
This is news to me and anyone in my district. We were told second week in July would be our launch meeting. Has that changed? I would love to know- I replied no to a family wedding. So much for transparency

This is news to me and anyone in my district. We were told second week in July would be our launch meeting. Has that changed? I would love to know- I replied no to a family wedding. So much for transparency

Many of us have launched multiple products and understand that we will know the day a decision is rendered. Anyone who claims otherwise is bored and creating issues where there none. A best case scenario of a mid July approval places us in the field early August at best..

Hire a large sales force for Untrusto & send them into the field to discuss HF
Hire a large sales force for Galvus & send them into the field to discuss DPP4 inhibition

Thanks God these Wharton MBA's are running the show. It's not like history repeats itself. Always Original thinkers at NVS

The home office can say what they want. The belief that lcz is coming in july is something the ass clowns at the home office created. Its based on what? A skipped advisory panel? "Our great relationship with fda"?

august 16th is the day. Always has been.

In the meantime just sell diovan HCT probably works better with less severe adverse events
like alzheimers.
Oh wait that's a generic safer cheaper alternative
Never mind, carry on

What a fucking nut.. clearly knows nothing about this space..

Harsh on the language but right. European guidelines will position near immediately a 1B recommendation for ACE intolerant patients at the very least. Alzheimers is a non issue. Less than .50% incidence for both groups and less than 2% with an expanded analysis. Both measures statistically and clinically insignificant. European Society has been far more stringent regarding new therapies and they are ready to embrace immediately, with ACC to follow. Before people start spewing nonsense, they should understand the data and recognize this is a game changer for patients

Harsh on the language but right. European guidelines will position near immediately a 1B recommendation for ACE intolerant patients at the very least. Alzheimers is a non issue. Less than .50% incidence for both groups and less than 2% with an expanded analysis. Both measures statistically and clinically insignificant. European Society has been far more stringent regarding new therapies and they are ready to embrace immediately, with ACC to follow. Before people start spewing nonsense, they should understand the data and recognize this is a game changer for patients

Really ? Game Changer ?
Then why not study the NI alone ?
You deluded clowns think HF patients are typically treated
with the lowest dose of Vasotec ?
Most will already be on an ARB or more potent ACE
along with HCTZ or other complimentary therapies
this drug is a joke
just like crapturna
but hey keep downing the kool aid ;)

Really ? Game Changer ?
Then why not study the NI alone ?
You deluded clowns think HF patients are typically treated
with the lowest dose of Vasotec ?
Most will already be on an ARB or more potent ACE
along with HCTZ or other complimentary therapies
this drug is a joke
just like crapturna
but hey keep downing the kool aid ;)

You're like an empty headed politician who spews bulleted talking points but has absolutely no clue what he is speaking. Low dose?? It's a concept called evidence based medicine. There are NO studies that suggest any dose beyond 10mg bid of Vasotec improve outcomes. I'll take it a step further. There are no studies that suggest high dose ACE inhibition improves outcomes (ie mortality, reduce hospitalizations ) vs moderate doses. The increase may make the provider feel better, but does little to nothing for the patient. It isn't kool aid son, it's evidence

You're like an empty headed politician who spews bulleted talking points but has absolutely no clue what he is speaking. Low dose?? It's a concept called evidence based medicine. There are NO studies that suggest any dose beyond 10mg bid of Vasotec improve outcomes. I'll take it a step further. There are no studies that suggest high dose ACE inhibition improves outcomes (ie mortality, reduce hospitalizations ) vs moderate doses. The increase may make the provider feel better, but does little to nothing for the patient. It isn't kool aid son, it's evidence

Hmmm... there just might be something to the Nepi component of LCZ...

You're like an empty headed politician who spews bulleted talking points but has absolutely no clue what he is speaking. Low dose?? It's a concept called evidence based medicine. There are NO studies that suggest any dose beyond 10mg bid of Vasotec improve outcomes. I'll take it a step further. There are no studies that suggest high dose ACE inhibition improves outcomes (ie mortality, reduce hospitalizations ) vs moderate doses. The increase may make the provider feel better, but does little to nothing for the patient. It isn't kool aid son, it's evidence

here's some evidence, Untrusto is a combination of TWO DRUGS
The ARB portion dosed at it's highest

Vasotec is a 35 year old 1st gen ACE modestly dosed as monotherapy

Show me ANY evidence that this charade works better than ANY OTHER combination
Say ....Altace & a Diurectic
or ANY ARB at max dose & a diurectic

Can you say STACKED Trial ?

Fear not speakers may dabble, anyone else not on the payroll won't screw their patients ;)

here's some evidence, Untrusto is a combination of TWO DRUGS
The ARB portion dosed at it's highest

Vasotec is a 35 year old 1st gen ACE modestly dosed as monotherapy

Show me ANY evidence that this charade works better than ANY OTHER combination
Say ....Altace & a Diurectic
or ANY ARB at max dose & a diurectic

Can you say STACKED Trial ?

Fear not speakers may dabble, anyone else not on the payroll won't screw their patients ;)

I'll let you run with that.. CP isn't the forum to try and debate the science. Let's have some fun and see how this all plays out..

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