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Let's make this abundantly clear

Do you think there is only one person that feels this way? You are sadly mistaken. The company does a great job of promising that bonus will compensate for the poor base. They are liars. Me he bonus plan continues to disappoint. With that said, no one can argue that the actual base pay is significantly lower than competitive companies. In the end, all companies offer an uncapped bonus. Most competitive companies are minimally around 115k base and higher with competitive bonus plans.

Why are you concerned about what other people feel? If you are discontent then YOU move on. The argument you present above is silly. After all you are the one complaining.

Talent will come and talent will go. No problem, we'll rehire and get people who care. Fresh blood with healthier attitudes.

Here's the thing, we're not going to change. You know what our company offers, either you accept our terms or simply move on to that magical, wonderful employer brimming with milk and honey~

Talent will come and talent will go. No problem, we'll rehire and get people who care. Fresh blood with healthier attitudes.

Here's the thing, we're not going to change. You know what our company offers, either you accept our terms or simply move on to that magical, wonderful employer brimming with milk and honey~

I'm reading this thread for the first time and you can easily tell you are a manager. You can also easily tell you created both back to back posts just minutes apart. You're thinking there is just one person that feels that the base here is really low when in fact it is a lot of people. My coworkers talk about this all the time and instead of the bonuses getting better, they are getting worse. The same attitude you'd like everyone to think have unhealthy attitudes is no different than yours " we'll rehire. No problem." The problem is that just just don't give a shit.

I'm reading this thread for the first time and you can easily tell you are a manager. You can also easily tell you created both back to back posts just minutes apart. You're thinking there is just one person that feels that the base here is really low when in fact it is a lot of people. My coworkers talk about this all the time and instead of the bonuses getting better, they are getting worse. The same attitude you'd like everyone to think have unhealthy attitudes is no different than yours " we'll rehire. No problem." The problem is that just just don't give a shit.

Yes you are right, we don't give a shit for people who whine and complain about how bad they have it, all the while turn around and throw in our faces that the grass is greener on the other side. We say go, water that soil and prosper and we'll all be happy because I guarantee you there ARE applicants that would do cartwheels do have your jobs? So bye bye. ALL OF YOU.

Yes you are right, we don't give a shit for people who whine and complain about how bad they have it, all the while turn around and throw in our faces that the grass is greener on the other side. We say go, water that soil and prosper and we'll all be happy because I guarantee you there ARE applicants that would do cartwheels do have your jobs? So bye bye. ALL OF YOU.

Oh pleeeeeaasssse. Get off your soapbox and take a Xanax. This job isn't the greatest, but more importantly you stretch the truth with new hires on what they can earn. Having your type of attitude is what makes this job not so great. You're one of the biggest problems. "We say go water the soil...." You freakin sound like a cult. You are extremely strange. Seriously.

Here's where you're missing the point; I'm not the one complaining and staying around expecting things to change. What's the meaning of insanity?

If you dislike My Type (cultist am i) again WHY ARE YOU HERE? Move along to that magical wonderful employer who will fulfill all your needs and wants.

Here's where you're missing the point; I'm not the one complaining and staying around expecting things to change. What's the meaning of insanity?

If you dislike My Type (cultist am i) again WHY ARE YOU HERE? Move along to that magical wonderful employer who will fulfill all your needs and wants.

Here's where you're missing the point; I'm not the one complaining and staying around expecting things to change. What's the meaning of insanity?

If you dislike My Type (cultist am i) again WHY ARE YOU HERE? Move along to that magical wonderful employer who will fulfill all your needs and wants.

Here's where you're missing the point; I'm not the one complaining and staying around expecting things to change. What's the meaning of insanity?

If you dislike My Type (cultist am I?) again? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHY aren't you moving along to that magical wonderful employer who will fulfill all your needs and wants.

There are people who complain then there are people who will do make those changes in there lives and move on. If you think your complaints are going to change this company I believe it's YOU drinking the Kool-aid.

Forgive typos hastily replied on phone...(hmm if you know the meaning of the word)..

Well, considering you typed 5 back to back messages on your iPhone....yes, we would say you are a cultist and a bit of a psycho. Honestly, if you are so happy here....then why the hell are you on Cafepharma? Seriously why? That is very strange. Cafepharma is a site for people to vent and I'm sorry, but there are several people that think the pay sucks as well as other things. And you can't just quit, until you find another job...with the point being a great opportunity. Who is going to jump out of one fire into another? It takes time to find something good. Many of us were mislead here with money potential and some of us took pay cuts to come here and it ended up being our demise. You keep drinking the Kool aid, but I have a feeling who you are...and you are not a rep. Psycho.

The only psycho is the CP feed system which screws your posts after you submit from a mobile device. Oh and CP is NOT just a bitch session it's a site management loves to peruse and laugh at when posts are good and unfortunately when they are not.

Sadly reps posts do not bode to well with management; it gives us a very bad impression of you guys.

So sad sack, life is full of risks and all decisions in life, have negative and positive consequences. You have to chose which "slant" out performs the other. Clearly it's not working for our company. SO? NOW you know WHAT choice to make, be the master of your destiny (and let the other whiners handle their own grievances).

Let us know how your new job search turns out.

The only psycho is the CP feed system which screws your posts after you submit from a mobile device. Oh and CP is NOT just a bitch session it's a site management loves to peruse and laugh at when posts are good and unfortunately when they are not.

Sadly reps posts do not bode to well with management; it gives us a very bad impression of you guys.

So sad sack, life is full of risks and all decisions in life, have negative and positive consequences. You have to chose which "slant" out performs the other. Clearly it's not working for our company. SO? NOW you know WHAT choice to make, be the master of your destiny (and let the other whiners handle their own grievances).

Let us know how your new job search turns out.

OMG, I have just read this whole thread thinking WTF? The above comment takes the cake and made me laugh so hard. If management is taking the time to read these posts, then that is one pathetic problem. They actually think only one person is unhappy? I mean really? Sounds like you have a stick up your ass lol. You are so constipated and your responses are so constipated. When someone defends like you have with so many messages, there usually is truth to what they are trying to negate and defend. You truly sound pathetic. Now go back to being a micromanager...

Yes you are right, we don't give a shit for people who whine and complain about how bad they have it, all the while turn around and throw in our faces that the grass is greener on the other side. We say go, water that soil and prosper and we'll all be happy because I guarantee you there ARE applicants that would do cartwheels do have your jobs? So bye bye. ALL OF YOU.

Allergen friends. Here you have a perfect example of The Forest Way. They do not care about you. They do not care about helping you become better. Any 'issues' with the Comapny are entirely the fault of someone else and certainly not Management. They build nothing. They add nothing of value. Their entire culture is based on saying the right thing, not doing the right thing. Lies and manipulation instead of honesty and integrity. Blame instead of responsibility. It will ALWAYS be your fault. And when you do leave for a better company, which would be just about ANY other Company, they will snidely comment to all that you 'just didn't have what it took to work for this great company' and move on. They learn nothing from the incredible turn over, because they see it as a badge of honor.

Allergen friends. Here you have a perfect example of The Forest Way. They do not care about you. They do not care about helping you become better. Any 'issues' with the Comapny are entirely the fault of someone else and certainly not Management. They build nothing. They add nothing of value. Their entire culture is based on saying the right thing, not doing the right thing. Lies and manipulation instead of honesty and integrity. Blame instead of responsibility. It will ALWAYS be your fault. And when you do leave for a better company, which would be just about ANY other Company, they will snidely comment to all that you 'just didn't have what it took to work for this great company' and move on. They learn nothing from the incredible turn over, because they see it as a badge of honor.

Allergan is the worst. For those that don't agree, they are simply puppets.