
How come our crappy management won’t tell us anything about the layoffs November 4th????

Clearly your first time...

Not how it works, champ. Mgmt doesn’t give you a heads-up, or draw you a nice little map ahead of time, showing everyone who’s getting let go. This happens after the walk-outs are complete. Take it from someone who has been through a few of these.

God I’m glad I left this shithole years ago. I, of course, was very smart to see the writing on the wall. Unlike the talentless losers that stayed behind. Reason being, they can’t hack it in the real world. No one likes a loser. Close the doors & turn out the lights. You fuckers are done.

God I’m glad I left this shithole years ago. I, of course, was very smart to see the writing on the wall. Unlike the talentless losers that stayed behind. Reason being, they can’t hack it in the real world. No one likes a loser. Close the doors & turn out the lights. You fuckers are done.
Why are you so bitter? Do you need some counseling or maybe a back rub? I just don’t understand people coming on these websites and saying things like your saying unless you were fired for not doing a good job because you sound so bitter. Just saying you may want to go talk to someone.

God I’m glad I left this shithole years ago. I, of course, was very smart to see the writing on the wall. Unlike the talentless losers that stayed behind. Reason being, they can’t hack it in the real world. No one likes a loser. Close the doors & turn out the lights. You fuckers are done.

Hey buddy, I said I was sorry for fucking your ole lady while you were out on business. She needed help moving a box in and next thing I know, she was begging for my 3rd leg to split her open. Again, I’m sorry and it won’t have anymore (this week) and you have my word. BTW she definitely can work them hips and loves to be choke stroked. Smack her on the ass and tell her Wild Willie says hey! Thanks pal!