Life Vest

Steer clear!!!!!!!! This job sucks your life from you, makes you feel like a useless horrible ineffective rep, Unrealistic goals, out of touch with the sales force, zoll will work against you every step of the way. You can have a great year then they jack your goal up so high you cannot even make enough to live......

So true!!!! I took a vacation and my RM covered and I still fielded calls and had to hear how my vacation was not very "timely" WTH does that mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am done, fried, tired of the you are great, awesome rep, we jacked your goal 35% and now you suck!!!! Really??? What sucks is the VEST trial and the embarrassment that 2yrs post trial we still do NOT HAVE on treatment analysis. Payers are now refusing to cover the vest and labeling insuff clinical evidence to warrant. What a shame I have seen this device save so many lives, corporate Zoll cannot expect the field rep to overcome the nightmare they created. This is soooo sad, people will die when they should not. Blood on LV hands not the reps

hensce the reason ZOLL is do the worst it ever has!!! I’m not kidding when I say, you are some of the worst reps I have ever seen! I can speak for leadership when I say, everyone wishes you all would quit. I can make the claim that 1% of our current sales force could make a career in sales, if trained properly. The rest would make good hostesses at Subway.
Your English is horrible, try to speak in an intelligent manner and maybe your point will be considered.

If you take the chance come in with eyes wide open. Expect 2 yrs, make a positive impact then move on. The fight becomes too damaging to the soul beyond 2 yrs, trust me, been there. This environment is very toxic.