NO SWEETHEART, there's obviously more to life!
But I really do believe it's important that the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death at a NSM in 2006 comes out!
I found it upsetting that a few CONSPIRACY FREAKS who were left over from the time of Bill's death, continue to LIE to Bill's family, Jazz Pharma, our employees, and our co- workers. By their INACTION, they continue to spread the LIE that Bill was murdered, and murdered by the FBI!! These LIES should not simply be accepted as FACT! Everyone should have a chance to develop their own beliefs about Bill' death!
This is why I continue to post the TRUTH about HOW and WHY Bill died. This information has been gathered by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. in Phoenix, AZ. 602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. I continue to push people towards the TRUTH.
The TRUTH is that the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, with NO suspect(s) being sought!
The Autopsy Report shows Bill died of Natural Causes, a heart attack, with NO evidence of murder.
The CONSPIRACY FREAKS actually want EVERYONE to actually believe Bill was murdered by the FBI, af . ter the FBI forced him to wear a "WIRE".!
Now, do YOU see why I'm so adamant about posting the TRUTH?? The FREAKS must be exposed!