I love your last sentence. It explains that you do not have a clue about how the real world works. Corporations or any business pass on taxes to the consumer of their product or service. A tax is just another cost to business, just like wages, benefits, energy, insurance, etc. When governments increase taxes on business, it is just another tax on the population. It makes good "political speak", but in reality we pay the increased taxes on business.
If we taxed all the billionaires and millionaires 100% of their income, it would not put a dent in the deficit. Some politicians have advocated taxing the 1% at 70%. All that would accomplish would be hundreds of thousands people that were employed by the 1% now on the unemployed rolls.
About the "obscene military budget". The military budget is far less than the Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid budget. If you cut that spending, what is your plan to employ all those who now have jobs because of military spending. Let me guess... expand the unemployment benefits to 60 months.
And I have an MBA so I think I know something about business.
Again you make such idiotic statements. You make me want to puke. You parrot the corporate propaganda like it is gospel and it is a big lie. There is nothing wrong with Social Security except that your corporate rulers want to get their dirty fingers on that last tranche of money. It is insurance that those who have worked all of their lives paid into. Wall street would love to steal it the same way they stole our 401k funds. Medicare -for all would solve the Medicare/Medicaid problem. Social Security is good and fully funded for the next 30 years and any shortfall is easily restored by increasing the cap from $106,000
The Koch brothers' funded think tanks ( like the Heritage Foundation) come up with this propaganda and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.Just go to the Matt Drudge Report each morning if you want to know what the conservative daily talking points are. Then check out Fox News and Limbaugh, Beck and the rest of the clowns. They will all be on the same page.I can tell by listening to you that it works like a charm.
What jobs have these greedy corporate money managers on Wall Street created? You don't produce jobs shuffling money around . Or maybe you mean private equity firms like Mitt Romney's Bain Capital. Corporate raiders who see a company that may have a lot of assets but cash poor so the go in, leverage the company with debt. steal the pension funds, fire the employees because they are the biggest expense, and outsource the jobs to India or China before declaring bankruptcy. And then to add pain to misery, they pay a maximum tax rate of 15% because they gains are received in payments called carried interest which is taxed at capital gains rate.
I fully understand that the national debt would not be paid off if the 1% was taxed at 100 percent as you said. However, that was NOT my point. I never mentioned the national debt. I said that they should pay their Fair Share of the taxes just like you and I do because it is the right thing to do. Using your logic, if the 1% who received 42 per cent of all the income and own 92 per cent of all the wealth should not pay taxes because it won't make a difference on the National debt (which they caused) why on earth should any of us pay taxes either. Do you see how easily you are bamboozled? Teachers, fire fighters and policemen are loosing their jobs while the infrastructure crumbles while you are worried about a billionaire's salary bonus.
And as far as corporate taxes go, in the real world you cannot charge more than a buyer is willing or can afford to pay. In the real world, corporate tax dodgers use the estra money to pay multimillion dollar bonuses and salaries to CEO's. Hedge fund managers, etc. Did you know that there are California corporations who have such a sweet deal that they withhold state taxes from your payroll and either do not send it to the state and keep it or send it to the state and the state returns it to them without your knowledge? Loopholes?? Yes, sleazy politicians sponsoring bills written by lobbyists.
I have news for you. Check out the tax rates in the 1950's when maximum rate was 70 to 90 per cent, The economy was at its healthiest