Let's all be honest - Pharma Divison

b&l is the revolving door of ophthalmic sales. didn't use to be that way, but ever since perry and his merry band of idiots took over, average rep tenure went from 10 years to 6 months. I don't know what the tenure really was back in 2006 but there were only 30 some reps and they had all been here 10 years or longer.

That team grew the business with triple digit growth doubling revenue 2006 2007 2008 to 100 million.
perry and kk fired most of them and turned over most territories 2 times since then.
The result. who knows the real numbers but you can bet branded Rx portfolio has barely moved since then. LE portfolio lost share and besivance added a few million. but the 100% annual growth in RX crashed to a halt since warburg took over. coincidence. hmmm no.

2008 to 2012. B&L Rx branded has had worse performance than obama.

I vote no confidence in perry and kk and Warburg for that matter.

Good because you need to be happy by leaving; and give someone else the opportunity to be happy taking your position.

Since when does B & L opportunity = happiness?? Hahah what a bunch of crock
You must have come from some communist environment thinking this is an opportunity. Please get some real life experience before equating happiness to working at B&L. Dumb twit.

Good because you need to be happy by leaving; and give someone else the opportunity to be happy taking your position.

Yes and happy they will be for 3 months and then miserable. Super high turnover here. My docs tell me that every day! They even help us look for jobs. Unfortunately they say they don't have any respect for this company and how they treat their employees by running them into the ground. Mean management = unhappy employees= poor sales= no IPO . Hello?

The turnover at this company is mind boggling. The only ones who really have stayed in power is the top- where they can control everything at the direction of Mr. Hassan. Everybody else is expendable.

the turnover here is nothing like it was at Ista. We lost 70% of our reps over the last 2 years. So when people complain Ista was better they are fibbing. It was a mess the last 2 yrs.

the turnover at B&L has been over 100% annually the past 3 years. if you just came on board from ista then you haven't seen it.

many positions have turned 2 to 3 times. some people have remained that whole time, but you have to look at number of sales reps in total and how many in versus how many out. I can only think of 4 reps that have been there for more than 3 years. That's nuts. a couple I know of have been there for 2 years that KK brought with her. So they are protected and given good goals and make the most in commission. wake up time.

Goals are cooked at B&L for specific reps. The person that used to have to cook them left the company because they hated the management there and their disgusting favortism.

crazy turnover.
assume half of the territories have remained constant over 3 years (which they haven't), the other half have flipped many times. (more than half have flipped many times) that's insane. tells you alignment, management, goals, commission etc are all botched. Those are the reasons people leave.