Leslie storms will be the death of Synthes. Many internal changes to become an arthrex model and flood the market with inexperienced reps.
Changing the name of Synthes to J&J Medtech has competitors licking their chops. Late to innovation, and being complacent. Expecting your company to be Ethicon with comp plan changes and being on call 24/7 will drive out the sales force that have been loyal. Let’s invest in unneeded seminars, and recycle ideas from Ethicon!
Changing the name of Synthes to J&J Medtech has competitors licking their chops. Late to innovation, and being complacent. Expecting your company to be Ethicon with comp plan changes and being on call 24/7 will drive out the sales force that have been loyal. Let’s invest in unneeded seminars, and recycle ideas from Ethicon!