Letters of concerns going to hospital reps

Bottom line is that you are doing a poor job of selling a new therapy that has twice the coverage and is half the price of the competition. Nuff' said

That's because I don't give a flying fuck! If this company started treating the reps with respect then they might get back a strong work ethic and probably get some good performance - until then, stick it in your ass.

I know i'm getting a LOC, i can't see many people, my cousin tristan from Malibu was up last week-he told me that i am getting fat- so i go to weight watchers and smoke cigarettes in back of Mortu's 7-11 in Tacoma!

Way-to-go Azzari; I bet this will really motivate your sales force. What a brilliant management decision - I wanna be just like you when I grow up!

Let's face it, it's not Gerard, he's not the enemy, he's a good guy-put some numbers up or document your progress. Those of us outside Teflaro want Gerard back-you can't argue his success.

Let's face it, it's not Gerard, he's not the enemy, he's a good guy-put some numbers up or document your progress. Those of us outside Teflaro want Gerard back-you can't argue his success.

Bullshit I can't argue his success - the reason this company sucks hind tit is becuase senior management doesn't have a clue as to what's going on in the field. 40% turnover, multiple lawsuits from past employees, OIG yanking MA and MC reimbursements, poor employee morale, poor reputation in the industry, etc. what the hell else do you want. This is all the result of poor leadership from the top down.

You are a complete moron if you are selling this drug to ID's that is why you suck and don't get sales. You see your customers are getting angry because you obviously can't handle an objection and you are focusing on the negative rather than the positives. Tons of resistance out there for Rocephin and vanc isn't there? How many indications do they have? How many different dosage forms? Man you suck...go back to primary care loser...

Why shouldn't you sell to IDs? Everything and everyone goes through ID's. If you think Teflaro's going to get order by ED docs or hospitalists you are sadly mistaken.

ALL LOC are being processed as we speak. The word is that forest hired too quickly and is now in backward mode to eliminate this group of reps. One by one each will be granted their letter and in 3 months this entire show will be "right sized"... forest has no business in the hospital, they never did and never will. This is just yet another card in the house that is being pulled and full collapse is right around the corner. A bunch of yahoo used car salesman and neanderthals are going to be crushed and dropped. I know of 4 reps already stewing over their LOC from their 24 yr. old manager.....ahahhha.....does not get any more funny than this.

It would be impossible to disagree the post above. Forest had a huge brain fart on this and they are paying the price severely, but in the end the only people fucked and screwed like 2 cent whores will be the stupid reps who took the bait on this job. Hope you learned your lesson.

Honestly this is the poorest run antiobiotic launch i have ever seen. management clueless. just watch as just about everyone i know here has their resume together as is looking to leave. there will be many vacancies soon.

Honestly this is the poorest run antiobiotic launch i have ever seen. management clueless. just watch as just about everyone i know here has their resume together as is looking to leave. there will be many vacancies soon.

Why do you say the launch is run poorly? We are right on track to meet our goals and Teflaro is doing well. Please explain

D-bag, this company sucks and that's the bottom line! Take your $25 per diem and get a clue! Make your once a week night call and your once a weekend call and enjoy! If you think this a "sweet" gig then it's only because you are comparing it to enterprise rent a car and being treated like a punk is one step up from being treated like a bitch!!

Spoken like a true cult member!! Ha... If you're a hospital rep at Forrest u are either a fuck stick or a douche bag or more likely both!! Bottom of the barrel robot punk!! Teflaro sucks and so do you!! Forrest is a joke and everyone is laughing...looooooser!!!