LEXAPRO IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a pointless debate. What is anyone doing besides bitching. Look Forest just posted higher than expected profits based on Lexapro. If you have a problem with that then nail them. Contact somebody that can do something. If you work for a large company like Pfizer and you hear stories of what is going on with Forest reps report it up the chain. I think Pfizer would like to not be the only company to $400 million for off-label use. Or just continue bitching if it makes you feel better.

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It actually DOES make me feel better; and so does calling you a little bitch.....just like your sister used to call you....


Please forgive me for being a bit naive but I am just inquiring as to what you mean by ''docs are paying you" what do you mean by that? I dont work for Forest and I am just inquiring for my own personal knowledge. I did interview with them though about 6 months ago. To be perfectly honest I got the feeling like I was in the board room of the cheap and sleazy stockbrokerage company featured in the movie "BOILERROOM" The one where Ben Affleck makes a cameo appearance. One thing I did like about the company however was that the sales reps, in my opinion, appeared to be more aggresive, perhaps a bit more "in your face" type sales attitudes. What are some of the bonuses one could make at Forest? I heard they are higher than the norm, is this true?

Ok OK OK you are right, we did not sign the Pharma Guidlines! Maybe, Just maybe it is because we are not a manufacturer. If you had a clue, you would know that PHARMA stands for Pharmaceutical MANFACTURING Association. This means that we can't sign it because we are not a manufacturer and not a member. As a company, we made a decision to self govern ourselves and institute our own rules that closely mirror the Pharma guidlines. Take a closer look at Novartis, Wyeth, Pfizer, who are using smoke and mirrors to take doctors golfing and fishing. Confirmed case in my territory: ran the receipt through the clubhouse restaraunt. That is classy...oh but I forgot that their company signed the Pharma guidlines. Get a clue and take a look around big boy. It is great to have solid products and to work for a solid company. I got to go...going to take a 1000.00 lunch to the doctors office...give me a break!

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HEY i work for novartis and by the way i support your efforts to market lexapro which i believe to be a good med but i take offense that we are ignoring pharma guidelines i have personally seen colleagues fired for violating the guidelines , if you know firsthand of any of my colleagues violating these guidelines i strongly encourage you to turn them in to thier manager who WILL put a stop to this behavior

You're 'feeling better' because you have a mental disease...the funny part about mental disease is that whether you take Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, Prozac, placebo or WHATEVER, 7 out of 10 times, you're going to get better...MIND OVER MATTER, my dear.....

Compared to the rest of the SSRI's (Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, etc.) LEXAPRO is still a SCAM!!!!! The worst of the bunch in efficacy...the most shady sales team....the worst market practices...

I agree with the OP....LEXAPRO IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you ARE an idiot, placebo effect in most psych studies is maybe 30-40 percent on the high side not 70 as you stated and the reason for high placebo effect has more to do with the timing of the studies, generally 6 weeks in duration longer term studies would clearly show a a
smaller placebo effect , i just hope you never have to suffer from a psychiatric disorder but remember you insensitive asshole roughly 17% of the population suffers from some sort of a psychiatric disorder at any one time so good luck

[/ QUOTE ] you ARE an idiot, placebo effect in most psych studies is maybe 30-40 percent on the high side not 70 as you stated and the reason for high placebo effect has more to do with the timing of the studies, generally 6 weeks in duration longer term studies would clearly show a a
smaller placebo effect , i just hope you never have to suffer from a psychiatric disorder but remember you insensitive asshole roughly 17% of the population suffers from some sort of a psychiatric disorder at any one time so good luck

[/ QUOTE ]

You must work for Forest, so you must be one of the roughly 17% suffering from some sort of psychiatric disorder--you wouldn't work for Forest and/or sell Lexapro if you didn't have one....

HEY i work for novartis and by the way i support your efforts to market lexapro which i believe to be a good med but i take offense that we are ignoring pharma guidelines i have personally seen colleagues fired for violating the guidelines , if you know firsthand of any of my colleagues violating these guidelines i strongly encourage you to turn them in to thier manager who WILL put a stop to this behavior

[/ QUOTE ]

If the Forest reps are so "in your face good" then why does Celexa still have market share? Why will Forest lose that market share when Celexa goes generic if they have such great reps and an outstanding, new product? Give me a break.


[/ QUOTE ] you ARE an idiot, placebo effect in most psych studies is maybe 30-40 percent on the high side not 70 as you stated and the reason for high placebo effect has more to do with the timing of the studies, generally 6 weeks in duration longer term studies would clearly show a a
smaller placebo effect , i just hope you never have to suffer from a psychiatric disorder but remember you insensitive asshole roughly 17% of the population suffers from some sort of a psychiatric disorder at any one time so good luck

[/ QUOTE ]

You must work for Forest, so you must be one of the roughly 17% suffering from some sort of psychiatric disorder--you wouldn't work for Forest and/or sell Lexapro if you didn't have one....

[/ QUOTE ]
hey fuck you , and i dont work for forest but i've been a psych rep for a long time and just happen to know my shit unlike you you dumbass

Lexapro EQUALS Celexa MINUS Tolerability...Lexapro EQUALS Bogus Efficacy (10mg vs. 20mg showed no change in efficacy, but double the adverse event profile). I promoted Lexapro until last month...now I am THANKFULLY with another company with another disease state...

Lexapro was (and continues to be) a SCAM! I agree completely! I know that there are more of you out there that know what I'm talking about...

I have been helped GREATLY by Lexapro and know several others that have been, too. Until you suffer from anxiety and/or depression and take it...you don't know!

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I agree. Celexa/Lexapro changed my life for the better. I actually forgot to take it on vacation and I quickly felt very tired, etc.. All the symptoms came back. I won't ever stop taking this drug!!!

The best part of this post is the fact that most reps have a bachelors degree and here they are, arguing over effectiveness of medications like a bunch of doctors - you are all brainwashed by your respective companies. you know who the doctors are laughing at? ALL OF US

Are you really going to take a thousand dollar lunch to the doctor???? Don't you think that is a little excessive?!?!? Bitch?!?!? Forest sucks...Lexapro is a scam off of unsuccessful Celexa...your company treats you like shit...and the funny part is that you're defending them for giving all of what should be YOUR money away to doctors for bribes...don't you think that you, the wife and kids could do better things with some of that extra cash than the already rich doctor? Give me a break...you're a fuckin' moron if you work for Forest...an even BIGGER moron if you sit there and defend her and her illegal practices....

[/ QUOTE ]

HMMMM.....I wonder if this firing was a ethics or an EXPENSE issue? Since any monkey can hand over a check I'm going to say EXPENSE. I don't think this is the sign of a great company!!!! More Forest Spin....Make a statment save 15k on salary...lose 0% market share, because it is a money / formulary driven product. PATHETIC!!!!

I am so glad to be out of the Pharma game...Three years was all I could take. I was a good rep, didn't bad mouth the competition, just regurgitated my company's message on efficacy, low side effects, blah blah blah. All of you are a bunch of brainwashed idiots, believing everything your company's tell you. Also, to sit on here and talk smack to each other, is laughable. Love it! Don't worry, soon enough, a company will buy or merge with your current company and you will probably lose your job. Enjoy while you can.