Lets be real


At AZ sure the money is OK, benefits OK, work sometimes is numbing, but overall this is a great job that affords us all a lot of autonomy. I think we "the filed" need to step up and do what is right for the people that we serve, THE PATIENTS. Lets stop bitching, bring our medicines to them and show the benefits!


At AZ sure the money is OK, benefits OK, work sometimes is numbing, but overall this is a great job that affords us all a lot of autonomy. I think we "the filed" need to step up and do what is right for the people that we serve, THE PATIENTS. Lets stop bitching, bring our medicines to them and show the benefits!

I have 15 physicians in my entire territory that I can actually talk to for more than 1 minute on a regular basis. How exactly am I supposed to do what you say. Sample signatures?

I have 15 physicians in my entire territory that I can actually talk to for more than 1 minute on a regular basis. How exactly am I supposed to do what you say. Sample signatures?
veeva email.... haha, but seriously let’s start a discussion of what really works so we can all share.
I personally just work the 360 approach w the office. Works well w the nurses

veeva email.... haha, but seriously let’s start a discussion of what really works so we can all share.
I personally just work the 360 approach w the office. Works well w the nurses
The only reason we stay is the base salary. Managers are Aholes. Doctors do not care to listen to the messages. The oncology role is the highest base, yet the absolute worse position due to no access to the physicians. And AZ judges people on veeva emails, and number of programs delivered. The only people that want to come to programs are students and the cleaning crew.

The only reason we stay is the base salary. Managers are Aholes. Doctors do not care to listen to the messages. The oncology role is the highest base, yet the absolute worse position due to no access to the physicians. And AZ judges people on veeva emails, and number of programs delivered. The only people that want to come to programs are students and the cleaning crew.
So???? Just do what works my friend........Enjoy the ride!!!

Last year was a nightmare with the Bevespi launch. This year is so much better now that AZ repositioned Bevespi. But I'll still never view my manager the same after the crap she put me through last year. Was threatened with a PIP if my Bevespi numbers didn't improve. Granted it still continues to be a little crazy but now am in the top 5% Ranking this year and no longer being treated like a loser. This job can be crazy making.

Last year was a nightmare with the Bevespi launch. This year is so much better now that AZ repositioned Bevespi. But I'll still never view my manager the same after the crap she put me through last year. Was threatened with a PIP if my Bevespi numbers didn't improve. Granted it still continues to be a little crazy but now am in the top 5% Ranking this year and no longer being treated like a loser. This job can be crazy making.


Last year was a nightmare with the Bevespi launch. This year is so much better now that AZ repositioned Bevespi. But I'll still never view my manager the same after the crap she put me through last year. Was threatened with a PIP if my Bevespi numbers didn't improve. Granted it still continues to be a little crazy but now am in the top 5% Ranking this year and no longer being treated like a loser. This job can be crazy making.

And your numbers are a lottery. They have little to nothing to do with your sales efforts.

Well lucky you. This year in the top 5%. I heard that a lot of reps in the bottom 5% last year aren't even around anymore because their Bevespi dragged them down and AZ managers had to blame somebody. So glad I didn't get caught in that trap. At least this year shows they realize Bev for the dog product that it is. Woof!

Bev isn’t a dog, it just isn’t what they thought it was. It actually works quite well. They want to blame the sales force but the blame should be put squarely on the brand team and managed markets. Third to market drug with limited coverage compared to competitors, good luck with that. The states that have Medicaid coverage have done quite well with Bev, those without have not. Doesn’t take a degree from MIT.

Completely agree with you. Brand team and MM. But can never understand why DSMs blame reps especially when those people have proven their worth in previous years but unfortunately get caught in a situation like Bevespi created for some last year. I too am glad to not have gotten caught in that nonsense. Ranking seemed to be such a bigger issue last year. Middle of the pack in 2017 was fine for me. Doing better this year. Not top 5% like previous post but better and feel less stressed out.

OP making an old point.. Being a rep is a comfortable 'job'.. but can it be considered a good career? Anyone with a more than a few years of experience has seen all the layoffs of good and bad reps. The ability to make more money is limited...I've sat in too many meetings with everyone giving the WTF eye roll as some yahoo rep steps on stage for their award and handshake from a corporate yuckty muck. We could be digging ditches..(ps. there's a ton of money in digging ditches as site development company owner)

At AZ sure the money is OK, benefits OK, work sometimes is numbing, but overall this is a great job that affords us all a lot of autonomy. I think we "the filed" need to step up and do what is right for the people that we serve, THE PATIENTS. Lets stop bitching, bring our medicines to them and show the benefits!

I think you should request a half-hour of every physicians' time so that you can explain to them ad nauseum about the benefits of statins in post-MI patients. Good luck with that.

Last year was a nightmare with the Bevespi launch. This year is so much better now that AZ repositioned Bevespi. But I'll still never view my manager the same after the crap she put me through last year. Was threatened with a PIP if my Bevespi numbers didn't improve. Granted it still continues to be a little crazy but now am in the top 5% Ranking this year and no longer being treated like a loser. This job can be crazy making.

The only reason we stay is the base salary. Managers are Aholes. Doctors do not care to listen to the messages. The oncology role is the highest base, yet the absolute worse position due to no access to the physicians. And AZ judges people on veeva emails, and number of programs delivered. The only people that want to come to programs are students and the cleaning crew.

The only reason we stay is the base salary. Managers are Aholes. Doctors do not care to listen to the messages. The oncology role is the highest base, yet the absolute worse position due to no access to the physicians. And AZ judges people on veeva emails, and number of programs delivered. The only people that want to come to programs are students and the cleaning crew.

The only reason we stay is the base salary. Managers are Aholes. Doctors do not care to listen to the messages. The oncology role is the highest base, yet the absolute worse position due to no access to the physicians. And AZ judges people on veeva emails, and number of programs delivered. The only people that want to come to programs are students and the cleaning crew.

Another reason to stay is the good pussy at meetings. I'm killing it with the 38-45 yr old demographic with this company. If you can't get laid at our meetings, time to turn in your dicks.