This thread is dumb. Looks like Jazz is a dead company. BORING

I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me. I got nobody in my life and I'm very lonely. Discovering CP saved my life. I am a very powerful person now. I can keep my conversations going for years now on here. It does not require much intelligence. Basically just keep posting the same things over and over for years. I am in full control on here.

I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me. I got nobody in my life and I'm very lonely. Discovering CP saved my life. I am a very powerful person now. I can keep my conversations going for years now on here. It does not require much intelligence. Basically just keep posting the same things over and over for years. I am in full control on here.

SWEETHEART, I have only ever asked for one thing from YOU! I have asked what EVIDENCE YOU have that Bill Clark was murdered! NOTHING more! I have constantly given PROOF thru the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, showing that the case is CLOSED, and has been over 10 years. There was NO discovery of any suspicious Blunt Force Trauma, according to the AUTOPSY REPORT. And of course, there can be NO LOGICAL EXPLANATION that Bill was murdered by the FBI, like YOU left- over CONSPIRACY FREAKS believe in YOUR complete IGNORANCE!!
But it really doesn't matter, since a few CONSPIRACY FREAKS, left- over from 2006, have NO CREDIBILITY with our employees and co- workers! Sorry, but they just DON"T believe YOU, since most of them have called the Sheriff's Office already! 602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. This is what YOU can't accept! This TRUTH would destroy YOUR LIES YOU have told over the last 11 years!!
Bill died of Natural Causes, a heart attack!!

Now SWEETHEART, YOU know that a short little comment that no one understands, gives NO CREDENCE to YOUR attacks upon the TRUTH!
Everyone KNOWS what I've said rings TRUE! YOU laugh, but YOU only laugh together with a couple of other left- over CONSPIRACY FREAKS. YOUR CREDIBILITY is shot! YOU offer NO EXPLANATION to our employees and co- workers! YOU offer NOTHING at all!

Now SWEETHEART, YOU know that a short little comment that no one understands, gives NO CREDENCE to YOUR attacks upon the TRUTH!
Everyone KNOWS what I've said rings TRUE! YOU laugh, but YOU only laugh together with a couple of other left- over CONSPIRACY FREAKS. YOUR CREDIBILITY is shot! YOU offer NO EXPLANATION to our employees and co- workers! YOU offer NOTHING at all!

Is this really what your're gonna do with the rest of your life?

Is this really what your're gonna do with the rest of your life?

NO SWEETHEART, there's obviously more to life!
But I really do believe it's important that the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death at a NSM in 2006 comes out!
I found it upsetting that a few CONSPIRACY FREAKS who were left over from the time of Bill's death, continue to LIE to Bill's family, Jazz Pharma, our employees, and our co- workers. By their INACTION, they continue to spread the LIE that Bill was murdered, and murdered by the FBI!! These LIES should not simply be accepted as FACT! Everyone should have a chance to develop their own beliefs about Bill' death!
This is why I continue to post the TRUTH about HOW and WHY Bill died. This information has been gathered by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. in Phoenix, AZ. 602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. I continue to push people towards the TRUTH.
The TRUTH is that the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, with NO suspect(s) being sought!
The Autopsy Report shows Bill died of Natural Causes, a heart attack, with NO evidence of murder.
The CONSPIRACY FREAKS actually want EVERYONE to actually believe Bill was murdered by the FBI, after the FBI forced him to wear a "WIRE".!
Now, do YOU see why I'm so adamant about posting the TRUTH?? The FREAKS must be exposed!

NO SWEETHEART, there's obviously more to life!
But I really do believe it's important that the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death at a NSM in 2006 comes out!
I found it upsetting that a few CONSPIRACY FREAKS who were left over from the time of Bill's death, continue to LIE to Bill's family, Jazz Pharma, our employees, and our co- workers. By their INACTION, they continue to spread the LIE that Bill was murdered, and murdered by the FBI!! These LIES should not simply be accepted as FACT! Everyone should have a chance to develop their own beliefs about Bill' death!
This is why I continue to post the TRUTH about HOW and WHY Bill died. This information has been gathered by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. in Phoenix, AZ. 602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. I continue to push people towards the TRUTH.
The TRUTH is that the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, with NO suspect(s) being sought!
The Autopsy Report shows Bill died of Natural Causes, a heart attack, with NO evidence of murder.
The CONSPIRACY FREAKS actually want EVERYONE to actually believe Bill was murdered by the FBI, af . ter the FBI forced him to wear a "WIRE".!
Now, do YOU see why I'm so adamant about posting the TRUTH?? The FREAKS must be exposed!

The new reps have called you out straight up. Man slaughter is clear as day on this one. Even the no arrest fits the bill here. Snap out of it old hag.

SWEETHEART, NOT one single new rep has called me out! Like the few left- over CONSPIRACY FREAKS who continue to LIE about how Bill Clark died, this rings hollow.
I get my information from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, where do YOU get YOUR information from, that Bill Clark was murdered????
YOUR made- up LIES about Bill being murdered DON"T ring true with the REAL NEW REPS!!
The only thing an employee or co- worker has to do to learn the TRUTH, is call the Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. BUT everyone KNOWS the CONSPIRACY FREAKS are much too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to DARE call! What can YOU tell NEW reps that shows Bill was murdered?? WHY should these reps take YOU at YOUR word?? Where's YOUR CREDIBILITY??
EVERYONE can see the FEW LYING, PHONY, IGNORANT FREAKS are still out there!
The FACTS: Case CLOSED over 10 years. The Autopsy Report shows NO sign Bill was murdered. NO FOUL PLAY and NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA! The Report shows Bill died of Myocardial Infarction, a heart attack. And of course, only a "sick" and "demented" Ignorant lunatic, would believe the FBI murdered Bill for NO REASON!!

SWEETHEART, NOT one single new rep has called me out! Like the few left- over CONSPIRACY FREAKS who continue to LIE about how Bill Clark died, this rings hollow.
I get my information from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, where do YOU get YOUR information from, that Bill Clark was murdered????
YOUR made- up LIES about Bill being murdered DON"T ring true with the REAL NEW REPS!!
The only thing an employee or co- worker has to do to learn the TRUTH, is call the Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. BUT everyone KNOWS the CONSPIRACY FREAKS are much too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to DARE call! What can YOU tell NEW reps that shows Bill was murdered?? WHY should these reps take YOU at YOUR word?? Where's YOUR CREDIBILITY??
EVERYONE can see the FEW LYING, PHONY, IGNORANT FREAKS are still out there!
The FACTS: Case CLOSED over 10 years. The Autopsy Report shows NO sign Bill was murdered. NO FOUL PLAY and NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA! The Report shows Bill died of Myocardial Infarction, a heart attack. And of course, only a "sick" and "demented" Ignorant lunatic, would believe the FBI murdered Bill for NO REASON!!

Why do you continue to play these Narcissitic games on cafe pharma? You must have nothing in your life to do it if you enjoy posting dated and delusional crap on cafe pharma over and over everyday. Has anything productive in your life happened since 2006? Your life seems like it has not progressed since then. Sad just sad to see someone as pathetic as you.

Why do you continue to play these Narcissitic games on cafe pharma? You must have nothing in your life to do it if you enjoy posting dated and delusional crap on cafe pharma over and over everyday. Has anything productive in your life happened since 2006? Your life seems like it has not progressed since then. Sad just sad to see someone as pathetic as you.

SWEETHEART, I really think what I do is extremely IMPORTANT!
Think about it! For many years we have said nothing, as we watched the CONSPIRACY FREAKS LIE about the death of Bill Clark in 2006. Many of us have said nothing, allowing these CONSPIRACY FREAKS to tell us that Bill was murdered! And murdered by the FBI!! Blatant LIES!
NOW, for really the first time in 11 years, we KNOW Bill died of Natural Causes! This is most important to our company, our employees and co- workers, and a relief that the TRUTH has FINALLY come out, to Bill's family!
For too long Bill's family had to see posts that Bill was murdered. And there has NEVER been any PROOF that he was murdered! His family deserves better! His family deserves HONESTY!
This KNOWLEDGE has been most important to everyone who knew Bill Clark! Yes, I feel good that the TRUTH has come out, and has been ACCEPTED by everyone!! Think about it! Isn't TRUTH an important part of YOUR life??

SWEETHEART, I really think what I do is extremely IMPORTANT!
Think about it! For many years we have said nothing, as we watched the CONSPIRACY FREAKS LIE about the death of Bill Clark in 2006. Many of us have said nothing, allowing these CONSPIRACY FREAKS to tell us that Bill was murdered! And murdered by the FBI!! Blatant LIES!
NOW, for really the first time in 11 years, we KNOW Bill died of Natural Causes! This is most important to our company, our employees and co- workers, and a relief that the TRUTH has FINALLY come out, to Bill's family!
For too long Bill's family had to see posts that Bill was murdered. And there has NEVER been any PROOF that he was murdered! His family deserves better! His family deserves HONESTY!
This KNOWLEDGE has been most important to everyone who knew Bill Clark! Yes, I feel good that the TRUTH has come out, and has been ACCEPTED by everyone!! Think about it! Isn't TRUTH an important part of YOUR life??

Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep pretending.

Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep pretending.

SWEETHEART, AT LEAST I'm able to cite Proof Sources of WHY and HOW I believe Bill died! The Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. tells us the case is CLOSED over 10 years. They tell us the Autopsy Report shows NO Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma found. The Autopsy Report clearly shows Bill Clark died of Myocardial Infarction, a heart attack! Call them at 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. GOT THE GUTS????
So what causes YOU to keep pretending Bill was murdered???? Where are YOUR proof sources???? Why do YOU keep trying to LIE about HOW and WHY Bill died???? And what PROOF do you have that the FBI murdered Bill???? YOU obviously are writing a novel, since YOU offer no FACTS! If YOU want ANYONE to believe YOUR attacks on me are valid, YOU need to offer- up some kind of EVIDENCE! GOT the GUTS???? NAH, I DIDN'T think so!! YOU'RE just a FRIGHTENED left- over CONSPIRACY FREAK LOSER who will tell ANYONE Bill Clark was murdered, but will NEVER say HOW or WHY!! Our employees ALL KNOW this!!

SWEETHEART, AT LEAST I'm able to cite Proof Sources of WHY and HOW I believe Bill died! The Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. tells us the case is CLOSED over 10 years. They tell us the Autopsy Report shows NO Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma found. The Autopsy Report clearly shows Bill Clark died of Myocardial Infarction, a heart attack! Call them at 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. GOT THE GUTS????
So what causes YOU to keep pretending Bill was murdered???? Where are YOUR proof sources???? Why do YOU keep trying to LIE about HOW and WHY Bill died???? And what PROOF do you have that the FBI murdered Bill???? YOU obviously are writing a novel, since YOU offer no FACTS! If YOU want ANYONE to believe YOUR attacks on me are valid, YOU need to offer- up some kind of EVIDENCE! GOT the GUTS???? NAH, I DIDN'T think so!! YOU'RE just a FRIGHTENED left- over CONSPIRACY FREAK LOSER who will tell ANYONE Bill Clark was murdered, but will NEVER say HOW or WHY!! Our employees ALL KNOW this!!

I repeat, Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep dreaming. Normal people don't live this shit like you rather use this for a few laughs. You're a bit out there I must admit. And this is coming from a casual observer not one of your so called conspiracy freaks. Don't be so judgemental it points to you having much deeper issues. Curious what you have done since 2006 anyway? You seem stuck in that time period. Haha

I repeat, Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep dreaming. Normal people don't live this shit like you rather use this for a few laughs. You're a bit out there I must admit. And this is coming from a casual observer not one of your so called conspiracy freaks. Don't be so judgemental it points to you having much deeper issues. Curious what you have done since 2006 anyway? You seem stuck in that time period. Haha

So SWEETHEART, when I tell the TRUTH about the death of Bill Clark, WHY do YOU attack me???? WHY are YOU so afraid of the TRUTH????
Is it because YOU can't stand to hear the TRUTH???? Is it because YOU are above and beyond IGNORANCE, and are trying to hide it from all our employees and co- workers???? Is it because YOU are one of the few left- over CONSPIRACY FREAKS, and believe Bill was murdered by the FBI????
In any case, YOU are an obvious FOOL and YOU have NO CREDIBILITY among Jazz personnel!!

The truth and cafe Pharma are oxymorons. Everybody knows that. BTW, I could care less how the guy died. If you truly work at this company and are so consumed with an event from 11 years ago, seems like you would have a more sensible and legit way to convey your message than resorting to this comical site. Haha

Again, Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep pretending. And please do answer the question of what if anything have you done with your life since 2006? It's an honest question.

The truth and cafe Pharma are oxymorons. Everybody knows that. BTW, I could care less how the guy died. If you truly work at this company and are so consumed with an event from 11 years ago, seems like you would have a more sensible and legit way to convey your message than resorting to this comical site. Haha

Again, Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep pretending. And please do answer the question of what if anything have you done with your life since 2006? It's an honest question.

NO SWEETHEART, I'm just consumed with the TRUTH! YES, it does bother me that a few of our employees will blatantly LIE to try and get some point across!
For many years these CONSPIRACY FREAKS try to tell everyone that Bill Clark was murdered! I feel obligated to prove Bill died of Natural Causes at a NSM in 2006. And I have proven it through the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, in Phoenix! They have NO reason to LIE when they tell us the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, and Bill's Autopsy Report shows NO EVIDENCE of Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma!
And YOU personally should be concerned when YOU go back and read that Bill was murdered by the FBI!
This is pure IGNORANCE! Why would ANYONE even consider this crap??
To answer YOUR question in part: During the last 11 years I have had a nice career in the pharmaceutical industry. I work as a "TRAINER" today, with a large company!
However I am still concerned about Bill Clark's family. His family needs to KNOW that almost everyone at Jazz, now accepts the FACT that Bill died of a Natural Causes. Jazz Pharma finally KNOWS the TRUTH! The FREAKS are exposed! This brings closure to Bill's family. I will continue to expose the CONSPIRACY FREAKS! I do enjoy exposing them! And they NEVER, EVER back- up their reasoning!!!!

NO SWEETHEART, I'm just consumed with the TRUTH! YES, it does bother me that a few of our employees will blatantly LIE to try and get some point across!
For many years these CONSPIRACY FREAKS try to tell everyone that Bill Clark was murdered! I feel obligated to prove Bill died of Natural Causes at a NSM in 2006. And I have proven it through the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, in Phoenix! They have NO reason to LIE when they tell us the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, and Bill's Autopsy Report shows NO EVIDENCE of Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma!
And YOU personally should be concerned when YOU go back and read that Bill was murdered by the FBI!
This is pure IGNORANCE! Why would ANYONE even consider this crap??
To answer YOUR question in part: During the last 11 years I have had a nice career in the pharmaceutical industry. I work as a "TRAINER" today, with a large company!
However I am still concerned about Bill Clark's family. His family needs to KNOW that almost everyone at Jazz, now accepts the FACT that Bill died of a Natural Causes. Jazz Pharma finally KNOWS the TRUTH! The FREAKS are exposed! This brings closure to Bill's family. I will continue to expose the CONSPIRACY FREAKS! I do enjoy exposing them! And they NEVER, EVER back- up their reasonJing!!!!

Sorry buddy but you are quite mentally deranged and your cafe pharma stories show it. So you work as a trainer for a different "large pharma company" but make your life's mission to anonymously post about a story from 11 years ago at Jazz. This really does not need to go any further. Sorry pony boy.

This is 100% you...... Cafe pharma for someone like you is just like being your very own movie director. Write your own movie, keep believing and keep pretending.