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Lern nothing, PPD Gateway to hell, CIA PIA


If those morons would have NOT done the off -label crap with Deapkot while at ABT, we wouldn't have to be doing all of this junk. Marketing had to know that it was OOB (out of bounds), but they did it anyway. So where are they now...? Most AP people promoted... a few gone... reps "right-sized", ie let go.

Arggh its getting unbearable. I shouldnt complain getting a nice salary to listen to bs CIA stuff, and spending hours entering calls on irep instead of making calls..i know, but I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE

Are these clowns in senior management this naive or just just f****ing stupid? They insult me by thinking I'm that stupid. Can't wait for the dog and pony show in LV.

Fine. Always nice to vent.
But what if they are correct in their assessment of you? Or maybe how you go about doing your job?
And, not to pour salt into an open wound, but do you seriously think that you could move into one of the "clowns" offices on next Monday and have any clue as to what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it? Those "clowns" (as you like to call them), are some of the brightest people you will ever meet, and if you ever had the chance to sit down in a couple of strategic meetings, you might get a glimpse of the insight they have on the business at a macro level, (not at the bag level), and the leadership they have demonstrated to get them there. Nobody gets up there because they are good looking. A few might get up there if they were lucky, but they won't be staying long, because the others will far outshine them. For the most part (except for Little Ricky, I will admit) they are better educated, work harder, and are more committed to the success of the company more than most others.

Fine. Always nice to vent.
But what if they are correct in their assessment of you? Or maybe how you go about doing your job?
And, not to pour salt into an open wound, but do you seriously think that you could move into one of the "clowns" offices on next Monday and have any clue as to what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it? Those "clowns" (as you like to call them), are some of the brightest people you will ever meet, and if you ever had the chance to sit down in a couple of strategic meetings, you might get a glimpse of the insight they have on the business at a macro level, (not at the bag level), and the leadership they have demonstrated to get them there. Nobody gets up there because they are good looking. A few might get up there if they were lucky, but they won't be staying long, because the others will far outshine them. For the most part (except for Little Ricky, I will admit) they are better educated, work harder, and are more committed to the success of the company more than most others.

Not doubting leadership's intelligence, just wish we COULD be included in understanding the "insights" they have and where Abbvie is headed. Much of the cheerleading we get on webex and teleconferences is patronizing. Why does management dole out platitudes about the value of their employees, and yet refuse to be upfront and honest about where we're headed?

Not doubting leadership's intelligence, just wish we COULD be included in understanding the "insights" they have and where Abbvie is headed. Much of the cheerleading we get on webex and teleconferences is patronizing. Why does management dole out platitudes about the value of their employees, and yet refuse to be upfront and honest about where we're headed?

This one is simple to answer in one word: SEC (I guess that is one acronym, only sort of a word).

Fine. Always nice to vent.
But what if they are correct in their assessment of you? Or maybe how you go about doing your job?
And, not to pour salt into an open wound, but do you seriously think that you could move into one of the "clowns" offices on next Monday and have any clue as to what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it? Those "clowns" (as you like to call them), are some of the brightest people you will ever meet, and if you ever had the chance to sit down in a couple of strategic meetings, you might get a glimpse of the insight they have on the business at a macro level, (not at the bag level), and the leadership they have demonstrated to get them there. Nobody gets up there because they are good looking. A few might get up there if they were lucky, but they won't be staying long, because the others will far outshine them. For the most part (except for Little Ricky, I will admit) they are better educated, work harder, and are more committed to the success of the company more than most others.

You're correct. Senior management probably does include mostly bright leaders. Bright leaders that know how to manipulate situations to keep the masses motivated and out working. They would not be bright leaders if they were to clue the working man in on what is really going on. That is why we, the bright employees, can read them and know to live with skepticism and work in moderation.

You're correct. Senior management probably does include mostly bright leaders. Bright leaders that know how to manipulate situations to keep the masses motivated and out working. They would not be bright leaders if they were to clue the working man in on what is really going on. That is why we, the bright employees, can read them and know to live with skepticism and work in moderation.

Partly right, I think. But those that make the decision to go beyond the "work in moderation" ethic, are the ones that get the additional opportunities with more job responsibilities and the fruits that go with those.

Partly right, I think. But those that make the decision to go beyond the "work in moderation" ethic, are the ones that get the additional opportunities with more job responsibilities and the fruits that go with those.

I guess what you mean by going beyond "work in moderation" is staying at AP until 7pm, going in Saturdays until noon, coming up with useless ideas to create busy work for others, and helping your corp DB superior get ahead. Yay! You rock!

This one is simple to answer in one word: SEC (I guess that is one acronym, only sort of a word).

OK, help me out here. What does the SEC have to do with Abbvie leadership giving their salesforce the straight scoop on territory size and staffing? The approximate number of positions outside CC that they plan to add? We're not talking about corporate secrets here, just basic personnel issues. All we've gotten is some yuk-it-up conference calls with JD & crew that tell us how great we're doing in CC, but be sure and prepare to interview for positions that become available. We're talking about roughly 1200 reps, a handful of postings for new positions, and we can't all sell Androgel or Humira.

Fine. Always nice to vent.
But what if they are correct in their assessment of you? Or maybe how you go about doing your job?
And, not to pour salt into an open wound, but do you seriously think that you could move into one of the "clowns" offices on next Monday and have any clue as to what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it? Those "clowns" (as you like to call them), are some of the brightest people you will ever meet, and if you ever had the chance to sit down in a couple of strategic meetings, you might get a glimpse of the insight they have on the business at a macro level, (not at the bag level), and the leadership they have demonstrated to get them there. Nobody gets up there because they are good looking. A few might get up there if they were lucky, but they won't be staying long, because the others will far outshine them. For the most part (except for Little Ricky, I will admit) they are better educated, work harder, and are more committed to the success of the company more than most others.

You need to understand that the rank-and-file employee doesn't Necessarily see the "success of the company" in the same way senior leadership does. Yes, we all understand that companies make decisions based on what's in the long-term best interests of the shareholders, but for many employees, that doesn't necessarily work in THEIR best interests. I'm not advocating forcing companies to change their pursuit of profit, just that they tell their employees the truth about upcoming changes that affect the average worker. We'll understand, even if we're disappointed in how things worked out. Springing dramatic change on the folks who had the least warning is lousy strategy in the long run, as it destroys morale and gives good people incentive to leave, or, worse, actively work against the organization's best interests.

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