Lilly Indiana Employment 14,000

Isn't Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels a former Lilly CEO?

If so, that would explain a lot regarding corporate tax breaks.

He was some lower-level functionary, overpaid like the rest. Maybe VP of North American Pharma. Ops? Simply a launching pad for his catastrophic Director of the OMB position. The rest is history...or mystery.

He was some lower-level functionary, overpaid like the rest. Maybe VP of North American Pharma. Ops? Simply a launching pad for his catastrophic Director of the OMB position. The rest is history...or mystery.

Per Mitch..............

He was formerly Senior Vice President of Eli Lilly and Company, Indiana's largest corporation, where he was in charge of the corporation's business strategy.

Things look worse with every passing day. Maybe Mitch can reverse his reversal of the employment addition requirements in exchange for the massive tax breaks.

Let's say the average total compensation of a Lilly employee is 100k. What then, is the economic impact of those 8000 jobs not being added, as was agreed? What then, is the loss of another 5000 jobs.

Pretty big numbers. Almost unimaginable. The fall of Eli Lilly will be just as big for Indiana as was the fall of GM for Michigan. You will know things are getting bad when the polished marble tiles start getting auctioned off on ebay.

Things look worse with every passing day. Maybe Mitch can reverse his reversal of the employment addition requirements in exchange for the massive tax breaks.

Let's say the average total compensation of a Lilly employee is 100k. What then, is the economic impact of those 8000 jobs not being added, as was agreed? What then, is the loss of another 5000 jobs.

Pretty big numbers. Almost unimaginable. The fall of Eli Lilly will be just as big for Indiana as was the fall of GM for Michigan. You will know things are getting bad when the polished marble tiles start getting auctioned off on ebay.

Polished tiles from Bldg 74 for sale on ebay? Sure I'll buy some.

Things look worse with every passing day. Maybe Mitch can reverse his reversal of the employment addition requirements in exchange for the massive tax breaks.

Let's say the average total compensation of a Lilly employee is 100k. What then, is the economic impact of those 8000 jobs not being added, as was agreed? What then, is the loss of another 5000 jobs.

Pretty big numbers. Almost unimaginable. The fall of Eli Lilly will be just as big for Indiana as was the fall of GM for Michigan. You will know things are getting bad when the polished marble tiles start getting auctioned off on ebay.

Lilly made Indiana what it is today, and it will transfer it all abroad in due time. Who truly suffers? The patients are WAITING.