Leadership in Resp lacks emotional intelligence


The "leadership" call on Friday and for that matter throughout the entire year has been terrible. I got several messages from my team saying it's unprofessional and comes off disingenuous. As a manager, I have to put on my leadership cap and put a positive spin on it to keep up the morale. Now with Circle announcements coming out... I am having a hard time spinning it. The EBDs made decisions on "at large" Managers and Reps without conferring to the CBDs. Our PHd leader lost the confidence of his reps and my DSM counterparts.

It ain't just emotional intelligence they lack.

I was waiting to see if anyone else would think this too! This group of two dumb ass "leaders" with no clue how to lead should be FIRED for inability to do their jobs! The two getting up in front of an entire room at an evening event with the expectation that everyone would shut up so they could jerk off in front of everyone (picture Epcot) was bad enough. Now they keep doing teleconferences about absolutely nothing but puking bullshit rainbows! So deserve a 1 rating and put on PIP for performance!! Plus Pascal should be notified that these two mo fo's are the bottoms of the barrel!

The "leadership" call on Friday and for that matter throughout the entire year has been terrible. I got several messages from my team saying it's unprofessional and comes off disingenuous. As a manager, I have to put on my leadership cap and put a positive spin on it to keep up the morale. Now with Circle announcements coming out... I am having a hard time spinning it. The EBDs made decisions on "at large" Managers and Reps without conferring to the CBDs. Our PHd leader lost the confidence of his reps and my DSM counterparts.

You must be talking about DUMBENICK-he's a total moron, lacks leadership abilities, and would be lucky if he could get a job at another pharma company as a rep! Wake up DUMBENICK your day will come!

Where did that tool come from anyway, I don't get understand how these people get these positions,....really makes one wonder who is making hiring decisions

Easy... PH brought in Tosh , a has been from GSK because I think they were buddies in the U.K. Tosh brought over the Dominator from GSK. I heard Dom was not in great standing at GSK. And Tosh saved him along. W/ that chick that was an EBD for what seems like a couple of months. Another GSK reject.

Get rid of Tosh and Dom and bring in sales leadership. Shit, I know a a few DSMs that would turn this place around but they are not politically connected and they are not pooically correct. Something that limits them to where they are and will remain until their termination.

Easy... PH brought in Tosh , a has been from GSK because I think they were buddies in the U.K. Tosh brought over the Dominator from GSK. I heard Dom was not in great standing at GSK. And Tosh saved him along. W/ that chick that was an EBD for what seems like a couple of months. Another GSK reject.

Get rid of Tosh and Dom and bring in sales leadership. Shit, I know a a few DSMs that would turn this place around but they are not politically connected and they are not pooically correct. Something that limits them to where they are and will remain until their termination.

The days of having real Sales People leading our sales teams are long gone. Remember when we had Senior Leaders who had actually done our job and the DM job and the RSD job before they were allowed to lead us?
Not only had they done our jobs and worked their way up, they were actually good at it and proven themselves over many years. Now we have MBAs, marketing, finance and legal people leading us. This would be like hiring Hillary Clinton to coach the Lakers because she was once Secretary of State. It makes no sense.

The days of having real Sales People leading our sales teams are long gone. Remember when we had Senior Leaders who had actually done our job and the DM job and the RSD job before they were allowed to lead us?
Not only had they done our jobs and worked their way up, they were actually good at it and proven themselves over many years. Now we have MBAs, marketing, finance and legal people leading us. This would be like hiring Hillary Clinton to coach the Lakers because she was once Secretary of State. It makes no sense.

Our current leadership team does not own their positions due to any sales success or sales experience. They owe their positions to their relationships with executive leadership. It proves that it isn't what you know or what your have accomplished, it is who you know or who your blow.

Our current leadership team does not own their positions due to any sales success or sales experience. They owe their positions to their relationships with executive leadership. It proves that it isn't what you know or what your have accomplished, it is who you know or who your blow.

A few IDs remind me of the latter strategy.

A few IDs remind me of the latter strategy.

This company is full of these empty titled positions where failed leaders are placed to hide them so they can't do any more damage. Even their relationship with the person who once supported them wasn't enough to save their leadership position. So they bury them in these worthless roles and AZ continues to pay them until either their self esteem kicks in and they do the honorable thing and resign or they become a shell of their previous self for a paycheck. Same thing with the Account Director role where these losers are just hanging around for a package or retirement but their careers died long ago.

These people are NOT leaders at best they are managers with positional authority. There is a major difference. I've been around a long time I'm too old to find something else and I'm making too much money here. So I stay and play the game. All the leaders of this company left starting in 2009. You would follow a leader into hell...you wouldn't follow any of these "managers" into the bar if the drinks were free!

These people are NOT leaders at best they are managers with positional authority. There is a major difference. I've been around a long time I'm too old to find something else and I'm making too much money here. So I stay and play the game. All the leaders of this company left starting in 2009. You would follow a leader into hell...you wouldn't follow any of these "managers" into the bar if the drinks were free!

I have been around long enough to remember when even RSDs would work with us in the field and it was actually an enjoyable experience. We even had RSDs who would demonstrate sales calls at meetings and join in calls with customers. And this was not that long ago. Can you imagine having one of these clowns work with you today? It is amazing how fast this company was destroyed by the current leadership.