Lilly pay

We are all Colonel...
The Justice Clods of Lly.

Not to mention the opportunity to participate in the upcoming VisiionQuest2020
in which we play games to discover new blockbusters and sample the Colonel's elixir at a secret location in Colorado to get insights into the inner workings of the mind of our founding father! All aboard the Free Enterprise System bus...

Reality check... quickest way to increase your pay, change jobs, how much of an increase to expect? 10-15% for change to similar job...plenty of reps here got that size bump when they came over from their previous employer.....(how they raved about how much greener the grass is here)...good luck at your new spot...start looking 3 years into and get another nice bump...(spare the comments of being labeled a 'job hopper'---like any major pharma co has any qualms about cutting anyone at anytime.)

Congrats on your move. It's great to make a solid base but earning 100% bonus payout and having stability in this industry is becoming rare. I recently came over to Lilly from another pharma company and from my experience Lilly's pay is on par with other Big pharma companies. I got a bump in pay, and just got a raise. Specialty Biotech companies and specialty positions (i.e. Oncology, Hospital) definitely pay more. Is that where you went? However, if you're in primary care, the likelihood that you're going to get a 12k base raise is unlikely (but not impossible) unless your base is really 50k or you move from primary care role to a specialty role

Also, our "we" vs. "me" bonus structure is unique. It definitely has it's negatives but it's ok. I haven't fully decided if I completely prefer it to "force ranking". The alternative system of force ranking has it's benefits but one managed care loss mid year and you could be ruined. Only having 1 or 2 products to promote makes local formulary disadvantages worse. I talk to my counterparts at my previous company and they aren't happy at bonus (drug isn't doing well), lot's of pressure (drug isn't doing well), performance plans (drug isn't doing well), no raise (drug isn't doing well) and rumors of lay-offs (drug isn't doing well).

Good luck on your new position, but I'm staying where I'm at.

Started at 60 with Lilly, 10'yrs later, left at 90 and received 105 base when with new company. Still doing PC with some Spec mixed in. Lilly is a bit cheap. I have known many reps with Lilly for years and I am shocked how little they made in base. If you are not having top 10% years and getting sales rep level promotions, your annual increase barely covers the cost of living increase folks on welfare get. Lilly treated me well. No wait scratch that my manager treated me well. I was just a number for Lilly.

You're an idiot. The pension and other benefits equate to at least 15 - 20K per year on top of salary. You just lost money and screamed out to the world look at me, I'm an ignorant jackass! Glad you're gone, not smart enough to be here. Oh, and do you also think recruiters tell the truth? Wow, dumbass, your future looks great.....not