it is an embarrassment to read what is posted on this website. the fact is that most of the posts are probably done by a very small number of people. maybe those who are posting on this website should print out the entire chain of posts and read then outloud to their children, parents or spouses and watch their reaction. read it outloud with your churchgroup or, better yet, to the patients that rely on what you are selling to them and see their reaction. this is the most disgraceful and selfish display imaginable by people who are supposed representing medical care to people who need it. now go make fun of this post - doing that will not change the main point. that your life must be truly empty and your purpose so misguided that you spend time feeling good to write things that smear good people, your company, co workers, colleagues and you disrespect the patients you are supposed to be helping. no matter what company you go to. Learn a lesson and really read what I am writing here. Pay attention.
This company is an embarrassment. It practices predatory pricing! Those who take advantage of those in need, let's say after a hurricane by selling gasoline at high prices are arrested. Please tell me what the difference is here! The guys that are running this company are the lowest of the low! If you want to drag church or religion into this argument go visit your minister or church leader and tell him about MNK's pricing policy. Your minister might start quoting the bible and mention something about a rich man, a camel and the eye of a needle or maybe he would just cut to the chase and start talking about a vengeful God. Do you understand? Pay attention!