LCZ cost


All I know is if we don't price it right we are screwed. I'm talking like 80 a month. Top card told me if it's 3 figures he won't write one script and will switch everyone if it's less than 100.

All I know is if we don't price it right we are screwed. I'm talking like 80 a month. Top card told me if it's 3 figures he won't write one script and will switch everyone if it's less than 100.

I will end your suspense right now. It will be more than $100 per month. Are you kidding me? Who do you think you work for?

WAC pricing is $249 a month.

That is ridiculous. And they will wonder why it doesn't launch well. No way will docs Rx it when it's that high. The docs don't work for us novartis!!!!!! They don't buy into all the bull. if you really give a damn about patients then make it affordable. What a shame!!!!

WAC pricing is $249 a month.
Fuck they can't get anything right. We are talking to customers about sll the comorbidities HF patients have in our stupid details, but "hey doc, I know they are sick and on a Ton of Meds but I need you to Rx a $200 over generic lisinopril. You might be able to add a year or so to their life bc that's that our controlled novartis sponsored study says in a perfect world. But they won't be able to enjoy those extra years because they will be paying and extra 2500 plus a year for their HF med. and hell doc, the stress of figuring out where they'll come up with that cash will kill em before the hf. Bahahahahaha. But, I digress. Doc, we want to make patients lives better. And here are some starter kits and coupons that won't work depending on the pharmacy. And you'll have to switch them back to lisinopril anyway when the starter kit ends but I guarantee you'll see such a difference that they'll pay the 200 bucks!". God no wonder ethical moral docs who aren't bought and sold by pharma companies see us as money hungry idiot jerks.

Fuck they can't get anything right. We are talking to customers about sll the comorbidities HF patients have in our stupid details, but "hey doc, I know they are sick and on a Ton of Meds but I need you to Rx a $200 over generic lisinopril. You might be able to add a year or so to their life bc that's that our controlled novartis sponsored study says in a perfect world. But they won't be able to enjoy those extra years because they will be paying and extra 2500 plus a year for their HF med. and hell doc, the stress of figuring out where they'll come up with that cash will kill em before the hf. Bahahahahaha. But, I digress. Doc, we want to make patients lives better. And here are some starter kits and coupons that won't work depending on the pharmacy. And you'll have to switch them back to lisinopril anyway when the starter kit ends but I guarantee you'll see such a difference that they'll pay the 200 bucks!". God no wonder ethical moral docs who aren't bought and sold by pharma companies see us as money hungry idiot jerks.

Price it at $80 and own the hf market in a year or price it at 250 and get about 1/30 of the business we would have gotten. And it will never catch up. Pricing is everything. And novartis will screw this up and Blame the reps. Such unaccountable idiots.

Fuck they can't get anything right. We are talking to customers about sll the comorbidities HF patients have in our stupid details, but "hey doc, I know they are sick and on a Ton of Meds but I need you to Rx a $200 over generic lisinopril. You might be able to add a year or so to their life bc that's that our controlled novartis sponsored study says in a perfect world. But they won't be able to enjoy those extra years because they will be paying and extra 2500 plus a year for their HF med. and hell doc, the stress of figuring out where they'll come up with that cash will kill em before the hf. Bahahahahaha. But, I digress. Doc, we want to make patients lives better. And here are some starter kits and coupons that won't work depending on the pharmacy. And you'll have to switch them back to lisinopril anyway when the starter kit ends but I guarantee you'll see such a difference that they'll pay the 200 bucks!". God no wonder ethical moral docs who aren't bought and sold by pharma companies see us as money hungry idiot jerks.

Why do you even say lisinopril you can get generic valsartan & a 2 cent diuretic & you have half of LCZ & HCTZ will probably work better the the NI , throw in a BB & you'll probably have far Superior outcomes for 30% or less of the cost
While Packer siphons off another mil from the swiss cheese heads working some new farce of a trial

Why do you even say lisinopril you can get generic valsartan & a 2 cent diuretic & you have half of LCZ & HCTZ will probably work better the the NI , throw in a BB & you'll probably have far Superior outcomes for 30% or less of the cost
While Packer siphons off another mil from the swiss cheese heads working some new farce of a trial
I was using lisinopril just to make a point and I agree with everything say. Docs have already brought it up in my area without me sayings word because they are smarter than novartis gives them credit for and they research. I couldn't say a word except the company line about we are committed to cv research and the doc said well just sit back and listen to what I'm going to tell you. He said if the drug is priced over 100 he will not give one single script. And sd if it's priced under $100 then he does blanket switch. And this is probably most ethical and well thought if card in the area. Novartis needs to listen to these guys.

The only thing you will probably discover about cost is the correlation of the inevitably paid shill mouthpieces of NVS & their RX of this dubious diovan combo Vs the rest of healthcare professionals that actually use common sense & sound medical judgement for their patients including their financial well being while achieving superior outcomes with a plethora of generic alternatives.

The only thing you will probably discover about cost is the correlation of the inevitably paid shill mouthpieces of NVS & their RX of this dubious diovan combo Vs the rest of healthcare professionals that actually use common sense & sound medical judgement for their patients including their financial well being while achieving superior outcomes with a plethora of generic alternatives.

This is scary because it's all we got. We are all getting pink slips if they screw up the price of this.

The only thing you will probably discover about cost is the correlation of the inevitably paid shill mouthpieces of NVS & their RX of this dubious diovan combo Vs the rest of healthcare professionals that actually use common sense & sound medical judgement for their patients including their financial well being while achieving superior outcomes with a plethora of generic alternatives.

How do the big wigs not understand this. Price it At 95 dollars and watch the sales go through the roof. Price at 249 and you'll be laying off entire sales force in a year because it will be a epic fail. Don't be so egotistical novartis to think customers will think like us and think it's the be all end all for HF. Not when they can give patient 30 bucks of medicine for treatment. You'll price yourself right out of the market and then wonder why it's only used by high paid speakers and those reps of the speakers will have a huge advantage.

I was using lisinopril just to make a point and I agree with everything say. Docs have already brought it up in my area without me sayings word because they are smarter than novartis gives them credit for and they research. I couldn't say a word except the company line about we are committed to cv research and the doc said well just sit back and listen to what I'm going to tell you. He said if the drug is priced over 100 he will not give one single script. And sd if it's priced under $100 then he does blanket switch. And this is probably most ethical and well thought if card in the area. Novartis needs to listen to these guys.

Specialist in my area said same thing this week. They know more than we think. Price is going to be the major factor.

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