
At Liposcience they count the actual particles of LDL Cholesterol in the blood. VAP and Berkeley do a directly calculated LDL quantification as well as total cholesterol and a subfractionation of HDL components, ie HDL2 and HDL3. Lipo also reports a complete lipid panel. Hope that helps.

Is one test better than another?

From a top level managerial source, Liposcience is filling for bankruptcy insurance. This company will be history in less than one year. New studies are surfacing regarding the worthlessness of this test. FDA is also investigating the validity of this horrible science.

From a top level managerial source, Liposcience is stronger than ever. Sales and revenue growth are steady and doing well. New studies are being published all the time detailing the importance ond validity of the NMR Lioprofile. Liposcience is currently hiring to meet the demand for our products and services. We expect double digit growth within the next year.

All is well at LS.

I am hearing the same thing - LS had a banner year in 2008 and looking for bigger and better things in 09

Must be a VAP rep trying to cast doubt - as they are the ones with serious financial problems

From a top level managerial source, Liposcience is filling for bankruptcy insurance. This company will be history in less than one year. New studies are surfacing regarding the worthlessness of this test. FDA is also investigating the validity of this horrible science.
Your quote was in Jan 2009 and it's now June 2010 so I guess all that talk about Liposcience going under was total BS. Total lies about FDA investigating the validity of the science.

Waste of time!!! No coverage by the big boys=no orders, it's that simple. You can get a doc to try it but for continued orders, forget it!

Friday, January 29, 2010
LipoScience waits for FDA ruling on heart-testing device
Machine would offer on-site results and is being testing at facilities including Cleveland and Mayo clinics
Triangle Business Journal - by Frank Vinluan

RALEIGH – LipoScience is angling for a greater share of the competitive cardiovascular testing market with a new machine intended for research centers and laboratories around the country.

The approach is a departure for the company. Since LipoScience made available its method of testing blood for cardiovascular disease risks in 1999, samples have been sent to the company’s labs at its Raleigh headquarters.

With the new machine, which LipoScience has submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for review, samples do not have to be sent to the Raleigh lab. The machine, called Vantera, does the testing on site.

LipoScience sees the machine as an important step in gaining acceptance for its testing method. “We believe that’s key to bringing demand to the next level,” says CEO Rick Brajer, who hopes FDA clearance of the product could come by the fall.

The device is currently being tested at medical centers including the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic. Brajer says that by making LipoScience’s method of testing available in more places, the company can get more customers.

LipoScience was founded in 1994 based on a proprietary testing method developed by former North Carolina State University biochemistry professor James Otvos. The company flirted with a public stock offering in 2001 before pulling the offering in 2002. At the time, LipoScience’s revenue had nearly tripled in one year, to $18.5 million.

Brajer won’t disclose current revenue for the privately held company, saying only that the number of tests the company has conducted has increased by at least 30 percent a year since 2006.

He says LipoScience recently completed its 4 millionth test. By comparison, Berkeley HeartLab in California, part of the $93 million company Celera, performed 2.4 million tests in 2008 alone, according to regulatory filings. That suggests LipoScience has some catching up to do.

LipoScience’s proprietary testing method uses nuclear magnetic resonance technology, comparable to the technology used in MRI machines, Otvos says. Lipoprotein particles carry cholesterol. The machine counts the number of lipoprotein particles in a blood sample. Brajer says particle count is a better measure of cardiovascular risk than the commonly used lipid profile test, pointing to studies showing that as much as 50 percent of people who have had a heart attack had normal cholesterol levels with the lipid profile test.

Dr. James Underberg, a professor at New York University Medical School who specializes in preventive cardiovascular medicine, likens the analysis to looking at a crowded freeway to judge the severity of a traffic jam. What affects traffic is the number of cars, not the number of people in the cars, he says.

Underberg has no financial stake in LipoScience. But he has received speaking fees from LipoScience for talks about cardiovascular issues. Underberg says there are a number of companies vying to replace the lipid profile test, the standard cholesterol test for more than 30 years – the test that counts “people in cars.”

Other diagnostics companies competing for this testing business include Berkeley HeartLab and Birmingham, Ala.-based Atherotech. Berkeley HeartLab’s test measures particle size. Atherotech’s test measures particle density. Underberg says there have been no head-to-head studies comparing one technology to another. “They try to give you the same information but in very different ways,” he says.

Underberg uses LipoScience’s test with his patients. He says the particle number provided by the test is the more complete indicator to diagnose and treat patients.

For LipoScience to grow, it must boost the number of tests it performs. Growth doesn’t come down strictly to head-to-head competition. Underberg says a major driver of any test is insurance reimbursement. If a carrier won’t cover one test, doctors order one that is covered. That leads to regional differences in preferred testing methods.

Though not required, LipoScience received FDA clearance on its technology in 2008. Brajer says FDA clearance on the new Vantera product would provide additional validation for LipoScience’s testing method. But the next step for the company is getting broader acceptance in the market.

All contents of this site © American City Business Journals Inc. All rights reserved.

The real problem is that Liposcience partnered wit the biggest loser company in the world - Labcrud.

If Liposcince had partnered with any other lab, NMR would be the most utilized test in the world.
However, they made a huge mistake partering with a backwoods, redneck, loser so-called company named Labcorp.
Labcorp's so-called salespeople couldn't sell water to people that are falling over dead of thirst.

That's the problem.

"Dr. James Underberg, a professor at New York University Medical School who specializes in preventive cardiovascular medicine, likens the analysis to looking at a crowded freeway to judge the severity of a traffic jam. What affects traffic is the number of cars, not the number of people in the cars, he says.

Underberg has no financial stake in LipoScience."

For someone who has no financial stake in a company, he quotes their sales jargon quite well!

"Dr. James Underberg, a professor at New York University Medical School who specializes in preventive cardiovascular medicine, likens the analysis to looking at a crowded freeway to judge the severity of a traffic jam. What affects traffic is the number of cars, not the number of people in the cars, he says.

Underberg has no financial stake in LipoScience."

For someone who has no financial stake in this company, he quotes their sales jargon quite well.

"Dr. James Underberg, a professor at New York University Medical School who specializes in preventive cardiovascular medicine, likens the analysis to looking at a crowded freeway to judge the severity of a traffic jam. What affects traffic is the number of cars, not the number of people in the cars, he says.

Underberg has no financial stake in LipoScience."

For someone who has no financial stake in this company, he quotes their sales jargon quite well.

It's the easiest way to understand how the test works.

Of course, you Labcorp people are so stupid and idiotic that you still don't get it.

It's the easiest way to understand how the test works.

Of course, you Labcorp people are so stupid and idiotic that you still don't get it.

Okay mr smarty pants...I guess the biggest managed care groups are also oblivious to this great test. They dont see the value, AETNA, BCBS, Humana. Why are they so stupid, idiot!?

Okay mr smarty pants...I guess the biggest managed care groups are also oblivious to this great test. They dont see the value, AETNA, BCBS, Humana. Why are they so stupid, idiot!?

You just don't get it at all do you, Mr. Poo Poo Pants.

All the managed care groups would rather pay for the less expensive, but inferior lipid panel.
Don't you Labcorp idiots know that by now?
Managed care does not care one crap about people's health, that is why they haven't accepted the NMR.
They only want to reimburse for a cheap lipid panel.

Damn, you Labcorp idiots really are just that....idiots.
Doesn't matter, I hear most of you are going to be let go anyway.