
Sad to see this thread. As a Linvatec PMO machinist I am responsible for manufacture of quality components which include regulated (Per current ISO standards) inspection during the production process to insure our customers a safe and compliant product per FDA standards. I do my best to insure that all products/components are of the highest quality and meet or exceed requirements. I invite anyone that questions our quality to come and observe the work ethic on my shift anytime.


John Vann

Sad to see this thread. As a Linvatec PMO machinist I am responsible for manufacture of quality components which include regulated (Per current ISO standards) inspection during the production process to insure our customers a safe and compliant product per FDA standards. I do my best to insure that all products/components are of the highest quality and meet or exceed requirements. I invite anyone that questions our quality to come and observe the work ethic on my shift anytime.


John Vann

John or ?

Saw something about Job posting at Conmed and then read this. I am very familiar with ISO and it is the best way ISO has made a ton of money. I am not an employee here but am very familiar with "ISO" Glad your proud of your quality but ISO does not ensure that, you and your people do is quality or not. All it guarantees is their is a paper trail. Look at all the recalls just last year in many industries, that require or believe ISO somehow ensures quality. Specifically look at the automotive industry, highly regulated and ISO yet plenty of quality issues. So explain to me how ISO ensures quality?

Sad to hear this company culture is like too many out there. Promotions based on who you know and asskissing. It's too bad hiring authority either chooses to ignore the obvious or is obviously lacking talent and instinct themselves. I wish all sales people the best as commissions get cut more and more and goal/quota seems to be doing the exact opposite as it should. Too many companies have these tiered and mathematically created commission structures truly desgined to make sure the reps make less as the company makes more. I sold office products for years and made well over six figures and after I knew my customers and territory did not need to cold call after 3 years, yet not a a single person in the whole country made plan after they took the basic calculation of 25% of the profit you generate was the rep's to keep and switched to these tiered and old vs new busienss calculations. Regardless of whether the business was new or recurring from wins you created the rep should be entiteld to that money and relationships you formed. Since the good ole days are long gone, all the successful people left or started their own company and get paid for what they create and simply made one phone call to old clients to steer the business back their way as the customer does like a relationship even though price will always be part of the equation. Good luck everyone finding more success.

That was mind numbing wasn't it? But I will say this, the sad state of business, whoever it is that has made the decision to dismantel the sales force in NE ohio I thank you. I have had to compete with the various reps here for the 4 years I have been in device sales here but had trouble breaking into many of the accounts due to loyalty to local Linvatec representation. Over the past 4 months I have reagained sports med accounts I had lost and am now getting back the pump tubing and shavers. Thanks again Linvatec, keep shooting yourselves in the foot and 2012 will be my best year yet.

What do you expect from a bunch of clowns? They have a guy from Canada running the US sales force now. Good Luck I hope you kick their ASS!

Wish you morons could make up your minds. Most posts say Linvatec is already dead and you're killing them. Now this one says thank God they screwed up because they've been killing you for the last four years. So for all you non-Linvatec people (which seems to be 99 percent of the people on this thread) which one is it?

Typical Linvawreck loyalist. First you don't really read and understand the point being made then you resort to childish name calling. My point this morning was that I was happy to see the recent changes Linvawreck has made in my territory because of the loyalty to THE FORMER REP. Linvatec had nothing to do with my difficulties as evidenced by the willingness of those same accounts to convert now. Quite frankly I don't know how he did it. I just got a call yesterday from another angry surgery center that got stood up for a case by the new and improved sales team. Right now it's good to be selling against Linvawreck and I am not the only one up here feeling that way. Thanks again.