Leadership vacancies

The thing we should worry most about is Frawley hiring some moron from Pfizer or Sanofi as the Sales VP who then turns us into big pharma garbage. I hope I am wrong but that would definitely create a mass exodus

The thing we should worry most about is Frawley hiring some moron from Pfizer or Sanofi as the Sales VP who then turns us into big pharma garbage. I hope I am wrong but that would definitely create a mass exodus
So true. Enough good people have left already. Frawley could careless, he is still getting paid.

The thing we should worry most about is Frawley hiring some moron from Pfizer or Sanofi as the Sales VP who then turns us into big pharma garbage. I hope I am wrong but that would definitely create a mass exodus
If we could get rid of retarded Frawley and dumb ass Bob, the company would be much better off. They both add nothing to the company but a bunch of hot air and smelly farts.