Let's Do Some Math: Add It Up


Alright, lots of confirmed facts and gossip floating around. Let's add facts first and then feel free to share your speculations:

1. Rodney said we're $100+ million behind in projections.
2. Access budgets have been cut in some districts.
3. If AZ has 27000 employees worldwide as of the latest data, and 16% of that will be let go, that means 4120 jobs gone.
4. The Wall Street Journal claims that will add to bottom line at $1+ billion saved.
5. Discretionary spending is enforced (no more personal lunches at meetings, no overnight travel, etc.).
6. New ranking system.
7. CSAs: trained and servicing accounts in some pilot areas, expected to be rolled put more.
8. Contract Employees: hired, in training, ready to go 10/1.
9. MCR facing 11/30 launch date of Lipitor, CVAS facing Seroquel and Lexapro generics 10/1-12/30.
10. Hiring freeze confirmed.
11. RSSs: trained, in territory, ready to take layoff vacancies.
12. Increase in personal car fee.
13. Vimovo sales goals = 300% in some areas.
14. Receptivity to Vimovo is lukewarm. Doctors taking samples for themselves, not patient.

Alright, lots of confirmed facts and gossip floating around. Let's add facts first and then feel free to share your speculations:

2. Access budgets have been cut in some districts.
Budgets get cut nearly every fall.

3. If AZ has 27000 employees worldwide as of the latest data, and 16% of that will be let go, that means 4120 jobs gone.
And many of those gone already.

5. Discretionary spending is enforced (no more personal lunches at meetings, no overnight travel, etc.).
Not in my region.

6. New ranking system.
It's like the 4th one in 5 years...

10. Hiring freeze confirmed.
There was the year before last

12. Increase in personal car fee.
Again, not new. 3rd in 5 years

13. Vimovo sales goals = 300% in some areas.
About time the left had some aggressive goals. Welcome to the world of the right side.

Math was never a strong point with me. Had trouble cypherin. But I'll tell Y'all this....you don't need to be a math major to know what this all adds up to is that a whole bunch of us won't be here this time next year. If you haven't planned for it start immediately. Those that plan and act through this will be fine. Good luck all.

2. Access budgets have been cut in some districts.
Budgets get cut nearly every fall.

3. If AZ has 27000 employees worldwide as of the latest data, and 16% of that will be let go, that means 4120 jobs gone.
And many of those gone already.

5. Discretionary spending is enforced (no more personal lunches at meetings, no overnight travel, etc.).
Not in my region.

6. New ranking system.
It's like the 4th one in 5 years...

10. Hiring freeze confirmed.
There was the year before last

12. Increase in personal car fee.
Again, not new. 3rd in 5 years

13. Vimovo sales goals = 300% in some areas.
About time the left had some aggressive goals. Welcome to the world of the right side.

The right side has never experienced a 300% or 400% increase in Crestor goals from one quarter to the next. Never.

That's not true. Onglyza had those types of increases. It is all about volume. A 300% increase doesn't amount to much to on small volume Vimovo

That is true. I think my coworkers were just exaggerating that number to say they had more to sell. However, if you work in a high Medicaid area that's hard when it's not a lot of states' Medicaid plans as I understand. It's not on ours even with a PA.