he's putting all the debt on you and your children. If your stupid enough yo vote for him, you deserve him.

sad, bitter little nut.

Seek help immediately.

We were told by the John Hancock people that if we bought this insurance 5 years ago the premiums would not go up and would keep pace with inflation.

Just got a notice from John Hancock that my premiums will increase 43% if I want the same coverage. I cannot get back anything that I paid into this policy if I cancel. I should have known better because it was sponsored by BMS. What a ripoff.

Same here and for many others at BMS and possibly other companies? We were told that the high initial premium and conditions will be not changed, now the increase after barely 5 years is about 90% or a reduction in inflation protection. Either way, breach of contract or promise. Taking the alternate route, initial low premiums with increases over the years looks much better now in the long run. I am afraid that in a few years they do the same again. I guess, I have to bite the bullet for now, but I can smell a class action suit in the works.

Same here and for many others at BMS and possibly other companies? We were told that the high initial premium and conditions will be not changed, now the increase after barely 5 years is about 90% or a reduction in inflation protection. Either way, breach of contract or promise. Taking the alternate route, initial low premiums with increases over the years looks much better now in the long run. I am afraid that in a few years they do the same again. I guess, I have to bite the bullet for now, but I can smell a class action suit in the works.

Bullshit, they will probably do what most ins cos have done and drop LTC policies completely.

Shut up. Obamacare is going to take care of you. When your sitting as an old demented idiot in your own piss and shit eating cat food, remember how President Obama gave you cradle to grave healthcare.

This is BO's message tonight, but he will be joining Clinton post presidency making $30+ million a year, possibly more because "he is such an articulate black man".

This is BO's message tonight, but he will be joining Clinton post presidency making $30+ million a year, possibly more because "he is such an articulate black man".


Joe Biden 2007:

""I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."