Legacy Merck


I used to see a lot of threads based on how far Merck had fallen from its lofty position during the 80's and 90's. Since there are far fewer with this theme, can I presume that this remembrance of the past feeling is now officially dead? And perhaps coupled with the retirement or dismissal of anyone with any memory of those days?

What will be the Merck that people 15 years from now look back on? Scrambling Merck? Dishonest Merck? Lucky-to-Survive Merck? Ex-Merck? Waste of a few years of my life Merck?


Sh1tty post. This company used to be good now it isn't.

Just like Caligula and Nero used Rome as their personal playground to frolic and pillage, Merck senior management, minus the sex orgies I would imagine, is sucking the life out of this once great company for their own self interests. I don't know anyone, who has been with this company for 20 plus years, taking any pleasure in watching KF and his merry bunch of empty suits fiddle while Merck is burning

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