There is no bigger fool than you if you think Romey is going to save you.You sound like that fat drug addicted deaf corporate shield, Rush Limbaugh. You are so in the matrix and so easily propagandized.
Are you suffering from Amnesia?Now I am no big fan of Obama, but you talk as if it was Obama who inherited a budget surplus. He is about as far from a communist as you could get. In fact, I would love it if he were more of a socialist. The economy is all fked up because of you stupid warmongering greedy Bush-Cheney idiots! Lied us into 2 wars that they did not pay for and in order to hide the costs, did not even include them in their budgets (remember Black Water and Dick Cheney's HaliBurton and their no-bid contracts?) They ruined Medicare with a huge gift to the pharmaceutical corps that made it illegal to negotiate for lower drug prices while lowering taxes on richest 1%. How sick and greedy is that? They planned to bankrupt the country so that there would be no resources for social programs and turn you into a debt slave while most of the collective wealth of this country transferred up to them. How? laws.I could go on and on but that is enough for now.
The commodities are being controlled by speculators and believe me, you are not in their league or you would understand that. Free Markets? That is a joke. What is going on is crony capitalism. I don't have a problem with well regulated capitalism. You have tried trickle down for the last 30 years since Ronald Reagan. How is that working out for you?
Their whole goal is to privatize everything. Social Security is the last tranche of money they want to get their dirty fingers on. They are turning everyone into debt slaves.
8 years of Bush was not enough for you? Romney will finish selling out the country with the same old stale policies, only on steroids. How did he make his money? Oh, through his private equity firm, Bain Capital. Leverage buyouts.Setting up deals where he buys a company with loans that overburdens the company he bought, uses the pension plan and future earnings as leverage and pays himself a huge fee out of the loan, fires the employees and outsources their jobs. When the company goes bankrupt, and the pension fund is lost, the taxpayer (this is you and I) have to make it up because it is government guaranteed. He hides his money off shore and in Swiss bank accounts. You know, Swiss bank don't pay you. You have to pay them to hide your money. Image that. A president of the USA with a Swiss bank account and who off-shores his money to avoid taxes. Your guy?