Let's keep count of the Oncology Reps that quit each week...

Hey, congratulations on hitting a Billion in Treanda sales. Think MS will allow field sales to come to the celebratory weenie roast being held at the soon to be boarded home office? I don't want to ask him because his answer would start with "that's an excellent question" and then he would take another 30-40 min of his marketing double-speak to say no. I hope Teva sees the level of incompetence that is driving this division to self-implode. What other company has ever celebrated record-breaking sales by telling the sales force they will now be subject to individual recall audits? Now that's motivation. Seems like the Wyeth dream team is hard at work F-ing up all they touch. Nice work you douche bags; and thanks MS for taking a stand....such a self promoting wuss.

Hey, congratulations on hitting a Billion in Treanda sales. Think MS will allow field sales to come to the celebratory weenie roast being held at the soon to be boarded home office? I don't want to ask him because his answer would start with "that's an excellent question" and then he would take another 30-40 min of his marketing double-speak to say no. I hope Teva sees the level of incompetence that is driving this division to self-implode. What other company has ever celebrated record-breaking sales by telling the sales force they will now be subject to individual recall audits? Now that's motivation. Seems like the Wyeth dream team is hard at work F-ing up all they touch. Nice work you douche bags; and thanks MS for taking a stand....such a self promoting wuss.

Tell us how you really feel.

Oncology is the toughest pharmaceutical sector a rep can work in....There are other specialties to work in where the call points are easier, pay is better etc.... don't be married to Oncology! Do not underestimate your value. There are other call points, like radiation Oncology, pathology in order to gain access.. One little message reminder could mean a ton of new patients treated... it happened in my territory and in a "no see" account. I was taken to the Oncologist by the pathologist ....Oncologist had never used Treanda in CLL before. Now he is rocking and rolling and I still don't have access...so what really is access?
The access issues in my territory have been the same for 12 years, it's always been hard to access key docs etc...it's just gotten worse over the last few years but this is the nature of the beast..... Do not underestimate your value or skill set...

I don't know what you have been smoking, but please wake the hell up from your ridiculous dream. You have no value!! The industry is now dead. Move on.

Oncology reps have been quitting in droves. These morons are going to put CNS and Pain reps in Oncology Rep territories?? Can you imagine Genentech doing this? I wonder who the genius who came up with this bright idea is. Nothing wrong with CNS or Pain reps, but good luck with access and providing value to the customers...that's "Customer Focused."

Were you born an oncology rep? No?

A great rep is a great rep. CNS and Pain SF's have great reps, many whom have more years of experience and better resumes than you. Cephalon is a specialty company and we've been paying the bills here long before you came along. Many of us have experience calling on oncology as well. We also know how to access and deal with specialists and poor access.

Please don't be so arrogant as to believe that you are somehow special JUST because you are an oncology rep. You happened to be in the right place at the right time to get the job. Humble yourself now, you may need to come September.

Were you born an oncology rep? No?

A great rep is a great rep. CNS and Pain SF's have great reps, many whom have more years of experience and better resumes than you. Cephalon is a specialty company and we've been paying the bills here long before you came along. Many of us have experience calling on oncology as well. We also know how to access and deal with specialists and poor access.

Please don't be so arrogant as to believe that you are somehow special JUST because you are an oncology rep. You happened to be in the right place at the right time to get the job. Humble yourself now, you may need to come September.

Great quote! I currently work in Oncology and previously worked with what later became "CNS". There were far better reps in that previous life. The Oncology reps and managers alike want to desperately believe there is a difference, but a specialty market is a specialty market. Each market is unique with a set of challenges to overcome. In the CNS specialty world, customers cannot profit from treatments....that makes access much easier for Oncology reps at many companies.

Trust me. I've been in CNS too. You don't even know what you don't know. The business of Oncology is extremely different. Buy and bill drugs and reimbursement are very different. What's a GPO? What's a PMO? What's a pathway? What's the reimbursement for in-patient vs outpatient setting? How do commercial managed care organizations reimburse vs medicare? How about medicaid? Does Cephalon contract? What's the implication of that? How do you figure out mg per meter squared for dosing? What are the top cancer centers in the US? What is EFS, DFS, PFS, RFS, OS, PR, RR, CR, MR, MCyR, CyR, should I go on?? It will take you 2 years to understand Oncology. By then, you will be seen as not bringing value in an era where access is tighter than ever. Relax and go sell your drug vs placebo and hit the three major side effects. ...and use a detail aid ....don't forget to close on the doc's next 5 prescriptions!![

QUOTE=Anonymous;4014311]Were you born an oncology rep? No?

A great rep is a great rep. CNS and Pain SF's have great reps, many whom have more years of experience and better resumes than you. Cephalon is a specialty company and we've been paying the bills here long before you came along. Many of us have experience calling on oncology as well. We also know how to access and deal with specialists and poor access.

Please don't be so arrogant as to believe that you are somehow special JUST because you are an oncology rep. You happened to be in the right place at the right time to get the job. Humble yourself now, you may need to come September.[/QUOTE]

Trust me. I've been in CNS too. You don't even know what you don't know. The business of Oncology is extremely different. Buy and bill drugs and reimbursement are very different. What's a GPO? What's a PMO? What's a pathway? What's the reimbursement for in-patient vs outpatient setting? How do commercial managed care organizations reimburse vs medicare? How about medicaid? Does Cephalon contract? What's the implication of that? How do you figure out mg per meter squared for dosing? What are the top cancer centers in the US? What is EFS, DFS, PFS, RFS, OS, PR, RR, CR, MR, MCyR, CyR, should I go on?? It will take you 2 years to understand Oncology. By then, you will be seen as not bringing value in an era where access is tighter than ever. Relax and go sell your drug vs placebo and hit the three major side effects. ...and use a detail aid ....don't forget to close on the doc's next 5 prescriptions!![

QUOTE=Anonymous;4014311]Were you born an oncology rep? No?

A great rep is a great rep. CNS and Pain SF's have great reps, many whom have more years of experience and better resumes than you. Cephalon is a specialty company and we've been paying the bills here long before you came along. Many of us have experience calling on oncology as well. We also know how to access and deal with specialists and poor access.

Please don't be so arrogant as to believe that you are somehow special JUST because you are an oncology rep. You happened to be in the right place at the right time to get the job. Humble yourself now, you may need to come September.

You must be kidding.....All of that is learned, not talent FAT BOY. Go back to your pathetic life. IP TRACK THROUGH SERVER, LEARN THAT!

You must be kidding.....All of that is learned, not talent FAT BOY. Go back to your pathetic life. IP TRACK THROUGH SERVER, LEARN THAT![/QUOTE]

yes, douchebag, learned over many years. You don't have many years...bendamustine off patent in 2014. By the time you learn that, patent will be done.

There is no IP Tracking on here. The don't keep it. You can't even be found by subpoena. I know.

You must be kidding.....All of that is learned, not talent FAT BOY. Go back to your pathetic life. IP TRACK THROUGH SERVER, LEARN THAT!

yes, douchebag, learned over many years. You don't have many years...bendamustine off patent in 2014. By the time you learn that, patent will be done.

There is no IP Tracking on here. The don't keep it. You can't even be found by subpoena. I know.[/QUOTE]

You really are that stupid...learned did not relate to Treanda only and the IP tracking is stored in their server, which can be tracked through entry that you clearly do not understand. Your lack of intelligence is only superceded by your stature.

P.S. IP Server Info is available through Subpoena, has happened in Florida with suit against Rep. Jackass.