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Limbaugh Update: Sponsorship/Viewers on the rise


Oh Snap!!! What's a libbie to do? Looks like "media matters not" and move on's efforts have failed to dent the armor of Limbaugh's media empire.

Too bad, so sad libbies.


Maybe Dead Air America can make a run at Limbaugh? Maybe the OWN network can create a hate filled talk show for Rosie to combat Limbaugh? Just trying to give you some ideas.:D

In the meantime: MEGA DITTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:eek::D:D:eek::D:D:D:eek:



The only people who give a rat's ass are dolts like the OP who get their daily talking points from the drug addled, sex tourist, radio comedian Limbaugh.

Oh look who responded:D Are you the "Zimmerman" of the CP Poly Board? Have you self-appointed yourself the title of "board police" to keep conservative opinion to a minimum? Did I have my hoodie on?:D

BFD? Apparantly it is STILL a BFD to media matters and move-on, your two liberal sources.:D


The only people who give a rat's ass are dolts like the OP who get their daily talking points from the drug addled, sex tourist, radio comedian Limbaugh.

It's the same Rush who is still riding high. Still ruling the airwaves. Still making tons of money and still putting out the truth exposing our drug addled, gay, bad joke of a president, Odummy!

Yeah, as usual, conservatives get the last laugh. But I know you don't care about this issue. That's why you made so many posts about it when you foolishly thought things were going your way on the issue, but as usual Rush prevails and you only fail!

The most important aspect of this exercise is that fat Limburgh NOW KNOWS that if he continues his lies and bad behavior, that his opposition has demonstrated that they take his fat ass down. Maybe not this time, but no one can deny that fatty was shaken and weakened. He will watch his fat ass for a while, but he cannot help himself with his insane ranting and rhetoric, especially when Obama wins re-election.
So the message is clear, fatty survived...this time, but the clock is running.

Hmmm - RAB is kind of silent on this one.


Lets hope Limpballs stays on for the rest of the year. He is the gift that keeps on giving. Why would U folks think we do not want him on the air? Its great for the Dems to have stupid folks like him on the air. Isant freedom of speech great?

The most important aspect of this exercise is that fat Limburgh NOW KNOWS that if he continues his lies and bad behavior, that his opposition has demonstrated that they take his fat ass down. Maybe not this time, but no one can deny that fatty was shaken and weakened. He will watch his fat ass for a while, but he cannot help himself with his insane ranting and rhetoric, especially when Obama wins re-election.
So the message is clear, fatty survived...this time, but the clock is running.

Done chest thumping now? Limbaugh is stronger than ever. Deal with it. You guys have nothing.

Strange how Libruhls have tried talk radio and failed so miserably. Why do you think your kind can't hold an audience; or grow enough of a following to justify advertising sales in the first place?

To be more direct: Liberal talk radio show hosts have collectively lost hundreds of advertisers resulting in cancelled radio programs because EVERYTHING that comes out of your mouths is offensive, juvenile, and anti-American. Your message only works when there is no choice (college and high school classrooms). With radio, it is easy to change the station; and millions reject your ideology.

Stupid. Unlike you DA's, we don't need a loudmouth windbag on either side of the political spectrum dictate our lives. I know the right's mantra is "Heil Limbaugh!"

Oh really? What about your hero Fat Seargent Eddie Schultz, or the fat-drunken little Irishman, Prissy-Chrissy Matthews? You people have Barry as your cult leader anyway, so all instruction emanates from him.

Done chest thumping now? Limbaugh is stronger than ever. Deal with it. You guys have nothing.

Strange how Libruhls have tried talk radio and failed so miserably. Why do you think your kind can't hold an audience; or grow enough of a following to justify advertising sales in the first place?

To be more direct: Liberal talk radio show hosts have collectively lost hundreds of advertisers resulting in cancelled radio programs because EVERYTHING that comes out of your mouths is offensive, juvenile, and anti-American. Your message only works when there is no choice (college and high school classrooms). With radio, it is easy to change the station; and millions reject your ideology.


You seem a bit obsessed with Rush. You know there's medication and therapy for that disorder you have.

So are you saying mediamatters and moveon.org have conceeded victory to Rush? I think you just did. :D

Ask your therapist bout' it k?

The most important aspect of this exercise is that fat Limburgh NOW KNOWS that if he continues his lies and bad behavior, that his opposition has demonstrated that they take his fat ass down. Maybe not this time, but no one can deny that fatty was shaken and weakened. He will watch his fat ass for a while, but he cannot help himself with his insane ranting and rhetoric, especially when Obama wins re-election.
So the message is clear, fatty survived...this time, but the clock is running.

The most important aspect of this exercise is that fat Limburgh NOW KNOWS that if he continues his lies and bad behavior, that his opposition has demonstrated that they take his fat ass down. Maybe not this time, but no one can deny that fatty was shaken and weakened. He will watch his fat ass for a while, but he cannot help himself with his insane ranting and rhetoric, especially when Obama wins re-election.
So the message is clear, fatty survived...this time, but the clock is running.

I thought his nasty, fat ass would be off the air by now, too. He has seen his day. But just as Buchanan was taken down recently for opinions and ideology not suited for primetime...so will be the way of El Rushbo. I'm a patient person. I can wait.

I thought his nasty, fat ass would be off the air by now, too. He has seen his day. But just as Buchanan was taken down recently for opinions and ideology not suited for primetime...so will be the way of El Rushbo. I'm a patient person. I can wait.

Eventually he'll choke on the foix gras. Either that or get strangled by that fat turkey wattle under his neck. Face it folks, he's a pig. :cool:

I thought his nasty, fat ass would be off the air by now, too. He has seen his day. But just as Buchanan was taken down recently for opinions and ideology not suited for primetime...so will be the way of El Rushbo. I'm a patient person. I can wait.

Then be ready to wait probably for a few more decades. Rush will leave WHEN HE WANTS TO LEAVE. Nobody is going to take him down. Least of all a bunch of hypocritical libtards!

Rush continues to hit new heights and you libs just continue to flounder, to borrow a term from BB!:D