What is up with the direct hire Derm Sales Force??? If you have any insight please share
Same here. It's been a very frustrating and long process, Just wish I'd know one way or the other if I got it and they can name the start date. Good luck...
Rick Snowden, LOL. That tells you all you need to know.
Very interested in the offer as I am interviewing very soon. Please share any details you can. It's a one time shot interview. What kind of vehicle is it and are they on paper or computer? It seems like a nice company, I hope the vehicle is safe for winter weather and I really hope that they are on a computer, so much less paperwork!
Did anyone get an offer yet? I still have not heard other than they will probably go out the week of the 15th.
Are we talking about the critical care division or derm division?
heard chevy malibu- would love to know comp plan and base??
heard chevy malibu- would love to know comp plan and base??