Lederle Labs: any reps from the Cyanamid days still around?

To take the time to read a thread you have no interest in then post your rude comment reveals you to be a pathetic person. Unbelievable.
Dear Old Timer: Wyeth/Lederle were on the bottom ring of prestige in the pharma industry. You and your fellow reps were viewed as jokers versus the pharma reps of Lilly, Merck, and Pfizer. Sorry for the honesty and hope you can eventually go outside the nursing home for fresh air.

Dear Old Timer: Wyeth/Lederle were on the bottom ring of prestige in the pharma industry. You and your fellow reps were viewed as jokers versus the pharma reps of Lilly, Merck, and Pfizer. Sorry for the honesty and hope you can eventually go outside the nursing home for fresh air.

And you spend your day trolling other boards for what reason. Don't really care about your "honesty". I do care about my $1.75 mill+ pension payout at 55. Living the dream nowhere near nursing home status. I'll take your so called "bottom ring" status to the bank any day my friend. I retired at 55 ( like plenty of other bottom rung company employees)....probably something you wished you could do. Have a nice day-I'm heading to the beach.

Hey Mr. "Rich Guy": Remember to take your daily Centrum and rub that Old Spice cologne over your wrinkled and mole covered face. Maybe the nurse's aid will give you an extra jello.

Dear Old Timer: Wyeth/Lederle were on the bottom ring of prestige in the pharma industry. You and your fellow reps were viewed as jokers versus the pharma reps of Lilly, Merck, and Pfizer. Sorry for the honesty and hope you can eventually go outside the nursing home for fresh air.

That is why "Big Pharma" had to buy us, because we had drugs we discovered and marketed that were good enough to keep "Big Pharma" in business. Like other mid-tier companies, we had quality products and a company that treated us well, not layoffs every third year. I'll take what we had versus what you got now every single time...and our reps weren't jerks, either.

Fat, broke, stupid and living in a trailer is no way to go through life Son. Stop lying!

Jealous??? Talk to anyone from any Pharma company who worked 25-30 years with the same company who had a pension plan. The super low interest rates turned out to be a bonanza for lump sum payouts. Believe what you want, but when you learn the truth you'll know who's fat. broke and stupid--you're looking at him the mirror. lol Love my beach house and my free time. Pass the suntan lotion please. Don't you have a lunch to deliver?

Maybe we can have a beer at your beach house and talk about the old Lederle days. Where are you located?

NE. Not really a Lederle guy. Hired Wyeth, Wyeth Lederle after merge. Great company to work for (pension, stock options, decent bosses, etc). Feel bad for current reps with what this job has become. Companies like Pfizer ruined it with their reach/ frequency model, five reps calling on same doc, metric bulls**t, speaker program payoffs, hiring cheer leaders, etc. Hate to be nostalgic but it truly was a great gig/career. Enjoy retirement my friend!

NE. Not really a Lederle guy. Hired Wyeth, Wyeth Lederle after merge. Great company to work for (pension, stock options, decent bosses, etc). Feel bad for current reps with what this job has become. Companies like Pfizer ruined it with their reach/ frequency model, five reps calling on same doc, metric bulls**t, speaker program payoffs, hiring cheer leaders, etc. Hate to be nostalgic but it truly was a great gig/career. Enjoy retirement my friend!
When Wyeth bought Lederle the stock split and all I know is we were able to buy a new home because I got like 100,000 dollars. It was amazing!!

I miss those days. My Lederle Rep was a great counterpart and is a great individual. Bless you Charlie for your insights and mentorship...it helped me in my job, and prolonged my career.

I miss those days. My Lederle Rep was a great counterpart and is a great individual. Bless you Charlie for your insights and mentorship...it helped me in my job, and prolonged my career.
Give me a break. Walk down memory lane on your own, NOBODY cares about your love affair with Charlie. A mind is a terrible thing to lose. Are you in a retirement community/home?!?

Give me a break. Walk down memory lane on your own, NOBODY cares about your love affair with Charlie. A mind is a terrible thing to lose. Are you in a retirement community/home?!?
Says the laid off unemployed has been. What’s worse than losing your mind? You job and dignity. That’s you buddy boy. Enjoy your job at Walmart. Loser.

All I know is that I was hired by Lederle and I took a lot of pride in my work. Wyeth bought us and the dinosaur defined benefits pension was a lottery. Took the lump sum in 2012 and the market did the rest. Today, I split my time between a property in Malaga and another Manhattan and have zero complaints. Liquid. Thanks Lederle Labs (thanks pip/tazo) , thanks Wyeth and thanks PFE for the buyout. If anyone is in the South of Spain Jan-May each year, look for a tanned and sculpted former rep on the beach with a Minocin towel.

All I know is that I was hired by Lederle and I took a lot of pride in my work. Wyeth bought us and the dinosaur defined benefits pension was a lottery. Took the lump sum in 2012 and the market did the rest. Today, I split my time between a property in Malaga and another Manhattan and have zero complaints. Liquid. Thanks Lederle Labs (thanks pip/tazo) , thanks Wyeth and thanks PFE for the buyout. If anyone is in the South of Spain Jan-May each year, look for a tanned and sculpted former rep on the beach with a Minocin towel.
What a tool!

Sounds like you’re a little jealous. What’s the matter, your career not going so well. This guy’s living large on pharma’s dime. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could still have that. Don’t be a hater. Hate the current game….not the people who did well.
Keep on living in the senior home and banging 70 years old hogs, loser!