Listen up Transition reps, from the Takeda board

Easy for you to say-- you aint the one of 70 who have
To work for the same pay as the other url team who arent.

You are so full of it. You can come work my territory. I will provide room and board and even wave goodbye at the front door as you leave each day. Then off to gym and nails done for me. And guess what???? We will get paid the same. Not fair now is it?

AINT?? and you are a college grad? more than likely yet another one who barely squeezed through with a passing grade, just enough to collect your degree... Listen is not 'fair' with it, your choice, make the one that's best for you. concentrate on yourself and what you have rather than what others get or are doing. And by the way, I'll be waving bye to you as you leave for work tomorrow while I am sunning myself at the pool and counting my money.

To all you sorry ass reps who continue to complain about being on the Takeda transition team....the below post was found on the Takeda board......quit your belly-aching and suck it up. Whether or not the below is true, you people need to stand up show Takeda what Quintiles/URL reps are about - quit your whinning and be glad you have a potential opportunity ahead - If you don't like what is presented to you - QUIT, otherwise, lets show Takeda what we are all about. You just never know what will happen, so quit speculating and second guessing on something you know nothing about. You could very well ruin any future opportunity for the rest of the URL reps......

"Takeda IS taking on the Colcrys reps to see exactly how they stack up against thier own reps - it is the best way to make a transition to the elimination of Takeda sales force to a contract sales force. You will see in late August a BIG shake up comming to Takeda. Takeda reps will be OUT, Takeda WILL move forward with the contracted sales force with ALL former URL reps up for position placement.....this is going to happen so prepare, everyone - and you 70 Colcrys reps - do a good job, the future of Takeda's vision for a contracted sales force and continued partnership with quintiles is in your hands......"

this is comical!! ...thanks management while youre at home getting paid!!! Thanks for the notice you gave all us us to know what we were going to be hit with the friday before...we know you knew this all along

You can only hope so. Dream on, as you continue your struggle to survive with your bitter attitude - you know it BEEMS out of you during an interview, an astute interviewer WILL pick up on this......your welcome.

Honey...I am way ahead of this game because I started preparing the second I read the e-mail in April about the merger.

You can't communicate tone in posts on this message board and anyone who knows me knows I'm a positive person who is also a very giving one that is involved in many charities.

What will be taken from me once will be given back twice and I am already considering two job offers at the moment with a possible third offer on the horizon (so my positive attitude and high emotional intelligence comes out very well in interviews with astute interviewers from all backgrounds).

I'm also a survivor in every sense of the word and maybe one day we'll meet under different circumstances and you and I could trade stories about our pasts.

And, I was very happy at Quintiles and I'm sure I'll find happiness in whichever opportunity I choose and I do hope everyone at this company finds happiness in their lives (and that includes you).

Yeah, good luck with that. You can apply, however - The ONLY way you will get into Takeda is via the current transition method. Take it or suffer.

Suffer? I hardly think anyone declining this position will suffer.

Babe--I already hit it off with several Takeda reps and managers I met in the field and I am also a highly connected individual.

But, I have no desire to work for Takeda at the present moment and I am the author of my own destiny (and it will be one filled with much happiness).

To all you sorry ass reps who continue to complain about being on the Takeda transition team....the below post was found on the Takeda board......quit your belly-aching and suck it up. Whether or not the below is true, you people need to stand up show Takeda what Quintiles/URL reps are about - quit your whinning and be glad you have a potential opportunity ahead - If you don't like what is presented to you - QUIT, otherwise, lets show Takeda what we are all about. You just never know what will happen, so quit speculating and second guessing on something you know nothing about. You could very well ruin any future opportunity for the rest of the URL reps......

"Takeda IS taking on the Colcrys reps to see exactly how they stack up against thier own reps - it is the best way to make a transition to the elimination of Takeda sales force to a contract sales force. You will see in late August a BIG shake up comming to Takeda. Takeda reps will be OUT, Takeda WILL move forward with the contracted sales force with ALL former URL reps up for position placement.....this is going to happen so prepare, everyone - and you 70 Colcrys reps - do a good job, the future of Takeda's vision for a contracted sales force and continued partnership with quintiles is in your hands......"

This is a big FAT lie!!! Fat Fat Fat...and fat...f a t! This was posted by some Q upper manager trying to boost the egos of all of us freaking out, out of work, work-force. LIES LIES and MO LIES!

"my heart goes out for everyone with any hardship"

Hardship? A chance to work is called a hardship? We used to call it opportunity. No wonder we are softest nation in the world. Shut up, study, go to work and count yourself lucky! The Ellen Degeneres show will be there when you get back.

No, I am not. I wish I was. I would take it in a heart beat. I would study hard, work hard and stop complaining. This is a chance, an opportunity. It MIGHT lead to something. Is it fun? no. Is it easy? no.

For God sake, stop complaining. It is just life.

"my heart goes out for everyone with any hardship"

Hardship? A chance to work is called a hardship? We used to call it opportunity. No wonder we are softest nation in the world. Shut up, study, go to work and count yourself lucky! The Ellen Degeneres show will be there when you get back.

Why do you have to be so rude?!?

Things happen in life like sickness, death, and family emergencies and they can happen to anyone at anytime!

You can call it an opportunity or whatever but we also can refuse it! However, a little sensitivity could get you very far in life.

I hope your life continues to be free of problems and difficulties.

Oh--I don't watch Ellen but even if I did--there's no guarantee that show will be there either just like there are no guarantees with any job!

No, I am not. I wish I was. I would take it in a heart beat. I would study hard, work hard and stop complaining. This is a chance, an opportunity. It MIGHT lead to something. Is it fun? no. Is it easy? no.

For God sake, stop complaining. It is just life.

And life consists of what you decide to make out of it!

I hope that another chance or opportunity comes along your way soon but give respect and you will get it back with many more great things.

"Things happen in life like sickness, death, and family emergencies and they can happen to anyone at anytime!"

Yes, these are hardships, yes i have been through these many times in life. Far from being free of dificulties.Going to SD to train is not hardship! Unemployment is a task, a problem to be solved. I am very compassionate and sensetive, not to those who whine about work that is not excatly to thier liking. I would be willing to be one of the 70. thats all. Not being rude. Tired of people complaining they might have to work.

As far as respect, why should I repsect those that are whining? They don't even respect themselves.

"Things happen in life like sickness, death, and family emergencies and they can happen to anyone at anytime!"

Yes, these are hardships, yes i have been through these many times in life. Far from being free of dificulties.Going to SD to train is not hardship! Unemployment is a task, a problem to be solved. I am very compassionate and sensetive, not to those who whine about work that is not excatly to thier liking. I would be willing to be one of the 70. thats all. Not being rude. Tired of people complaining they might have to work.

As far as respect, why should I repsect those that are whining? They don't even respect themselves.

How do you know that they do not respect themselves? Maybe they respect themselves and their families (and the wishes of their families) too much to be able to take the opportunity!

Unemployment could be a problem but it could be an opportunity just like you called the Takeda gig the same (and the Takeda gig may be a problem for some people and not an opportunity).

Life is all about perspective and we can look at situations in different ways but it's best not to judge another because every person and situation is unique.

And, just to put it into perspective--what if someone has to visit family on the other side of the world because of a sick family member and what if the airline tickets and plans were already made for the week of June 24th when the San Diego training is going on?

Health and family are the most important things in life that nobody should take for granted!

yeah, thanks for the lecture. These are all thing i never thought about..........Really? Family and health are important?

My point is simple: This should be viewed as an opportunity. Yes, some (few)of the 70 might have plans and that 100% stinks. I feel for them. Why are the rest complaining? They can't all have tickets to see family. I know they don't repsect themselves cause they are on this board crying like babies. Is that self respect? The reps who got called up and aren't whining but are studying and preparing have respect. And they have my respect. Sorry snow flakes if this ruins your day.

Deep down I believe there is an advantage in going to work for T. It might be a connection, net-working, a reference: something to help with your employment. I wish everyone luck, remember, I am on your side !

yeah, thanks for the lecture. These are all thing i never thought about..........Really? Family and health are important?

My point is simple: This should be viewed as an opportunity. Yes, some (few)of the 70 might have plans and that 100% stinks. I feel for them. Why are the rest complaining? They can't all have tickets to see family. I know they don't repsect themselves cause they are on this board crying like babies. Is that self respect? The reps who got called up and aren't whining but are studying and preparing have respect. And they have my respect. Sorry snow flakes if this ruins your day.

Deep down I believe there is an advantage in going to work for T. It might be a connection, net-working, a reference: something to help with your employment. I wish everyone luck, remember, I am on your side !

Snowflakes? I'd much rather be called sunshine and this doesn't ruin my day in the least (and I'm sure some may find it disrespectful but I honestly don't care).

It's not a lecture--it's about offering perspective.

This board can have group therapy qualities when you get through all of the nonsense because there are good people everywhere willing to help and if some people want to vent--that is their right.

Again, you do not know the differing situations of each and every single one of those 70 chosen and I think someone on this board mentioned a lack of childcare for the week in San Diego which is a huge deal.

Your gut feeling may feel whatever it wants and I hope that's the case for everyone on the assignment to Takeda but the sad reality is that it is not the case (especially for those covering a temporary leave employee).

I truly hope that everything works out for you and I would help you out in a heartbeat introducing you to people and getting your resume around if I knew you.

"Things happen in life like sickness, death, and family emergencies and they can happen to anyone at anytime!"

Yes, these are hardships, yes i have been through these many times in life. Far from being free of dificulties.Going to SD to train is not hardship! Unemployment is a task, a problem to be solved. I am very compassionate and sensetive, not to those who whine about work that is not excatly to thier liking. I would be willing to be one of the 70. thats all. Not being rude. Tired of people complaining they might have to work.

As far as respect, why should I repsect those that are whining? They don't even respect themselves.

and your drunk at noon?????? or ignorant!!!!!!

yeah, thanks for the lecture. These are all thing i never thought about..........Really? Family and health are important?

My point is simple: This should be viewed as an opportunity. Yes, some (few)of the 70 might have plans and that 100% stinks. I feel for them. Why are the rest complaining? They can't all have tickets to see family. I know they don't repsect themselves cause they are on this board crying like babies. Is that self respect? The reps who got called up and aren't whining but are studying and preparing have respect. And they have my respect. Sorry snow flakes if this ruins your day.

Deep down I believe there is an advantage in going to work for T. It might be a connection, net-working, a reference: something to help with your employment. I wish everyone luck, remember, I am on your side !

This is a business so looking at it from that angle, 2 months is too short a time for me to learn of all the crappy drugs Takeda offers and act like a substitute teacher and keep the seat warm and wait for the rep's return. Secondly, we get paid anyway so I could spend my time looking or waiting at Quintiles for a real job. Not enough ROI in working for Takeda Bro. By the ROI means return on investment !!!!!!!!