Legacy Merck arrogance


Throughout big pharma golden years many under-qualified yes men were hired which is a major reason why the industry has declined so far, including Merck.

Sluggish R&D, unethical & criminal management behavior, misguided marketing, lazy sales people, bloated jobs (think MGAMs), and a culture which endorses back-stabbing.

Why then is one of the biggest offenders like Merck continue to be so arrogant?
How many corporate integrity agreements and litigations (Vioxx, Fosamax,etc) will it take before Legacy Merck gets it?


good points. you have a command structure which is not transparent with no accountability. the internal legal structure is set up to protect senior management. Vioxx provided the world the whole story. todate, there are no lessons learned. paying fines and negotiating a cia is now an accepted way of doing business. shame and remorse means nothing. with such leadership there is no hope that any meaningful change will happen. it is all about making money. healthcare is all about making money. more regulation, accountability of rogue executives and forcing transparency are critical means to bring salvage to us. merck led the path and the foundation of the pharma model have changed. this has changed the world for the lower ranks but not for the leaders. they continue to live in lala land flying first class and seeing things in their rosey colored lenses. It is disgusting place to work where lies are distorted and spun for the sake of marketing a product.

Schering is an STD we acquired after getting in bed with Fred Hassen

I joined Merck 39 years ago and they were a piece of crap then just as they are now. The only thing that has changed is they have gotten worse. They have always been arrogant and full of themselves and thought they were better than anyone else. I've seen great sales people not hired by Merck and they get hired by the competition and end up cleaning Merck's clock. I'm not making this up. I have seen it over and over for the past 39 years. Over the years most of the good reps on territory were competitive reps. The Merck reps didn't know how to sell, they just played the role and kissed the manager's ass to get ahead. Evidently you are one of that kind. All the Schearing reps I knew were always as good as the majority of Merck reps.

Throughout big pharma golden years many under-qualified yes men were hired which is a major reason why the industry has declined so far, including Merck.

Sluggish R&D, unethical & criminal management behavior, misguided marketing, lazy sales people, bloated jobs (think MGAMs), and a culture which endorses back-stabbing.

Why then is one of the biggest offenders like Merck continue to be so arrogant?
How many corporate integrity agreements and litigations (Vioxx, Fosamax,etc) will it take before Legacy Merck gets it?

Actually every major drug companies probably have quite a few litigation and corporate integrity agreements under their belts. Don't be naive. Don't be so idealistic. Pfizer probably beats Merck in those departments.

Actually every major drug companies probably have quite a few litigation and corporate integrity agreements under their belts. Don't be naive. Don't be so idealistic. Pfizer probably beats Merck in those departments.

No company beats Merck in those departments. You have no idea how bad it actually is.

We dissolved the R&D department in 15 years ago. They are now the welfare department. They get paid for doing absolutely nothing.

Actually they have a great gig. Instead of food stamps they get to go the Merck cafeteria and eat for free. They have some beer in the afternoon talking about the good ol' days with Mevacor, Vasotec and Vioxx..errr sorry..that got pulled.. then they discuss how many different drugs they can add to Zocor for a shitty combo. After a long day of free food and booze, they pat each other on the back and put out a memo to the sales force letting us know we are lucky to have them.

I joined Merck 39 years ago and they were a piece of crap then just as they are now. The only thing that has changed is they have gotten worse. They have always been arrogant and full of themselves and thought they were better than anyone else. I've seen great sales people not hired by Merck and they get hired by the competition and end up cleaning Merck's clock. I'm not making this up. I have seen it over and over for the past 39 years. Over the years most of the good reps on territory were competitive reps. The Merck reps didn't know how to sell, they just played the role and kissed the manager's ass to get ahead. Evidently you are one of that kind. All the Schearing reps I knew were always as good as the majority of Merck reps.

I'd beg to differ with you. I joined 30 years ago and didn't sense then as I definitely do now that we are a piece of crap. Sure, we had a bit of an attitude but had the products and results to back it up. Now it's all a smoke and mirrors game, I know.

Why then is one of the biggest offenders like Merck continue to be so arrogant?

Because they bought Schering Plough and started tripping again on financial statements instead of learning the hard lessons. All the fallbacks of R&D, Vioxx, the global marketing mess-ups, all that can now be forgotten with the new Kool Aid called "best healthcare company in the world." Never mind the Remicade mess with J&J. Never mind the Saphris blunder. Never mind the SP trash now being "trimmed" and "rationalized" away. Never mind the Organon criminal negligence so carefully veiled - although that one is an SP blunder really.

No company beats Merck in those departments. You have no idea how bad it actually is.

Unless you have unlimited access to all the Merck secret files...would you care to share?

Prior to Vioxx I used to be amazed at how many products Pfizer would recall, paid fines for infractions, and continued on business as usual. I almost thought Pfizer sees all the penalties and bad press as a normal cost in doing business. Physicians continue to love them.

Anyway, please share your special insight into the dark side of Merck that myself a 30-year veteran is not privy to. Don't tell me the usual toxic stuff. I am aware of them already.

I'd beg to differ with you. I joined 30 years ago and didn't sense then as I definitely do now that we are a piece of crap. Sure, we had a bit of an attitude but had the products and results to back it up. Now it's all a smoke and mirrors game, I know.

Agreed with you and disagreed with that 39-year veteran. We were classy, well trained, a little bit arrogant, and with new first-in-class products coming out almost non-stop. The first expansion to MS and CID was because we had too many new products for one rep, not for share of voice crap. Now we are nothing but a paper tiger.

Who wouldn't be arrogant when you compare Merck to the LSP we inherited

I don’t understand why we should be arrogant. Look what the competition is. Because we are better than a bunch of lazy, no talent, brainless dummies does not make us great. Actually bring in SP lowered the bar for the minimum you can do and still keep your job in all departments here. We should feel bad for them. Feel bad for Merck. It could very well be the reason why we don’t have a pipeline. They do nothing so everyone else does not work as hard.

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