LC's Accomplishments - Are there any?

LM is still receiving her package and will continue to do so long after we r gone!

Well, with what we have seen from OB and the current regime, we all wish LM was back. Are we better off today than a year ago when LM was at helm? Hell No.

Remember that we were told no more micromanagement? Remember our bonus was supposed to get better? Remember our work environment supposed to get better? What happened? Wasn't OB supposed to make it better? Thanks to OB, LM became very popular after she was gone.

A year ago OB knew that PC was in trouble and many of his cronies were about to lose their jobs. In order to bring the unqualified PCers to Oncology, they had to combine the two sales forces so OB could be in control. Now, we are all PHUCKED.

All I remember about LC is at the first meeting I attended he did a shtick on, “stopping by the rib shack and upsetting his wife cause he "be" gaining weight”… No joke, I wrote down, verbatim, his quote. I could not believe a President of a drug company was doing a bad Chris Rock stand up routine complete with Ebonics and African American stereotypes on stage to kick of the meeting. BTW I am African American and I was embarrassed. I couldn’t believe it.

I remember that schtick as well---it was embarrassing. He would be middle mgt or division head at best at a company that doesnt: buy MGI, ligand, fragmin, co promote with salix and not prpperly lifecyle mnagae its two assest: aricept and aciphex

I have to say, I'm not the biggest fan of OB. But, he sure gets a lot of shit on here.

Keep in mind, OB, he's LC's puppet. Strings people , strings.

OB isn't the one in charge driving this company into the ground.

LC is the reason this company has gone to SHIT! Wish Bill Sheldon was still around.

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