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Let's get real re akynzeo

You think the reason they're not using is because they don't know how well Aloxi and a NK1 work when combined? Millions would be spent to create samples and there's no evidence of superiority. A longer half life doesn't mean longer efficacy. That's basic science

All roads lead to the conclusion Akynzeo never should have been brought to market.

Stop with the cost. I'm sure there's enough of it sitting in warehouses or pharmacies creeping toward its expiration date. It's just sitting there. Hindsight. But shouldn't some of that inventory gone to thought leaders or large clinics where interested nurses, NP, or Mds could have gained experience with it? Never mind the contract fiasco. This launch was..... how do you say poop in Italian?

Stop with the cost. I'm sure there's enough of it sitting in warehouses or pharmacies creeping toward its expiration date. It's just sitting there. Hindsight. But shouldn't some of that inventory gone to thought leaders or large clinics where interested nurses, NP, or Mds could have gained experience with it? Never mind the contract fiasco. This launch was..... how do you say poop in Italian?

You say Poop. Poop is poop in any language. Contract was a joke, still is a joke, but the bigger picture is why launch an oral in the IV space? It has no traction, and won't get any. Helsinn really dropped the ball on their studies and f'ed up the IV formulation.

As one of my clinics said the other day. Why would I use an oral when the IV Aloxi plus emend plus dex works so well? What is their incentive? They could give it away and no one will use it.

As one of my clinics said the other day. Why would I use an oral when the IV Aloxi plus emend plus dex works so well? What is their incentive? They could give it away and no one will use it.

What a pu$$ - wha wha I can't sell when there is an objection
Wha wha I can't describe a specific patient because I don't network w the infusion nurses or call on the ER ...

Wait til Tesaro hypes safety of Rolapitant. They will hammer big increases in common chemo blood levels with Akynzeo. No inhibition of CYP 3A4 with theirs. If good contract and samples, watch out.
Don't know much about the Tesaro compound but do know the top management and contracting people in place. I can guarantee contracts and launch will be well planned and executed.

An oral new emend? Lol good luck selling that
That is exactly what was said when many of the very same management and contracting individuals now at Tesaro launched Aloxi with Zoran, Kytril and Amzemet already on the market for CINV.

How did that launch work out you might ask??
I'll tell you the reps made a fortune during that launch and the product remained successful till Eisai contracting idiots got their hands on it. The Tesaro drug may not become a blockbuster but it sure as hell won't be the disaster/clusterfuck that Akynzeo has become.

Bottom line it is impossible to get an oral used in this market. Yes they used oral emend when it came on the market but when I became available that use stopped. I don't care how great management and reps are at a tesaro unless their is a better financial incentive for the practices it ain't happening.

Bottom line it is impossible to get an oral used in this market. Yes they used oral emend when it came on the market but when I became available that use stopped. I don't care how great management and reps are at a tesaro unless their is a better financial incentive for the practices it ain't happening.

The real opportunity is if Tesaro can get their IV version to market Q4 2016, which is their guidance to the street.

Bottom line it is impossible to get an oral used in this market. Yes they used oral emend when it came on the market but when I became available that use stopped. I don't care how great management and reps are at a tesaro unless their is a better financial incentive for the practices it ain't happening.
Spot on! When oral Emend became available its success came about because it was the ONLY NK-1. As soon as IV Emend was available the oral Emend dried up. We can all do a search for our top current oral Emend users and they are few, far between and, for the vast majority of us, write very little compared to IV Emend. Most offices use no oral Emend. This is NOT an oral market.