Let's work smarter as a team to make Adu a success!!!

We here at Lilly are enjoying the mass screw up you Biogen clowns have created....see our drug works better at clearing amyloid. We'll be launching by years end or first quarter.... Phase 3 study in process on cognition and a price tag lower than 56k..... but thanks for showing up. Participation trophies are on the back table....

We here at Lilly are enjoying the mass screw up you Biogen clowns have created....see our drug works better at clearing amyloid. We'll be launching by years end or first quarter.... Phase 3 study in process on cognition and a price tag lower than 56k..... but thanks for showing up. Participation trophies are on the back table....

So... you guys hiring or what?

Lily would be thrilled to have many of us; What credibility is there to be lost, here? At least this drug has some efficacy data behind it.
No doubt that many will apply at Lily with this absurd IC plan that very few regions will hit. Clearly they don’t want to pay any severance, so instead of laying us off, they are going to just push us out.

Lily would be thrilled to have many of us; What credibility is there to be lost, here? At least this drug has some efficacy data behind it.
No doubt that many will apply at Lily with this absurd IC plan that very few regions will hit. Clearly they don’t want to pay any severance, so instead of laying us off, they are going to just push us out.

Unrealistic quotas. That's how they will do it. Then it is documented you didn't meet their unrealistic expectations.

Unrealistic quotas. That's how they will do it. Then it is documented you didn't meet their unrealistic expectations.

Yep. The entire thing is just one hot mess after another. This is what happens when you rely on AALs who sit behind their desks filling out reports, sending emails, and not selling a damn thing to the few people they talk who aren’t even the influences while acting like they have it all in the bag and then letting MSLs play sales reps with the most influential providers. Genius.

If I were running this show, the AALs would be the first to be gone. They pushed us all out for so long that it’s too late to salvage. One health system after the next refusing to put Adu on formulary with the decision being made at the d and c level before the physicians can even get a patient through diagnostics to write for it.

Yep. The entire thing is just one hot mess after another. This is what happens when you rely on AALs who sit behind their desks filling out reports, sending emails, and not selling a damn thing to the few people they talk who aren’t even the influences while acting like they have it all in the bag and then letting MSLs play sales reps with the most influential providers. Genius.

If I were running this show, the AALs would be the first to be gone. They pushed us all out for so long that it’s too late to salvage. One health system after the next refusing to put Adu on formulary with the decision being made at the d and c level before the physicians can even get a patient through diagnostics to write for it.

You ain’t running anything accept down to the unemployment line. Hahahahaha