LCA Not cooperating with Senate Investigation?

If you want your socialism go to Europe. We've avoided it for 200+ years and have had a great run as the MOST philanthropic and the greatest nation ever on earth. Now you liberal commie go back and work on that obama campaign because the both of you will be unemployed next January!

You have been listening too much to Limbaugh and Beck, and Fox network.Try growing a brain and thinking for yourself if you can. Travel outside of the US.The fly in the bottle thinks he is in the best place in the world because he has never been anywhere else. But you are right. Work your ass off for the bankers. Socialism is OK for the rich isn't it? The status will quo remain the status quo as long as they have good debt slaves like yourself. When they make a bad decision and loose everything, guess who gets bailed out? Wonder why half the people who were middle class over the past decade have joined the ranks of the impoverished? Because of trickle up.

Since sold out politicians have perverted the tax laws, the 1% own 40% of the wealth and received 92% of the income while the income of the rest of us has remained flat. The word, communist does not scare me. What is this the McCarthy era all over again. Without the hard push of the Socialists and the Communists we would not have the 40 hour work week, we would not have unemployment insurance or social security, children would still be
working in factories, etc... You are an idiot.

If you want your socialism go to Europe. We've avoided it for 200+ years and have had a great run as the MOST philanthropic and the greatest nation ever on earth. Now you liberal commie go back and work on that obama campaign because the both of you will be unemployed next January!

You have been listening too much to Limbaugh and Beck, and the Fox News network.Try growing a brain and thinking for yourself if you can. Travel outside of the US.The fly in the bottle thinks he is in the best place in the world because he has never been anywhere else. But you are right. Work your ass off for the bankers. Socialism is OK for the rich isn't it? The status quo will remain the status quo as long as they have good debt slaves like yourself. When they make a bad decision and loose everything, guess who gets bailed out? Wonder why half the people who were middle class over the past decade have joined the ranks of the impoverished? Because of trickle up.

Since sold out politicians have perverted the tax laws, the 1% own 40% of the wealth and received 92% of the income while the income of the rest of us has remained flat. The word, communist does not scare me. What is this the McCarthy era all over again. Without the hard push of the Socialists and the Communists we would not have the 40 hour work week, we would not have unemployment insurance or social security, children would still be
working in factories, etc... You are an idiot.

Listen Dolt!! NO WHERE IN THE WORLD NOOO WHERE has socialism ever ever worked...Just look at Greece, spain, France!!

Also My family income last year was 433K between my wife and me! Do you know my total tax Fed/State/City/ and a guess at sales tax was 52% of my income. So I actually netted $216K. Now If I earned 75K and paid 18% tax I would net about 60K. So I AM PAYING MORE TAX then the lower middle class.

Secondly My Father (RIP) worked his way up to CEO of a company. I rmeber all the times he got fired or a company went broke ...I remember him showing me the holes in his shoes because he could not afford new ones, then yes by the time he passed at 73 he was worth a few million...Guess what, my mother lives on this money, donates her SS check to local charities or less fortunate seniors. My father never lived to sip Margaritas or lay in the sun...You are delusional if you think thats what the rich do!! He also was the first to hire African Americand into power positons in his company etc..
So, if my MOTHER wants to take my Dads money and enjoy her life..Why should she be deprived. IF Obama gets his way widows like my Mom, would have to give up 50% of their inheritance and live on SS and MEdicare. Idiots like you just do not get it!! I can not believe you are in healthcare sales. I believe you are just a POLITICAL HACK!!!!

You still don't get it. Do you understand what unearned income is and that you are not in the equation. You work for a living. Do your investments earn more than a million dollars per year? If they do not, you are in the same boat with the rest of us. Middle class is just another word for worker. If your money works for you, you are a capitalist. Sounds like your father was a great guy, but you don't seem to know who you are. You are not Warren Buffet rich and neither was your dad. The Buffet rule was not meant for you. It is meant for people in the Warren Buffet income bracket, Bill Gates, Hedge fund managers and the like. When I mention laying by the pool, I was talking about the Paris Hilton types. Why should you pay 50% of your income in taxes while people like Mitt Romney pays less than 14% of his income which comes mainly from carried interest. You have never made enough money to use THAT loophole.

As far as your last couple of sentences is that like John Kerry docking his yacht in neighboring Rhode Island rather than paying a higher tax consequence in MA? You and yours are typical liberal hypocrites. And who the hell are you to lambast Romney over his success? So he should be punished and apologize for it? Ahhhh you're jealous that's it..... And trickle down economics does work. Even the folks that are worst off in the US are far better off in terms of living conditions and creature comforts than other countries citizens. You punish and destroy risk and reward then you destroy the American way of life. MOVE TO GREECE!

That is a false analogy. Kerry's Yacht is in the USA.....not hiding in the Cayman Islands, idiot. You must mean trickle up economics, because thats what is going on. Do you realize one percent owns forty-two percent of the wealth in the USA. In 2010 the one percent received ninety-two percent of the entire USA income? The rest of us have either lost income or our income is flat as we take on more an more work. Why do you think the national debt is so high. Who is paying it off? Why is the infrastructure of this country outdated. You need to get out of this country and do some traveling.You would be embarrased to say what you say and think how you think. Do the research and stop being programed by Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, and the rest of the corporate shields.

Notice how, those who are not idiot republican supporters post long, fact-based and informative posts, while all republican idiots can post is one to two lines of insulting, pointless babble and no real, factual content? Typical stupid ass republicans.

And yes, go ahead and point out that this is just an insulting post. And your butt buddies will be around to slap you on the back for pointing out the obvious.

Are you a moron? Did you have your taxes done yet this year? Income of $225K is taxed at over 30%. Not $1M. If I earned over a $1M then my money would be tax sheltered. I wouldn't take a salary and would only be taxed on the capital gains

I made around that much with a previous "job" and my current career. I have investments as well. I'm single and no kids. I own a home but that only helped some. I love how student loans are not deductible once you reach a certain income bracket. Funny, isn't that why we go to college and get post grad degrees. Any practitioners present please chime in.

My CPA thought this was the worst year I've ever had in terms of taxes. However, if you have to pay the IRS then I'm doing something right.

In terms of the other poster talking about republican idiots, etc. Notice how Obama/Biden and ads for Mrs. Obama are popping up all over the board. I'm looking at one right now. If Obama is back in office then from those making $9 an hour to those making over a million a year (and everyone in the middle) will suffer. I respect the people working in fast food trying to feed a family of four. I hate that people "work" the system and sit at home collecting money with health care benefits.This is my opinion only. Please feel free to comment and I love to debate all issues but please be respectful.

I made around that much with a previous "job" and my current career. I have investments as well. I'm single and no kids. I own a home but that only helped some. I love how student loans are not deductible once you reach a certain income bracket. Funny, isn't that why we go to college and get post grad degrees. Any practitioners present please chime in.

My CPA thought this was the worst year I've ever had in terms of taxes. However, if you have to pay the IRS then I'm doing something right.

In terms of the other poster talking about republican idiots, etc. Notice how Obama/Biden and ads for Mrs. Obama are popping up all over the board. I'm looking at one right now. If Obama is back in office then from those making $9 an hour to those making over a million a year (and everyone in the middle) will suffer. I respect the people working in fast food trying to feed a family of four. I hate that people "work" the system and sit at home collecting money with health care benefits.This is my opinion only. Please feel free to comment and I love to debate all issues but please be respectful.

How dense can you all be. You are so confused. That is what is meant by idiot republicans. The problem is that you are under the illusion of inclusion. Therefore you vote against your own interests. In fact you are making my point and don't even understand why.

For the final time... yes, you have earned income that is taxed over 30%.. EARNED while unearned income is taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. An intelligent mind would understand that this is unfair. The proposed Buffet rule would make a minor change. Any UNEARNED income over $1mil would be taxed at the same rate as earned income. Unearned income up to $1mil would be taxed at the current rate of 15%.

Do your investments earn more than $1 mil per year. Then you are not included.
Anyone who has to get up and go to work for a living is not in the category of who the republican base represents. I was really confused about you people too, until I realized that you don't know who you are.

I don't know anyone who wants to pay more taxes. Perhaps we wouldn't if the corporations along with the 1% would pay their fair share of taxes and cut the obscene military budget.

How dense can you all be. You are so confused. That is what is meant by idiot republicans. The problem is that you are under the illusion of inclusion. Therefore you vote against your own interests. In fact you are making my point and don't even understand why.

For the final time... yes, you have earned income that is taxed over 30%.. EARNED while unearned income is taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. An intelligent mind would understand that this is unfair. The proposed Buffet rule would make a minor change. Any UNEARNED income over $1mil would be taxed at the same rate as earned income. Unearned income up to $1mil would be taxed at the current rate of 15%.

Do your investments earn more than $1 mil per year. Then you are not included.
Anyone who has to get up and go to work for a living is not in the category of who the republican base represents. I was really confused about you people too, until I realized that you don't know who you are.

I don't know anyone who wants to pay more taxes. Perhaps we wouldn't if the corporations along with the 1% would pay their fair share of taxes and cut the obscene military budget.

I'll go ahead and post the typical republican response...


How dense can you all be. You are so confused. That is what is meant by idiot republicans. The problem is that you are under the illusion of inclusion. Therefore you vote against your own interests. In fact you are making my point and don't even understand why.

For the final time... yes, you have earned income that is taxed over 30%.. EARNED while unearned income is taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. An intelligent mind would understand that this is unfair. The proposed Buffet rule would make a minor change. Any UNEARNED income over $1mil would be taxed at the same rate as earned income. Unearned income up to $1mil would be taxed at the current rate of 15%.

Do your investments earn more than $1 mil per year. Then you are not included.
Anyone who has to get up and go to work for a living is not in the category of who the republican base represents. I was really confused about you people too, until I realized that you don't know who you are.

I don't know anyone who wants to pay more taxes. Perhaps we wouldn't if the corporations along with the 1% would pay their fair share of taxes and cut the obscene military budget.

I love your last sentence. It explains that you do not have a clue about how the real world works. Corporations or any business pass on taxes to the consumer of their product or service. A tax is just another cost to business, just like wages, benefits, energy, insurance, etc. When governments increase taxes on business, it is just another tax on the population. It makes good "political speak", but in reality we pay the increased taxes on business.

If we taxed all the billionaires and millionaires 100% of their income, it would not put a dent in the deficit. Some politicians have advocated taxing the 1% at 70%. All that would accomplish would be hundreds of thousands people that were employed by the 1% now on the unemployed rolls.

About the "obscene military budget". The military budget is far less than the Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid budget. If you cut that spending, what is your plan to employ all those who now have jobs because of military spending. Let me guess... expand the unemploment benefits to 60 months.

How dense can you all be. You are so confused. That is what is meant by idiot republicans. The problem is that you are under the illusion of inclusion. Therefore you vote against your own interests. In fact you are making my point and don't even understand why.

For the final time... yes, you have earned income that is taxed over 30%.. EARNED while unearned income is taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. An intelligent mind would understand that this is unfair. The proposed Buffet rule would make a minor change. Any UNEARNED income over $1mil would be taxed at the same rate as earned income. Unearned income up to $1mil would be taxed at the current rate of 15%.

Do your investments earn more than $1 mil per year. Then you are not included.
Anyone who has to get up and go to work for a living is not in the category of who the republican base represents. I was really confused about you people too, until I realized that you don't know who you are.

I don't know anyone who wants to pay more taxes. Perhaps we wouldn't if the corporations along with the 1% would pay their fair share of taxes and cut the obscene military budget.

Enough of this political crap!!!

I love your last sentence. It explains that you do not have a clue about how the real world works. Corporations or any business pass on taxes to the consumer of their product or service. A tax is just another cost to business, just like wages, benefits, energy, insurance, etc. When governments increase taxes on business, it is just another tax on the population. It makes good "political speak", but in reality we pay the increased taxes on business.

If we taxed all the billionaires and millionaires 100% of their income, it would not put a dent in the deficit. Some politicians have advocated taxing the 1% at 70%. All that would accomplish would be hundreds of thousands people that were employed by the 1% now on the unemployed rolls.

About the "obscene military budget". The military budget is far less than the Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid budget. If you cut that spending, what is your plan to employ all those who now have jobs because of military spending. Let me guess... expand the unemployment benefits to 60 months.

And I have an MBA so I think I know something about business.

Again you make such idiotic statements. You make me want to puke. You parrot the corporate propaganda like it is gospel and it is a big lie. There is nothing wrong with Social Security except that your corporate rulers want to get their dirty fingers on that last tranche of money. It is insurance that those who have worked all of their lives paid into. Wall street would love to steal it the same way they stole our 401k funds. Medicare -for all would solve the Medicare/Medicaid problem. Social Security is good and fully funded for the next 30 years and any shortfall is easily restored by increasing the cap from $106,000

The Koch brothers' funded think tanks ( like the Heritage Foundation) come up with this propaganda and you fall for it hook, line and sinker.Just go to the Matt Drudge Report each morning if you want to know what the conservative daily talking points are. Then check out Fox News and Limbaugh, Beck and the rest of the clowns. They will all be on the same page.I can tell by listening to you that it works like a charm.

What jobs have these greedy corporate money managers on Wall Street created? You don't produce jobs shuffling money around . Or maybe you mean private equity firms like Mitt Romney's Bain Capital. Corporate raiders who see a company that may have a lot of assets but cash poor so the go in, leverage the company with debt. steal the pension funds, fire the employees because they are the biggest expense, and outsource the jobs to India or China before declaring bankruptcy. And then to add pain to misery, they pay a maximum tax rate of 15% because they gains are received in payments called carried interest which is taxed at capital gains rate.

I fully understand that the national debt would not be paid off if the 1% was taxed at 100 percent as you said. However, that was NOT my point. I never mentioned the national debt. I said that they should pay their Fair Share of the taxes just like you and I do because it is the right thing to do. Using your logic, if the 1% who received 42 per cent of all the income and own 92 per cent of all the wealth should not pay taxes because it won't make a difference on the National debt (which they caused) why on earth should any of us pay taxes either. Do you see how easily you are bamboozled? Teachers, fire fighters and policemen are loosing their jobs while the infrastructure crumbles while you are worried about a billionaire's salary bonus.

And as far as corporate taxes go, in the real world you cannot charge more than a buyer is willing or can afford to pay. In the real world, corporate tax dodgers use the estra money to pay multimillion dollar bonuses and salaries to CEO's. Hedge fund managers, etc. Did you know that there are California corporations who have such a sweet deal that they withhold state taxes from your payroll and either do not send it to the state and keep it or send it to the state and the state returns it to them without your knowledge? Loopholes?? Yes, sleazy politicians sponsoring bills written by lobbyists.

I have news for you. Check out the tax rates in the 1950's when maximum rate was 70 to 90 per cent, The economy was at its healthiest

Notice how, those who are not idiot republican supporters post long, fact-based and informative posts, while all republican idiots can post is one to two lines of insulting, pointless babble and no real, factual content? Typical stupid ass republicans.

And yes, go ahead and point out that this is just an insulting post. And your butt buddies will be around to slap you on the back for pointing out the obvious.

So how come when you watch the reports and debates on TV the Republicans talk calmly, but the liberals cream and yell.

Your delusional if you work in health care and support Obama.

So how come when you watch the reports and debates on TV the Republicans talk calmly, but the liberals cream and yell.

Your delusional if you work in health care and support Obama.

Hahahaha. Good one, idiot. Yeah, heath care ideas that would get more people to the doctor are awful! I hate my job too and I hope to lose it due to lack of work!

And if you really believe your first sentence you're dumber than a ham sandwich with no mayo.

Have you thought about exploring the services of a different accountant? And maybe a Columbian prosititute? I dunno, you seem a little tense.

That is funny. Can you imagine having to explain that to your wife on that very long trip back from Columbia. I hoped the secret service learned that having prostitutes in your bedroom where important documents regarding national security is probably not a wise move. Also, Obama's secret service ring leader should have paid the previously negotiated rate with these ladies. I mean these are Russian spies - show a little respect!

I just realized your a LAb Tech probably a member of 1199...Says it all!!

Hahahaha. Good one, idiot. Yeah, heath care ideas that would get more people to the doctor are awful! I hate my job too and I hope to lose it due to lack of work!

And if you really believe your first sentence you're dumber than a ham sandwich with no mayo.

Any chance of returning to the original topic? Anymore updates on LabCrap's efforts to dodge the Senate? What a bunch of shmucks!!!! Of course, if the whole thing goes Titantic, Dave and his buddies will walk away with millions while the paeans are left to stand in the unemployment line. There is more than enough money to go around for everyone in this company, and then some. Greed... it's what's for dinner!