Let’s call a spade a spade

When the margin dollars were built on the false premise of funding by the 501c3 funds and now are lost, is that the fault of the reps? You don’t want to pay a bonus? Fine, we will vote with our feet and leave. The only reason you would not pay would be if you had no faith in the future of Rayaldee.

Do you need a lesson on the recognition of sarcasm? The point is that there are not as many stage 3 patients and patients with commercial insurance as Patty believes. Certainly not enough to waste staff time chasing down PAP for Rayaldee when they could be finding funding for one of the many new drugs that actually have outcomes data. Speaking of outcomes data, Rayaldee has been out for four years. Why hasn’t a morbidity and mortality study been conducted? Where is the head to head study Charlie was so proud of? I’d ask Patty but she does not want to entertain the hard questions.

Whew, glad there is no need to call the wammmbulance. The CKD stage 3 and 4 patients are out there but without 25D levels less than 30.

OUT comes the truth: The patients that were enrolled in the clinical trial (sprague) were prior to 2015. They are probably either on dialysis or dead. Bishop is peddling his pipe dream again as there has been adequate time to follow theses original patients.
Patty can not follow this timeline or do the math. We could ask the RSS who calls on Sprague who was fired 2 weeks ago or we could pack a parachute.

The drug could have had substantially higher sales if Frost was not so greedy. And it would have made the patient transition to the dialysis indication immensely easier. But when you have an 85 year old at the helm and the head of the division in his mid seventies, long term planning is not in the cards.

When the margin dollars were built on the false premise of funding by the 501c3 funds and now are lost, is that the fault of the reps? You don’t want to pay a bonus? Fine, we will vote with our feet and leave. The only reason you would not pay would be if you had no faith in the future of Rayaldee.